


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……





汉语拼音:zhe shì






  1. 网络
  2. Crimp Type;Crimp

  1. 吸着式悬吊

    suction socket for suspension.

  2. 全粘着式机车

    total adhesion locomotive

  3. 你为什么穿着女式的短裤?

    Why you wear women's panties?

  4. 他们穿着一式的尼龙衣服。

    They wore in same clothes made of nylon.

  5. 士兵们配备着最新式的武器。

    The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.

  6. 窗户上覆盖着最新式的绉纱。

    The window is craped in the latest fashion.

  7. 她成天过着旅行包式的生活。

    Shes always living out of a suitcase.

  8. 我们看着喷气式飞机沿跑道滑行。

    We watched the jet plane taxiing down the runway.

  9. 他年轻的时候一度过着嬉皮士式的生活。

    In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult.

  10. 他谈吐迅捷,话里透着学究式的精确性。

    He talks quickly, with pedantic precision.

  11. 他是敦实,穿着一式的战斗官帽当我看到他。

    He is stocky, wearing a type of battle garb when I see him.

  12. 人们已经在实践着劝导式设计, 但是用户体验在拖着后腿

    People Are Already Practicing Persuasive Design, but UX Lags Behind

  13. 从里到外,这部影片到处充斥着好莱坞式的标签。

    Inside and out, this film has the Hollywood brand all over it.

  14. 大多数的已知铜红的例子都装饰着主题式用铅笔画的风格。

    Most of the known examples of the copper red were decorated with motif executed in pencilled style.

  15. 他带着那招牌式的傲慢怒容入场了。

    And here he comes with that trademark arrogant scowl.

  16. 你觉得这地板看着像布里式干净吗?

    Now does this floor look Bree Hodge clean to you?

  17. 她戴着一副蝶形眼镜,顶着一头蜂窝式发型。

    She wore butterfly glasses and had a beehive hairdo.

  18. 带着一点波希米亚式的反叛,还有一点贵族气的粗暴。

    A bit of the Bohemian rebel, a bit of the noble savage.

  19. 自动展开式月球车着陆梯结构设计与分析

    Structure Design and Analysis on Automatic Unfolding Landing Ladder for Lunar Rover

  20. 这个错误是跟着古老的修道院式的二元论想法而来的。

    The mistake is continuing to think in terms of the old monastic dichotomies.

  21. 我们对着这条电报式的愚蠢的留言发泄了一通不满。

    We commented adversely upon the imbecility of that message of telegraphic style.

  22. 我们对着这条电报式得愚蠢得留言发泄了一通不满。

    We commented adversely upon the imbecility of that message of telegraphic style.

  23. 悬挂式滑翔机借着暖气流在高空飞行。

    Currents of warm air keep the hanggliders aloft.

  24. 一架喷气式飞机发着啸声从头顶掠过。

    A jet plane screamed past overhead.

  25. 一架喷气式飞机发着刺耳啸声掠过头顶。

    A jet screamed past overhead.

  26. 建筑的斜坡式造型象征着地中海畔冉冉升起的又一轮太阳。

    The building's sloped design represents a second sun rising beside the Mediterranean.

  27. 我对那些英雄式得神话非常着迷。

    I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating.

  28. 我对那些英雄式的神话非常着迷。

    I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating.

  29. 但他却仍以愚弄式的真实存在着。

    But he remains a mocking reality.

  30. 可以使用两板式或三板式模具来绕着电枢模制塑料。

    A two or three plate mold may be used to mold the plastic around the armature.