






1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……





汉语拼音:qióng jí sī biàn







  • 【解释】:指在穷困艰难的时候,就要想办法改变现状。


  1. na.
  2. One will start thinking about changes when he is in extreme poverty.

  1. 我们变穷了吗?

    So are we poor?

  2. 有些人变富有些人变穷。

    Some people will move up, some people will move down.

  3. 你有意见吗?,变穷,有意见。

    Do you mind? being poor? a little.

  4. 你有意见吗?,变穷,有意见。

    Do you mind? being poor? a little.

  5. 你有意见吗?,变穷,有意见。

    Do you mind? Being poor? A little.

  6. 但内部消息一定会让你变穷。

    But inside information is a sure way to poor house.

  7. 妻子气派仆人偷, 百万富翁也变穷。

    A nice wife and a back door, do often make a rich man poor.

  8. 你使你自己变穷假如你忘了这个工作。

    You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.

  9. 为付儿子的教育费用, 他们变穷了。

    They were beggared by trying to pay for their sons education.

  10. 总而言之,节俭使穷人变富,奢侈使富人变穷。

    In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor.

  11. 假如我们将那笔钱全部花光,我们又将变穷了。

    If we spend all that money, we shall be poor again.

  12. 将贵金属从一个国家运出都会使其变穷。

    Whatever sending the precious metals out of a country will impoverish it.

  13. 会费只增加10美分, 不会使任何会员变穷的。

    This increase in dues is only 10 cents. It will not impoverish any member.

  14. 如果我因为懒惰而变穷,他们是不会同情我的。

    If I become poor because of laziness, they won't feel sympathy for me.

  15. 那份文件使你父亲变穷, 但没有人知道为什么。

    That paper made your father poor, but nobody is to know about it.

  16. 从这些新数字本身来看,富人会感到自己变穷了。

    On their own, the new numbers suggest that the rich feel poorer.

  17. 而将贵金属从一个国家运出则会使其变穷。

    Whatever sent the precious metals out of a country impoverished it.

  18. 但是如果我们把所有钱都花光了,我们又会变穷的。

    But if we spend all that money we'll be poor again.

  19. 正像早些时候的东亚国家一样,美国和欧洲也变穷了。

    As in the east Asian countries earlier, America and Europe became poor.

  20. 于是穷国 变得更穷

    So the team that was the poorest had gotten even poorer.

  21. 是变得很穷,完蛋得意思。

    To go to the dogs.

  22. 他失业后,变得相当穷困。

    He has become quite badly off since he lost his job.

  23. 是变得很穷, 完蛋的意思。

    To go to the dogs.

  24. 非洲人在1990年代变得更穷了。

    People got poorer in Africa in the 1988s.

  25. 这样得话, 我们得子孙后代在未来并没有变得更穷。

    In this way, our children do not get poorer in the future.

  26. 这样的话,我们的子孙后代在未来并没有变得更穷。

    In this way, our children do not get poorer in the future.

  27. 如果现在削减开支导致以后国家变得更穷, 那意义又何在呢?

    What is the sense of cutting spending today if the result is a poorer country tomorrow?

  28. 穷则变,变则通。

    A diversity lead to prosperity.

  29. 易穷则变, 变则通, 通则久。

    Any circumstance hitting a limit will begin to change. Change will in turn lead to an unimpeded state, and then lead to continuity.

  30. 需要为勤勉之母。穷则变,变则通。

    Want is the mother of industry.