







汉语拼音:shén jì







  1. 见“ 神迹 ”。

  2. 同“ 神迹 ”。

  3. 亦作“ 神跡 ”。亦作“ 神蹟 ”。神灵的事迹;灵异的现象。

    晋 陆机 《汉高祖功臣颂》:“游精杳漠,神迹是寻。”一本作“ 神跡 ”。 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·萨他泥湿伐罗国》:“城西北四五里,有窣堵波……中有如来舍利一升,光明时照,神迹多端。”《太平天囯文书汇编·天王诏书·赐英国全权特使额尔金诏》:“神蹟权能言不尽,早到天堂可悟之。” 胡适 《<西游记>考证》二:“况且 玄奘 本是一个伟大的宗教家,他的游记里有许多事实,如沙漠幻景及鬼火之类,虽然都有理性的解释,在他自己和别的信徒的眼里,自然都是‘灵异’,都是‘神迹’。”



  1. The Establishment of the day did not like this incident in any way and even put the man out of the synagogue (v. 34).


  2. The face of the sky you know how to discern, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.


  3. You brought your people Israel out of Egypt with signs and wonders, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with great terror.


  4. His miracle on this day was just a little taste of why he had come into this world.


  5. who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the LORD sent him to do in Egypt--to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land.


  6. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.


  7. If it is to be a great miracle, the condition is not difficulty but impossibility.


  8. And others, trying [him], sought of him a sign from heaven.


  9. He was supposed to have worked miracles, or what seemed such, sometimes by magic, sometimes by means of his scientific knowledge.


  1. 我们亲眼目睹的神迹。

    About the miracle we witnessed.

  2. 真是神迹啊!他被抓住了!

    It's a miracle! He's been caught!

  3. 求你重显神迹,重行奇事。

    Renew thy signs, and work new miracles.

  4. 这些人不相信神力和神迹。

    These people don't believe in magic or sign.

  5. 犹太人要神迹, 希腊人求智慧

    The Jews require a sign, and thc Greeks seek after wisdom

  6. 你是我的天使么,行所有神迹的天使?

    Are you an angel with all of your wonder?

  7. 神正要在你的人生施行神迹!

    And, God is in the process of doing miracles in your life today also!

  8. 神正要在你得人生施行神迹!

    And, God is in the process of doing miracles in your life today also!

  9. 他求神行一个史无前例的神迹。

    He asked for a miracle that had never happened before.

  10. 神的爱带来了神迹, 米雪上。

    Miracles happen through Gods love. Michelle. Here it is.

  11. 神得爱带来了神迹,米雪上。

    Miracles happen through Gods love. Michelle. Here it is.

  12. 犹太人是要神迹, 希腊人是求智慧。

    For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom

  13. 这种精神是通过一定的神迹实现的。

    This spirit is achieved through certain signs.

  14. 转念一想,我想他也彰显了神迹。

    On second thought, I guess he did do miracles.

  15. 祂行神迹的能力,显示耶稣是神的儿子。

    His miraculous power demonstrated that Jesus was the Son of God.

  16. 我们要提醒自己,神有能力行神迹。

    And we have to remind ourselves that God has the power to do miraculous things.

  17. 十二月是人们庆祝神迹的月份。

    December is a month when people celebrate miracles.

  18. 犹太人是要神迹, 希利尼人是求智慧,

    Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom

  19. 你手里要拿这杖, 好行神迹。

    And take in your hand this rod with which you will do the signs.

  20. 什麽是耶稣的四个弥赛亚神迹?

    What were the four Messianic Miracles of Jesus?

  21. 犹太人是求神迹, 希利尼人是寻求智慧,

    For indeed Jews require signs and Greeks seek wisdom

  22. 你看见没有,神正在这里行一个神迹。

    For you see, God was doing a miracle inside that house!

  23. 然后我将不断地在埃及显现神迹。

    Then will I show sign after sign and portent after portent in the land of Egypt

  24. 耶稣向犹太人引用先知约拿的神迹。

    Jesus talks Jonah the prophet as a sign to his Jewish hearers.

  25. 生命中得神迹,就是从绝望中找到希望。

    The biggest miracle in life is to find hope in hopelessness.

  26. 那天我经历了一个神迹 我活下来了

    I was given the gift of a miracle, of not dying that day.

  27. 生命中的神迹, 就是从绝望中找到希望。

    The biggest miracle in life is to find hope in hopelessness.

  28. 她儿子是一种神迹之类的小孩。

    Was a kind of miracle child.

  29. 神迹, 启示上帝的权力, 能力, 显现或面貌

    The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.

  30. 耶稣的工作包括教导、行神迹、训练门徒。

    His work included teaching, miracle working, and disciplining.


  1. 问:神迹拼音怎么拼?神迹的读音是什么?神迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神迹的读音是,神迹翻译成英文是 miraculous sign

  2. 问:神迹奇事拼音怎么拼?神迹奇事的读音是什么?神迹奇事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神迹奇事的读音是shénjìqíshì,神迹奇事翻译成英文是 Signs and Wonders