如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 缩 [suō]2. 缩 [sù]缩 [suō]向后退,往回收:退~。畏~。~手(喻不敢再做下去)。~手~脚(喻做事顾虑多,不大胆)。由大变小,由长变短:收~。伸~。压~。~减。~小。~编。~微(指利用照相技术等把文字图像缩成极小的胶卷……
汉语拼音:suō xiǎo
《释名·释亲属》:“叟,老者称也。叟,缩也,人及物老,皆缩小於旧也。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·异事》:“﹝ 吕縉叔 ﹞忽得疾,但缩小,临终仅如小儿。” 明 陆深 《传疑录·汉儒十二辰解》:“酉者犹缩之义,此月时物皆缩小而成也,故谓之酉。” 清 百一居士 《壶天录》卷下:“春夏之交,潮汛泛涨,或於漕船北上,河水缩小,大王皆先期而至。” 何其芳 《云》:“他们家缩小为一束农具。”
Medium of dark at the time that noodles contract, the dark noodles in the reality has already had already extend.
媒体上的阴暗面缩小的时候,现实中的阴暗面便已扩大。We totally agree that at least we have to review the level of demonstration now at least about how we reduce and how much we reduce.
我们完全同意,现在至少必须考虑示威的程度,我们如何缩小范围,缩小多少。Tom sized up the situation, and decided to downsize his business, which turned out to be a wise decision.
汤姆审时度势,决定缩小企业规模,后来证明这是明智之举。Such a meal is not in any way designed to reduce your waistline, but it does fortify you against the icy blasts of a British winter.
它不是为了缩小你腰围的,而是为了让你能更好地抵御英国冬天的刺骨寒风。Files selected to be put into an archive (an alternate name for a ZIP file) are listed into a file structure, then deflated or compressed.
被选中放入归档(ZIP文件的另一个名称)中的文件都列在文件结构中,然后就被缩小或压缩了。As you adjust the plan to meet your budget, your finish date might be extended or your scope might decrease.
当调整计划以满足预算时,可能会导致结束日期延长或范围缩小。Similarly create more duplicates and scale down in decreasing order as shown in the image below.
继续复制多个图层,等比缩小,做成下面的这个样子。The Peacock wallet grows and shrinks depending on how much money its owner has.
孔雀钱包随着主人拥有的钱的多少而胀大缩小。Consequently, I plead you all to restrain from food these few days. After we have shrunk in size, there might be a chance to escape.