







汉语拼音:guāi lì







  1. 抵触;不一致。

    《史记·天官书》:“三能色齐,君臣和;不齐,为乖戾。” 唐 韦表微 《池州夫子庙麟台》诗:“圣与时合,化行位尊。苟或乖戾,身穷道存。”《明史·西域传四·哈烈》:“亲者尚尔乖戾,疏者安得协和。” 清 钱大昕 《十驾斋养新录·孔融传误》:“ 蔚宗 杂采它书,往往自乖戾如此。”

  2. 悖谬;不合情理。

    唐 杜牧 《上宰相求湖州第一启》:“即是本末重轻,颠倒乖戾,莫过於此。” 元 李治 《敬斋古今黈》卷四:“以人情度之,殆为乖戾。” 丁玲 《梦珂》:“她是写得非常委婉、恳挚,说自己是如何辜负了姑母的好意,如何不得不姑息着自己的乖戾的性格的苦衷,她是必得开始她的游荡生涯,她走了。”



  1. I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit.


  2. He was a model of a gaoler : surly , and dumb , and deaf to every attempt at moving his sense of justice or compassion .


  3. All our love lives follow predictable cycles. You know, like that buddy of yours who seems to always date the abusive man.


  4. But in Paris, where grumpiness is the socially approved mode, the smiles are shocking, as if someone had just put LSD in the wine supply.


  5. Indeed, whereas a young curmudgeon has no heart, an old idealist has no head.


  6. He had missed his daughter sorely , and was deeply sorry that he had married such a spiteful and cross-grained Queen .


  7. So I'm just going to lie low and if you need me, please be understanding if I'm a bit grumpy today.


  8. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.


  9. He had to run the country, too, and wrestle with a fractious congress at every point to get things done.


  1. 她性情乖戾。

    There is a warp in her nature.

  2. 他的行为乖戾。

    He's so twisted.

  3. 难对付的乖戾的

    Troublesome to deal with contrary.

  4. 他喜怒无常,任性乖戾。

    He was moody and petulant.

  5. 笨拙的,粗鲁的和乖戾的

    Clumsy, boorish, and surly.

  6. 他有时候的确很乖戾,

    Its true he may be a little surly,

  7. 他有乖戾的怀旧情结。

    He's got a warped sense of nostalgia.

  8. 德国人太乖戾了吗?

    Cermans Are Too Grumpy?

  9. 粗暴, 乖戾, 令人难以接近。

    brusque and surly and forbidding.

  10. 肆意侮谩, 语多乖戾

    Resort to unbridled insults and vilifications and use absurd and offensive language

  11. 乖戾。尖刻性情等的尖酸刻薄

    Sourness, as of disposition.

  12. 乖戾, 不依不饶的老女人。

    A surly unforgiving old woman.

  13. 她举止乖戾,一定是发疯了。

    She must be out of her mind, to act in that way.

  14. 年老使我的性格变得乖戾。

    Old age had crabbed my nature.

  15. 她相貌平常, 为人刁恶, 性情乖戾。

    She was plain, spiteful, and surly.

  16. 那老人因贫困而变得乖戾了。

    The old man has been soured by.

  17. 性情上易怒的和刚愎的脾气乖戾的

    Irritable and perverse in dispositionill tempered.

  18. 他乖戾的脾气使这个聚会变得。

    His sour spirits put a damper on the gathering.

  19. 杰德是一个性情乖戾的老头。

    Jed is a crusty old man.

  20. 杰德是一个性情乖戾得老头。

    Jed is a crusty old man.

  21. 生意失败使他得心情变乖戾。

    He was soured by a business failure.

  22. 生意失败使他的心情变乖戾。

    He was soured by a business failure.

  23. 长期得孤身生活会使人得性格变得乖戾。

    Years of living alone may warp one's personality.

  24. 长期的孤身生活会使人的性格变得乖戾。

    Years of living alone may warp one's personality.

  25. 这两人都性情乖戾, 但都认为他们会合作。

    Both men are grumpy, but both reckon they will cope.

  26. 罗伯特往椅背一靠, 闷声不响, 几近乖戾。

    Robert leaned back in his chair quiet and almost surly.

  27. 罗伯特往椅背一靠, 闷声不响, 十分乖戾。

    Robert leaned back in his chair quiet and almost surly.

  28. 那个性情乖戾的人对什么事都要找岔。

    The grumpy man found fault with everything.

  29. 那个性情乖戾得人对什么事都要找岔。

    The grumpy man found fault with everything.

  30. 在性格乖戾之人或老年人之间很难产生友谊。

    Between sour and elderly people friendship arises less readily.


  1. 问:乖戾拼音怎么拼?乖戾的读音是什么?乖戾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乖戾的读音是guāilì,乖戾翻译成英文是 twisted

  2. 问:乖戾的拼音怎么拼?乖戾的的读音是什么?乖戾的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乖戾的的读音是,乖戾的翻译成英文是 crabby



【词语】:乖戾 [verjuice]

【注音】:guāi lì
