







汉语拼音:huò shí






  1. 有时。

    《史记·汲郑列传》:“丞相 弘 燕见,上或时不冠。”《后汉书·朱穆传》:“及壮耽学,鋭意讲诵,或时思至,不自知亡失衣冠,颠队阬岸。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二:“或时看到闹处,不觉心痒,口里漏出着把来指手画脚教人,定是寻常想不到的妙着。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十四:“那帘内或时巧囀鶯喉,唱一两句词儿。”



  1. That is why your cat will lay on the newspaper or a book as you are reading it, or on your computer as you are trying to work.


  2. But this method occupies the special sub-carriers or time slots and then reduces the system spectrum efficiency and data transmission rate.


  3. However, you can also crop a clip after you've added it to your movie by selecting it in the clip viewer or timeline viewer.


  4. Select the clip you want to crop by clicking it in the Clips pane, clip viewer, or timeline viewer.


  5. It can be time-invariant or time variant, causal or non causal, linear or nonlinear.


  6. Select the clip that contains the effect you want to change in the clip viewer or timeline viewer.


  7. To set or maintain the tempo, speed, or duration of:


  1. 或时时刻刻觉得不方便,很难习惯等。

    Or feel nogo momently, very difficult habit.

  2. 时或有客来访。

    Sometimes we have guests.

  3. 梦中,时或喊而恐慌。

    In the dreams, sometimes you cry to be panic.

  4. 未成熟时或过熟时, 果肉有毒。

    Flesh is poisonous when unripe or overripe.

  5. 备生病时或退休后用的积蓄

    a cushion of savings against sickness or retirement

  6. 当你打喷嚏时或吐痰时要用手帕。

    When he sneezes or spits, he a handkerchief.

  7. 太阳在子午线上方之时或之点。

    The time or point in the suns path at which the sun is on the local meridian.

  8. 在问候或告别时或作为表示同意时紧握

    To clasp in greeting or leavetaking or as a sign of agreement.

  9. 基督徒在出生时或洗礼时被给予的名。

    The first name given to Christians at birth or christening.

  10. 时或令我为难的, 是我的亲戚和我的关系。

    It is my relation with my relation that I sometimes find embarrassing.

  11. 晚上在看电视时或玩游戏时教中文。

    At night in casual setting while watching TV or playing games teach me chinese.

  12. 在遭到攻击时或过后进行反击的能力。

    The ability to retaliate during or after an attack.

  13. 撤退, 面对敌军进攻时或失败后的军事撤退

    retreat of a military force in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat

  14. 然后在部署时或配置时选择消息传递模型。

    The messaging model is then chosen at deployment or configuration time.

  15. 他们出生时或男或女,就将成为其性别。

    Their sex at birth, female and male, is becoming their gender.

  16. 薄荷植物的叶子, 新鲜时或制成糖果使用。

    the leaves of a mint plant used fresh or candied.

  17. 遇到快钻时或钻进放空都要检查溢流。

    All drilling breaks are to be flow checked.

  18. 吃时或上桌时不加黄油,肉汁或其它配料的

    Eaten or served without butter, gravy, or other garnish

  19. 公共语言运行时或宿主进程将终止线程。

    The common language runtime or a host process terminates the thread.

  20. 第二天,常用于过去时或过去将来时的句子中。

    He said he would come to see me the next day.

  21. 减少疲惫时 岩块松垮时或失足时坠落的长度。

    To reduce the length of a fall due to fatigue, loose rock or a slip.

  22. 大多数飓风出现在落叶以前,暴雨之时或暴雨之后。

    Most hurricanes occur before leaf drop and during or following heavy rains.

  23. 要保存或撤消时

    When you want to save or undo

  24. 这个动作可以在午餐时或在即时通讯工具上做。

    This can be done over lunch or on the instant messaging boards.

  25. 见面或分手时招呼语

    good day

  26. 站立或行走时要直。

    Stand and walk straight.

  27. 在守丧或送葬时痛哭

    keen at wakes or funerals

  28. 无论是患病或健康时

    in sickness and in health

  29. 高空飞翔时或在太空中穿的一种膨胀的衣服。

    An inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying.

  30. 它可以是可撤销的或是不可撤销的,可旋转时或价值。

    It can be revocable or irrevocable and can revolve in relation to time or value.