




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:péng dà








  1. 胀大。

    鲁迅 《两地书·致许广平六二》:“这里颇多小蛇,常见被打死着,顎部多不膨大,大抵是没有什么毒的。”



  1. Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, dilated at staminal insertion, lobes overlapping to left or to right.

  2. Staminodes of same color as sepals, not black-brown, glabrous, distinctly differentiated into a claw and an expanded limb.

  3. The best time for most grafting is when the buds are beginning to swell in spring.

  4. The reason why the early spring arch shed water melon expands slowly and measures to cope with it.

  5. We may do it in an opposite way, larger the size of the food but lower the energy density.

  6. cone scales shield-shaped, apically grooved, expanded into a rhomboid disc, occasionally with central mucro.

  7. Inflorescence a short dense head, subtended by an inflated leaf sheath with rudimentary blade.

  8. The nucleus of previtellogenic oocyte had become markedly swollen, and was named specially as germinal vesicle.

  9. He had been following the development of gill arches, swellings around the base of the embryonic head, in mammals and reptiles.


  1. 浆果膨大期

    Berry expansion period.

  2. 根状茎膨大

    Rhizome development.

  3. 膨大性内障

    intumescent cataract.

  4. 膨大的根中包含鱼藤酮。

    The swollen roots contain rotenone.

  5. 龟头,阴茎前端膨大的部分者也。

    The glans penis frontend swollen part, also.

  6. 后腹腔膨大的淋巴结也被发现。

    Enlarged lymph nodes were noted in the retroperitoneum.

  7. 马或牛膝关节滑液囊膨大

    capped knee

  8. 花柱基浅圆锥形, 基部膨大, 波动

    Stylopodium lowconic, base dilated, undulate

  9. 眼珠暴突的具有带有膨大的瞳孔的眼睛的

    Having eyes with greatly distended pupils.

  10. 钾对番红花球茎膨大的促进效应

    Effect of potassium on corms expansion of saffron

  11. 种子珠柄而不是膨大的在基部。

    Seed funicle not inflated at base.

  12. 死后剖解, 找到膨大的瘤胃或皱胃

    On post mortem find distended rumen or abomasum

  13. 死后剖解,找到膨大得瘤胃或皱胃

    On post mortem find distended rumen or abomasum.

  14. 萼筒长而膨大, 筒上有紫红色条筋。

    Calyx tube length and expand, there is amaranthine vitta anything resembling a tendon or vein on the canister.

  15. 茎竖立,粗壮,多分枝,节部膨大。

    The bine is erect, brawny, much more ramose, division department expand.

  16. 钾对番红花球茎膨大的生理生态效应

    Physiological and ecological effects of potassium on expansion of crocus corm

  17. 膨大剂对玫瑰香果粒膨大及其品质的影响

    Effect of growth regulators on berry size and quality of Muscat Hamburg

  18. 郁金香鳞茎的膨大发育及其山地复壮研究

    Studies on the Bulb Development and Rejuvenation of Tulip

  19. 结果每例脊髓均有1支腰膨大动脉

    Results An artery of Adamkiewicz was found in all 32 cadavers.

  20. 在果实最后膨大期以前内果皮变硬。

    The endocarp is hardened before the final swell.

  21. 托杯倒圆锥形, 大约2。5毫米, 顶部膨大。

    Hypanthium obconical, ca. 2. 5 mm, apical part ampliate.

  22. 正是这些贷款 使泡沫飞速膨大,造成了经济危机。

    These were the loans that hyperinflated the bubble and produced the economic crisis.

  23. 大多数嫁接的最好时期是春天芽开始膨大的时候。

    The best time for most grafting is when the buds are beginning to swell in spring.

  24. 授粉和处理后的母本穗大多有子房膨大。

    After the treatments, most of the heads had expanded ovaries.

  25. 不育的花通常具1膨大的萼片,瓣状,边缘全缘。

    Sterile flowers usually with1 expanded sepal, petaloid, margin entire.

  26. 枝圆柱状到方形,节间稍膨大,具皮孔。

    Branches terete to quadrate, internodes slightly dilate, lenticellate.

  27. 就算我们那时只是无耻的自我膨大, 是挺好玩的。

    Even if most of what we did was blatant godmodding and gratuitous egoflaunting, it was fun.

  28. 不育雌蕊具纤细雌蕊柄,膨大的先端,长约1。4毫米。

    Sterile pistil with slender gynophore, apex inflated, ca.1.4 mm.

  29. 家兔脊髓长下行固有束至腰膨大的投射

    The Projection from the Long Descending Propriospinal Tract to the Lumbar Enlargement in the Rabbit

  30. 结果表明嫁接能够促进果实膨大,中果肉厚度增加。

    The results indicated that fruit enlarging and thick of the middle part of mesocarp were increased by grafting.


