







汉语拼音:qún zhòng










  1. 亦作“群眾”。

    1.众人;民众。《荀子·劝学》:“羣众不能移也。”《史记·礼书》:“宰制万物,役使羣众。” 宋 王安石 《虔州学记》:“尚可以鼓舞羣众,使有以异於后世之人。” 毛泽东 《在中国共产党全国代表会议上的讲话》:“有了不起的作用的还是群众。”

  2. 指不担任领导职务的人。

  3. 指没有加入共产党、共青团组织的人。



  1. Fulbright's campaign encountered no little resistance from people who disagreed with him on the war or thought he was out of touch, or both.

  2. Two months later the crowd found a leader in a thirty-year-old Irish-born small businessman named Denis Kearney.

  3. And when Jesus had crossed over again in the boat to the other side, a great crowd gathered to Him, and He was beside the sea.

  4. the atmosphere might be as much like a carnival as a church service, with sellers of alcohol roaming freely among the crowds.

  5. with such creatures for the industrial masses , and the upper classes as she knew them , there was no hope , no hope any more.

  6. There was sort of a standstill in Britain the day, or the moment of her death, and people decided to mourn her death in a sort of mass way.

  7. 1 And soon afterward He went into a city called Nain, and His disciples went with Him, as well as a large crowd.

  8. We have to go out of a camera, one of the masses, Oh is Taiwan's Henan Province, central Taiwan is not.

  9. They resolved that if the groups occupying the city's main plaza did not leave, that they would be removed by force.


  1. 开展群众运动

    unfold a mass movement.

  2. 群众欣喜若狂。

    The crowd went wild with delight.

  3. 群众的呼声

    popular cry.

  4. 暴乱的群众

    a riotous crowd.

  5. 使群众分心

    turn a stampede.

  6. 伫候的群众

    the expectant crowds.

  7. 无知的群众

    The uninformed public.

  8. 为群众祝福

    to bless the multitude.

  9. 群众英雄观

    masses hero standpoint.

  10. 无数的群众

    millions of the masses.

  11. 举行群众集会

    hold a mass rally.

  12. 要相信群众。

    We must have faith in the masses.

  13. 深入群众中。

    Immerse oneself among the masses.

  14. 不信教群众

    those who do not believe in a religion.

  15. 群众体育运动

    mass sports activity.

  16. 煽动群众暴动

    incite a crowd to riot.

  17. 煽动群众暴乱

    to incite a crowd to riot.

  18. 广大人民群众

    broad masses of the people.

  19. 人民群众侦察

    reconnaissance by the masses

  20. 华侨华人群众

    masses of the overseas Chinese

  21. 关心群众疾苦

    help alleviate their hardships.

  22. 深入群众之中

    immerse oneself among the masses.

  23. 放手发动群众

    go all out to mobilize the masses.

  24. 广大基层群众

    the broad masses at the basic level.

  25. 群众体育俱乐部

    mass sports clubs

  26. 警察驱散群众。

    The police dispersed the crowd.

  27. 采纳群众建议

    accept suggestions made by the masses

  28. 倾听群众意见

    listen to the opinions of the masses.

  29. 群众激动万分。

    The crowd is mad with excitement!

  30. 群众大为兴奋。

    The crowd tingled with excitement.


  1. 问:群众拼音怎么拼?群众的读音是什么?群众翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众的读音是qúnzhòng,群众翻译成英文是 the masses

  2. 问:群众关系拼音怎么拼?群众关系的读音是什么?群众关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众关系的读音是qúnzhòngguānxi,群众关系翻译成英文是 one's relations or ties with other people...

  3. 问:群众组织拼音怎么拼?群众组织的读音是什么?群众组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众组织的读音是qúnzhòngzǔzhī,群众组织翻译成英文是 a mass organizationass; a non-governmental or...

  4. 问:群众路线拼音怎么拼?群众路线的读音是什么?群众路线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众路线的读音是qúnzhònglùxiàn,群众路线翻译成英文是 the mass line; be close to people

  5. 问:群众运动拼音怎么拼?群众运动的读音是什么?群众运动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众运动的读音是qúnzhòngyùndòng,群众运动翻译成英文是 a mass movement; a mass campaign

  6. 问:群众会议拼音怎么拼?群众会议的读音是什么?群众会议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众会议的读音是,群众会议翻译成英文是 mass-meeting

  7. 问:群众体育拼音怎么拼?群众体育的读音是什么?群众体育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众体育的读音是qún zhòng tǐ yù,群众体育翻译成英文是 mass sports

  8. 问:群众心理拼音怎么拼?群众心理的读音是什么?群众心理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众心理的读音是qún zhòng xīn lǐ,群众心理翻译成英文是 crowd mind

  9. 问:群众意识拼音怎么拼?群众意识的读音是什么?群众意识翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众意识的读音是qún zhòng yì shí,群众意识翻译成英文是 mass consciousness

  10. 问:群众感染拼音怎么拼?群众感染的读音是什么?群众感染翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众感染的读音是qún zhòng gǎn rǎn,群众感染翻译成英文是 mass contagion

  11. 问:群众煽动拼音怎么拼?群众煽动的读音是什么?群众煽动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众煽动的读音是,群众煽动翻译成英文是 demagoguery

  12. 问:群众现象拼音怎么拼?群众现象的读音是什么?群众现象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众现象的读音是qún zhòng xiàn xiàng,群众现象翻译成英文是 mass phenomena

  13. 问:群众管制拼音怎么拼?群众管制的读音是什么?群众管制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众管制的读音是qún zhòng guǎn zhì,群众管制翻译成英文是 mass control

  14. 问:群众纪律拼音怎么拼?群众纪律的读音是什么?群众纪律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众纪律的读音是qúnzhòngjìlǜ,群众纪律翻译成英文是 discipline in relations with the masses

  15. 问:群众行为拼音怎么拼?群众行为的读音是什么?群众行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众行为的读音是qún zhòng xíng wéi,群众行为翻译成英文是 crowd behavior

  16. 问:群众集会拼音怎么拼?群众集会的读音是什么?群众集会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众集会的读音是qún zhòng jí huì,群众集会翻译成英文是 mass meeting

  17. 问:群众出版社拼音怎么拼?群众出版社的读音是什么?群众出版社翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众出版社的读音是Qúnzhòng Chūbǎnshè,群众出版社翻译成英文是 The Mass Press

  18. 问:群众心理学拼音怎么拼?群众心理学的读音是什么?群众心理学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众心理学的读音是qún zhòng xīn lǐ xué,群众心理学翻译成英文是 crowd psychology

  19. 问:群众性练兵拼音怎么拼?群众性练兵的读音是什么?群众性练兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众性练兵的读音是qún zhòng xìng liàn bīng,群众性练兵翻译成英文是 Mass Military Training

  20. 问:群众煽动家拼音怎么拼?群众煽动家的读音是什么?群众煽动家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:群众煽动家的读音是,群众煽动家翻译成英文是 demagog



“群众”是个多义词,它可以指群众(1928年美国电影), 群众(汉语词语), 群众(中国共产党机关刊物), 群众(中共党史出版社出版图书)。