







汉语拼音:qīng chéng







  1. 宋 斋宫名。一在 南薰门 外,为祭天斋宫,谓之 南青城 ;一在 封丘门 外,为祭地斋宫,谓之 北青城 。

    宋 吴自牧 《梦粱录·郊祀年驾宿青城端诚殿行郊祀礼》:“所谓 青城 ,止以青布为幕,画甃砌之文,旋结城闕。” 元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷七:“ 大梁城 南五里号 青城 ,乃 金国 初 粘罕 驻军受 宋 二帝降处。当时后妃皇族皆诣焉,因尽俘而北。后 天兴 末, 末帝 东迁, 崔立 以城降,北兵亦于 青城 下寨,而后妃内族復诣此地,多僇死,亦可怪也。” 清 钱谦益 《向言上》:“ 宋 之亡也以 青城 ,金之亡也亦以 青城 。”

  2. 指 青城山 。

    北周 庾信 《周车骑大将军贺娄公神道碑》:“ 青城 仙洞, 黄石 祠坛。” 唐 郑巢 《题崔中丞北斋》诗:“何年各无事,高论宿 青城 。” 宋 陆游 《玉笈斋书事》诗之二:“剩分松屑为山信,明日 青城 有使行。” 清 吴伟业 《佘山遇姚翁出所画花鸟见赠》诗:“只今来 白石 ,当日住 青城 。”



  1. As the first gateway to the Qingcheng Mountain, Shangqingcheng is the " International Protocol Zone of the Qingcheng Mountain" .


  2. The film's landscape and architecture also found inspiration from Mount Qingcheng, a renowned Taoist mountain.


  3. I would say Mt. Qing-cheng with its fresh air and great views.


  4. Conclusion: Qingcheng pasta has already shown good results in the treatment of eczema in earthquake zone.


  5. Chengdu has beautiful mountains. Qingchen Mountain, E Mei Mountain.


  6. Not far from Ju Yuan is Qingcheng Shan, the mountain site of Sichuan's oldest Taoist temple, a place of solace and contemplation.


  7. Meanwhile, Du Guangting is also researched into from another view through Qingcheng Mountain, and his poems.


  8. For generations, the temple has been maintained by the monks, many of whom come from nearby Mount Qingcheng, the birthplace of Taoism .


  9. Located in the south to dujiangyan qingcheng mountain, 66 kilometers away from chengdu.


  1. 青城山藻类植物初步研究

    An Initial Study on the Algae Species of the Qingcheng Mountain in Sichuan Province

  2. 青城山森林群落的数量分类

    Numerical Classification of Forest Community on Qingcheng Mountain

  3. 它位于青城山脚下,气候宜人。

    Qingcheng Mountain at the foot of it and a pleasant climate.

  4. 茶生青城丈人峰,为茶中上品

    Tea that grows on Qingcheng Mountain Zhangren Peak, is the top-rank of teas.

  5. 青城山旅游资源美感环境质量评价

    The Assessment of Aesthetic Perception Environment Quality of the Tourist Resource of Qingcheng Mountain

  6. 青城山森林植被物种多样性的研究

    Studies on Species Diversity of Forest Vegetation on Qingcheng Mountain

  7. 青城山山地黄壤形成特点及性状研究

    Study on Specific Property of Yellow Earth in Qingcheng Mountain

  8. 青城王对青城王妃得心意, 真正让人羡慕。

    The green city potentate truely makes people envy to the green city royal concubines purpose.

  9. 青城王对青城王妃的心意,真正让人羡慕。

    The green city potentate truely makes people envy to the green city royal concubines purpose.

  10. 朝廷镇压茶农起义后,殃及青城道茶。

    After the imperial government had suppressed the insurgence of tea peasants, the disaster was brought to the Qingcheng Taoist Tea.

  11. 除了大茶壶, 四川也以青城武术而闻名。

    Besides the big teapot, Sichuan is also famous for Qingcheng martial arts.

  12. 探讨甘肃榆中青城古镇保护模式与对策

    On protection mode and countermeasures for the old town of Qingcheng in Yuzhong of Gansu

  13. 青城山磁浮列车工程示范线高架桥设计

    The Demonstration Line Viaduct Design of Qingchengshan Magnetic Suspension Train Engineering

  14. 山内古木参天,群峰环抱,四季如春,故名青城山。

    Hill ancient trees surrounded Qunfeng, round spring, Gu Ming Qingcheng Mountain.

  15. 你可以在青城山享受清新的空气和宜人的风景。

    You can enjoy fresh air and great views in Mt. Qingcheng.