  1. 问:膨大拼音怎么拼?膨大的读音是什么?膨大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大的读音是péngdà,膨大翻译成英文是 to expand; to inflate

  2. 问:膨大的拼音怎么拼?膨大的的读音是什么?膨大的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大的的读音是péng dà de,膨大的翻译成英文是 dilatateintumescentinflatedventricose

  3. 问:膨大笔石拼音怎么拼?膨大笔石的读音是什么?膨大笔石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大笔石的读音是péngdàbǐshí,膨大笔石翻译成英文是 Expansograptus

  4. 问:膨大细胞拼音怎么拼?膨大细胞的读音是什么?膨大细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大细胞的读音是péng dà xì bāo,膨大细胞翻译成英文是 cystite

  5. 问:膨大隔壁拼音怎么拼?膨大隔壁的读音是什么?膨大隔壁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大隔壁的读音是péng dà gé bì,膨大隔壁翻译成英文是 dilated septum

  6. 问:膨大鞘藻拼音怎么拼?膨大鞘藻的读音是什么?膨大鞘藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大鞘藻的读音是péngdàqiàozǎo,膨大鞘藻翻译成英文是 Oedogonium tumidulum

  7. 问:膨大前嵴蚌拼音怎么拼?膨大前嵴蚌的读音是什么?膨大前嵴蚌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大前嵴蚌的读音是,膨大前嵴蚌翻译成英文是 Turgid riffle shell

  8. 问:膨大前沟藻拼音怎么拼?膨大前沟藻的读音是什么?膨大前沟藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大前沟藻的读音是péngdàqiángōuzǎo,膨大前沟藻翻译成英文是 Amphidnium inflatum

  9. 问:膨大变胞藻拼音怎么拼?膨大变胞藻的读音是什么?膨大变胞藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大变胞藻的读音是péngdàbiànbāozǎo,膨大变胞藻翻译成英文是 Astasia inflata

  10. 问:膨大囊裸藻拼音怎么拼?膨大囊裸藻的读音是什么?膨大囊裸藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大囊裸藻的读音是péngdànángluǒzǎo,膨大囊裸藻翻译成英文是 Trachelomonas inflata

  11. 问:膨大圆筛藻拼音怎么拼?膨大圆筛藻的读音是什么?膨大圆筛藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大圆筛藻的读音是péngdàyuánshāizǎo,膨大圆筛藻翻译成英文是 Coscinodiscus turgidus

  12. 问:膨大墨角藻拼音怎么拼?膨大墨角藻的读音是什么?膨大墨角藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大墨角藻的读音是péngdàmòjiǎozǎo,膨大墨角藻翻译成英文是 Fucus inflatus

  13. 问:膨大新月藻拼音怎么拼?膨大新月藻的读音是什么?膨大新月藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大新月藻的读音是péngdàxīnyuèzǎo,膨大新月藻翻译成英文是 Closterium turgidum

  14. 问:膨大桥弯藻拼音怎么拼?膨大桥弯藻的读音是什么?膨大桥弯藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大桥弯藻的读音是péngdàqiáowānzǎo,膨大桥弯藻翻译成英文是 Cymbella turgida

  15. 问:膨大真管螺拼音怎么拼?膨大真管螺的读音是什么?膨大真管螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大真管螺的读音是péngdàzhēnguǎnluó,膨大真管螺翻译成英文是 Euphaedusa tumefaciens sp.; nov.

  16. 问:膨大窗纹藻拼音怎么拼?膨大窗纹藻的读音是什么?膨大窗纹藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大窗纹藻的读音是péngdàchuāngwénzǎo,膨大窗纹藻翻译成英文是 Epithemia turgida

  17. 问:膨大肾形虫拼音怎么拼?膨大肾形虫的读音是什么?膨大肾形虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大肾形虫的读音是péng dà shèn xíng chóng,膨大肾形虫翻译成英文是 Colpoda inflata

  18. 问:膨大褐壳藻拼音怎么拼?膨大褐壳藻的读音是什么?膨大褐壳藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大褐壳藻的读音是péngdàhèkézǎo,膨大褐壳藻翻译成英文是 Palfsia expansa

  19. 问:膨大革孔菌拼音怎么拼?膨大革孔菌的读音是什么?膨大革孔菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大革孔菌的读音是péngdàgékǒngjūn,膨大革孔菌翻译成英文是 Coriolopsis strumosa

  20. 问:膨大龙骨藻拼音怎么拼?膨大龙骨藻的读音是什么?膨大龙骨藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膨大龙骨藻的读音是péngdàlónggǔzǎo,膨大龙骨藻翻译成英文是 Tropidoneis gibberula



词目膨大 拼音péng dà 基本解释 [swell;inflate] 胀大 详细解释 胀大 鲁迅 两地书·致许广平六二这里颇多小蛇常见被打死着颚部多不膨大大抵是没有什么毒的