


1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……



汉语拼音:hái qǐng







  1. 被人请吃后回请对方。

    钱锺书 《围城》八:“来的客人里有几个是吃了不还请的。”



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  1. 但还请手下留情。

    Just take it easy on me.

  2. 我还请了芮佳娜

    I invited regina.

  3. 还请你的债务

    Pay off all your debts.

  4. 老板还请吃西瓜?

    Boss also please eat the watermelon!

  5. 馆舍破陋,还请客人见谅。

    Please excuse me, this is a shabby hotel.

  6. 馆舍破陋,还请客人见谅。

    Please excuse me, this is a shabby hotel.

  7. 有什么错误,还请你包涵。

    Please excuse any mistakes there may be.

  8. 有任何问题还请您赐教。

    Are there any issues that you please enlighten.

  9. 噢,你猜猜我还请了谁?

    Oh, and guess who I invited?

  10. 还请了人唱圣诞颂歌呢

    Oh, I love christmas carolers.

  11. 假如粪量不够还请自便!

    If mucky quantity still asks as one pleases not quite!

  12. 制定一个还请债务的计划。

    Come up with a plan for ditching your debt.

  13. 这点菲敬,还请您收下。

    Please accept my humble gift.

  14. 这点菲敬,还请您收下。

    Please accept my humble gift.

  15. 还请我喝了咖啡,我们交谈了。

    You bought me a cup of coffee, and we talked.

  16. 小孩子没礼数,还请您见谅。

    She is a child that knows no courtesy. Please forgive her.

  17. 说得不好还请大家见量!

    Said is not good also asks everybody to see the quantity!

  18. 说的不好还请大家见量!

    Said is not good also asks everybody to see the quantity!

  19. 还请了驾车技术精湛的车夫。

    And hires a very skilled driver.

  20. 关于这种保险, 还请你多多指教。

    And now, let me hear more about the problem of insureance.

  21. 我们照顾不周,还请台端海涵。

    If there is inconsideration on our part, we hope you won't take it personally.

  22. 我们照顾不周,还请台端海涵。

    If there is inconsideration on our part, we hope you won't take it personally.

  23. 在我出发之前, 还请给我些训诫

    In this I now set forth, admonish me.

  24. 小可才疏学浅,还请老夫子多多赐教。

    I have little talent and learning, please enlighten me with your instructions.

  25. 小可才疏学浅,还请老夫子多多赐教。

    I have little talent and learning, please enlighten me with your instructions.

  26. 申请之前, 还请您仔细参考申请条件。

    Please consult the full CONDITIONS OF ENTRY before applying.

  27. 为了您的健康,还请少贪杯盏。

    For the sake of your health, please don't drink too much wine.

  28. 为了您的健康,还请少贪杯盏。

    For the sake of your health, please don't drink too much wine.

  29. 上星期好象还请了一天假。

    I think he even took a day off last week.

  30. 此外, 还请参阅表关系指南一文。

    In addition, see the article Guide to table relationships.