  16. 青城山森林植被常见种群种间联结性的研究

    Interspecific Association Between the Common Population in Forests on Qingcheng Mountain

  17. 青城山天然图画常绿阔叶林群落特征的初步研究

    The preliminary research on community character of evergreen broadleaved forest in Qingcheng Mountain

  18. 张陵在青城山炼丹时,收赵玄朗护卫丹室。

    Zhang Ling in Qingchengshan Alchemy, the resumption Cho Hyun guard Dan Long Room.

  19. 他是成都青城山武当派第五十三代掌门人。

    He is the 53th leader of the Chengdu Qingcheng Mountain Wudang Sect.

  20. 他是成都青城山武当派第五十三代掌门人。

    He is the 53 th leader of the Chengdu Qingcheng Mountain Wudang Sect.

  21. 青城山黄帝祠砖木古建筑震害数值仿真研究

    Numerical Simulation Study on an Ancient Building of Yellow Emperor Temple Built with Brick and Wood on Qingcheng Mountain

  22. 青城公园,满都海公园,乌兰夫纪念馆,内蒙古博物馆。

    Qingcheng Park all over the sea parks, Ulanhu Museum, the Museum of Inner Mongolia.

  23. 毕竟, 要带走一个青城王妃, 并不是一件容易的事。

    Take at the end of the day a green city imperial concubine, isnt one effortless matter.

  24. 因此, 在青城山修炼的道士中, 出现了很多武林高手。

    Therefore, there were so many masters of martial arts who trained in Qingcheng Mountain.

  25. 现在在青城山上还能看到肩挑,但是已经很少了。

    In Qingcheng Hill, there are still a few people who make a living by carrying goods for others, but their number has diminished.

  26. 这些项目分布于都江堰, 青城山, 龙泉, 西岭雪山等旅游景点。

    These projects are in Doujiang Weir, tourist hill, Longquan, Xiling Snow Mountain, tourist attractions.


  1. 问:青城山拼音怎么拼?青城山的读音是什么?青城山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城山的读音是,青城山翻译成英文是 Mount Qingcheng

  2. 问:青城山站拼音怎么拼?青城山站的读音是什么?青城山站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城山站的读音是,青城山站翻译成英文是 Qingchengshan Railway Station

  3. 问:青城报春拼音怎么拼?青城报春的读音是什么?青城报春翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城报春的读音是Qīngchéngbàochūn,青城报春翻译成英文是 Primula chienii

  4. 问:青城细辛拼音怎么拼?青城细辛的读音是什么?青城细辛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城细辛的读音是Qīngchéngxìxīn,青城细辛翻译成英文是 Asarum splendens

  5. 问:青城菝葜拼音怎么拼?青城菝葜的读音是什么?青城菝葜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城菝葜的读音是Qīngchéngbáqiā,青城菝葜翻译成英文是 Smilax tsinchengshanensis

  6. 问:青城假毛蕨拼音怎么拼?青城假毛蕨的读音是什么?青城假毛蕨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城假毛蕨的读音是Qīngchéng jiǎmáojué,青城假毛蕨翻译成英文是 Pseudocyclosorus qingchengensis

  7. 问:青城叉草蛉拼音怎么拼?青城叉草蛉的读音是什么?青城叉草蛉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城叉草蛉的读音是Qīngchéngchācǎolíng,青城叉草蛉翻译成英文是 Dichochrysa qingchengshana

  8. 问:青城毛舌菌拼音怎么拼?青城毛舌菌的读音是什么?青城毛舌菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城毛舌菌的读音是Qīngchéngmáoshéjūn,青城毛舌菌翻译成英文是 Trichoglossum qingchengense

  9. 问:青城山隆背蝗拼音怎么拼?青城山隆背蝗的读音是什么?青城山隆背蝗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城山隆背蝗的读音是Qīngchéngshān lóngbèihuáng,青城山隆背蝗翻译成英文是 Gibbitergum qingchengshanensis

  10. 问:青城突小卷蛾拼音怎么拼?青城突小卷蛾的读音是什么?青城突小卷蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城突小卷蛾的读音是Qīngchéngtūxiǎojuǎn'é,青城突小卷蛾翻译成英文是 Gibberifera qingchengensis

  11. 问:青城山--都江堰旅游景区拼音怎么拼?青城山--都江堰旅游景区的读音是什么?青城山--都江堰旅游景区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青城山--都江堰旅游景区的读音是qīngchéngshān-Dūjiāngyànlǚyóujǐngqū,青城山--都江堰旅游景区翻译成英文是 Qingcheng Mountain-Dujiang Dam Scenic Area...