







汉语拼音:xián qián








  1. 亦作“闲钱”。生活必需费用以外多馀的钱。

    唐 白居易 《戏和微之答窦七行军之作》:“春装秋未寄,谩道有闲钱。” 宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷九:“世间有如许闲钱,而贫者求一个不可得。” 元 石德玉 《秋胡戏妻》第二折:“妳妳也,谁有那閒钱来补笊篱!”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷一:“如此年时,那里撞得个人,肯出这样闲钱?” 曹禺 《雷雨》第三幕:“ 鲁贵 (问 侍萍 ):刚才我叫你买茶叶,你为什么不买? 鲁侍萍 :没有闲钱。”

  2. 指来路不正的钱。

    《水浒传》第四四回:“这汉是 蓟州 守御城池的军,带着这几箇,都是城里城外时常讨闲钱使的破落户汉子。”《水浒传》第三十回:“各店家并各赌坊兑坊,加利倍送闲钱来与 施恩 。”



  1. This has long frustrated the expansion plans of men and women with a spare hundred million pounds or two.


  2. And the new middle class, growing in size by 50 million a year, has money in its pockets and is looking for new distractions.


  3. If I had a few spare million, perhaps I would move to Hampstead or Chelsea.


  4. However, there are a few things to bear in mind before deciding whether paying off your loan is the best use of your spare cash.


  5. They would have to be sophisticated investors with cash to spend on legal fees.


  6. 'Sindu, dear, you shouldn't insist on getting a computer or any such expensive items. Dad does not have that kind of money right now. Ok? '


  7. Chinese companies with idle cash on their books are keener to lend money out at premium rates rather than invest it in their businesses.


  8. Not long ago, China had neither the skills nor the spare cash to fuel amazing greatness. Now it has both.


  9. If clearing your loan would leave you with very little spare cash, then an unexpected expense could push you back into the red.


  1. 他们没有多少闲钱。

    They don't have a lot of spare cash.

  2. 我们有那么多闲钱

    With all the extra money we have.

  3. 我家里有些闲钱借你。

    I have some spare cash lend to you.

  4. 你有多少闲钱他们都要。

    They want any money you can spare.

  5. 他没有闲钱买些小玩意儿。

    He had no money to spare on trifles.

  6. 闲钱及其储蓄行为的经济学性质

    Idle Funds and the Economic Features of Saving Behavior

  7. 好像我们真的有那个闲钱一样。

    Like we can afford to go here and there.

  8. 需要闲钱时,加根就兼职当舞女。

    When extra credit was needed, Gargan moonlighted as a dancer.

  9. 两者都属于有时间没闲钱的人。

    You both have too much time on your hands and not much money.

  10. 很少人有闲钱买那些可有可无的东西。

    Few people had spare cash for inessentials.

  11. 没有闲钱可以挥霍,所以我不会去看演唱会的。

    I won't go to the concert simply because I have no money to waste.

  12. 投资者可以把闲钱拿出来,购买具有投资价值的股票。

    Investors might take out their free money and bought some stocks with investing values.

  13. 提前还贷应量力而为,适合手中有闲钱的居民。

    Ability to be ahead of schedule owing on the loan, there is room for the hands of residents.

  14. 一个看涨的投资人只需有支付初始保证金的闲钱。

    A bullish investor needs only a relatively small sum of money to bet on the broad trend.

  15. 第一,一个投资人只需有支付初始保证金的闲钱。

    First of all, a bullish investor needs only a relatively small sum of money to bet on the broad trend.

  16. 放款人的身份不断拓宽, 远远超出了当铺和有闲钱的富商。

    The cast of lenders has broadened far beyond pawnshops and rich businessmen with cash to spare.

  17. 我们作为消费者在把闲钱花掉之前,需要确信自己不会失业。

    We as consumers need to feel confident that our jobs are safe before we will spend spare cash.

  18. 把闲钱花在体验上,比如说去外面吃餐饭,旅游,而不是去购物。

    Spend discretionary income on experiences, such as dining out and travel, instead of purchasing goods.


  1. 问:闲钱拼音怎么拼?闲钱的读音是什么?闲钱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闲钱的读音是xiánqián,闲钱翻译成英文是 spare cash; spare money