







汉语拼音:bēi míng








  1. 指动物的哀叫。

    《楚辞·九辩》:“鴈廱廱而南游兮,鵾鸡啁哳而悲鸣。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水五》:“山下常有白马羣行,悲鸣则 河 决,驰走则山崩。” 姚雪垠 《长夜》四:“管家骑的马振一下红鬃,抬起头,迎着风怅然凝望,发一声萧萧悲鸣。”

  2. 指物体发声悲哀。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《高唐赋》:“纤条悲鸣,声似竽籟。”

  3. 悲愤痛哭。

    邓实 《谢皋羽<晞发集>后序》:“谈胜国事,輒悲鸣不胜,所为诗文,多廋词隐语,人莫能识,而大抵皆伤心之作。”



  1. Shion: holy temple cry for loosing the cosmo of Athena. . . I said, the real battle started just now.


  2. But the cry was echoing round the alley, echoing inside his head, there was something about it that sounded almost human.


  3. It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.


  4. This was what broke the heart of Jesus as He cried, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? "


  5. It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly.


  6. No, they just keep it up, the puffing and strutting and moaning and charging with their expressions fierce under orange eyebrows.


  7. A military helicopter hovered overhead, its emergency siren howling over the roar of its blades.


  8. Dark earth as if the soul lament.


  9. Megatron lets out a long, high cry of protest as, with the anchor destroyed, the beam is broken.


  1. 听着风悲鸣

    And listens to the wind blow.

  2. 这黑暗中的悲鸣

    This mournful sound of darkness

  3. 漆黑大地好似灵魂悲鸣。

    Dark earth as if the soul lament.

  4. 让飞机在上空盘旋悲鸣。

    Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead.

  5. 我悠扬的笛音在悲鸣。

    At the sorrow of my sweet pipings.

  6. 母树会为它的色度悲鸣。

    The parent tree will mourn its shade.

  7. 一个萨克斯管在幕后悲鸣

    A saxophone moaned in the background.

  8. 母树会为它得色度悲鸣。

    The parent tree will mourn its shade.

  9. 秋蝉的悲鸣宣告了秋天的来临。

    The wail of harvest flies announces that autumn is coming.

  10. 秋蝉得悲鸣宣告了秋天得来临。

    The wail of harvest flies announces that autumn is coming.

  11. 秋蝉的悲鸣宣告了秋天的来临。

    The wail of harvest flies announces that autumn is coming.

  12. 当稀薄空气使脚踝发出悲鸣

    when the air leave sadden the ankle.

  13. 让直升飞机在头顶盘旋悲鸣

    Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead

  14. 纸箱里发出一声长长得悲鸣。

    A long plaintive wail emanated from the cardboard box.

  15. 纸箱里发出一声长长的悲鸣。

    A long plaintive wail emanated from the cardboard box.

  16. 悲鸣从咬紧的牙缝中挤出。

    I moaned through clenched teeth.

  17. 我发出一声悲鸣,就像一声嚎叫。

    A loud sob broke out of me, like a bark.

  18. 森林里的树木在风中呼呼悲鸣。

    The trees of the forest sighed in the wind.

  19. 死亡的信仰与忠贞告别哀泣悲鸣的眷恋

    Belief in death and loyalty departed from moaning and screaming

  20. 看着鱼苗,我仿佛听到了它们在悲鸣。

    Seeing fish fry, I seem to have heard them in Beiming.

  21. 我想你以前也听到过失败者的悲鸣

    I suppose you've heard losers whine before

  22. 白色的冰原上,一匹奔跑的灰色悲鸣之狼。

    House Stark of Winterfell A running grey direwolf, on an icewhite field.

  23. 你听来似在悲叹, 一只如鸽悲鸣的蝶。

    It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.

  24. 可怜的燕子只有在悲鸣中到处寻觅安身之地。

    Swallow poor lament only to find shelter in place everywhere.

  25. 听起来像在叹伤,一只如同鸽悲鸣的蝴蝶。

    it sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.

  26. 你听起来像在悲叹,一只如歌悲鸣的蝴蝶。

    The sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.

  27. 我是一只迁徒的候鸟,用文字记录自己的悲鸣。

    I just a migrate bird, write down the lament with my life!

  28. 你听起来像在悲叹,一只如同鸽悲鸣的蝴蝶。

    it sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooinglike a dove.

  29. 你听起来像在哀叹,一只好像鸽悲鸣的蝴蝶。

    It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.

  30. 人们伴随着空中警报的悲鸣来哀悼地震中的死难者。

    People mourn China earthquake dead with air sirens wailing in grief.


  1. 问:悲鸣拼音怎么拼?悲鸣的读音是什么?悲鸣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悲鸣的读音是bēimíng,悲鸣翻译成英文是 utter sad calls; lament; bemoan



[汉语拼音] bēi míng

【注音】ㄅㄟ ㄇㄧㄥˊ[英文]bemoan;lament;utter sad calls[基本解释][bemoan;lament;utter sad calls] 悲伤地叫绝望的悲鸣