


1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……





汉语拼音:bǎ shi







  1. 见“ 把势 ”。



  1. Light says not to drill false skill, light practice really skilled person, even the skilled person possibly.


  2. Among these, carters and wagoners were distinguished by having a piece of whip-cord twisted round their hats.


  3. This kind of is small to take out a type to also use on oneself.


  4. Once things get off the ground, one-on-oneliaisons, partner swapping and group play are standard fare.


  5. As the saying goes, fake handle and a spout lip.


  6. Play 'rape fantasy. ' It actually scared me how into it he was. I felt like I saw his dark side.


  7. To deter sham handle and a spout, I will use concrete actions to prove I can.


  8. now the fields are ploughed by machine , and the horses and the mules are of no use.


  9. Vinyasa yoga and the Army Ranger workout.


  1. 学会全套把式

    learn all the skills

  2. 提箱手把式耳甲成形术

    valise handle technique of conchiplasty

  3. 干庄稼活儿,他可是个好把式。

    He is a highly skilled farmer.

  4. 俗话说的好,光说不练假把式。

    As the saying goes, fake handle and a spout lip.

  5. 他所谓的“功夫”其实都是些花把式。

    What he called" Kongfu" was in fact just some flashy postures.

  6. 这种小把式也拿出来用在自己身上。

    This kind of is small to take out a type to also use on oneself.

  7. 他们哥几个都是靠打把式卖艺为生。

    The brothers all live by practicing martial arts.

  8. 他们哥几个都是靠打把式卖艺为生。

    The brothers all live by practicing martial arts.

  9. 以前有很多人四处走动专门打把式卖艺。

    Streat performers used to walk from one place to another, doing Chinese kongfu for audiences.

  10. 以前有很多人四处走动专门打把式卖艺。

    Streat performers used to walk from one place to another, doing Chinese kongfu for audiences.

  11. 该车结构简单,手把式操作方便、实用性强。

    The vehicle structure is simple, easy to operate for now, practical.

  12. 适度扭动转把式油门使发动机持续预热1至3分钟。

    Turn the throttle twist grip properly to continue preheating the engine for 13 minutes.

  13. 光说不做假把式, 我会用实际行动来证明我可以。

    To deter sham handle and a spout, I will use concrete actions to prove I can.

  14. 有时还去城郊大车店和车把式交朋友,给他们画肖像。

    Sometimes to the suburbs and horse carts shops and Jubashi and give them Huaxiaoxiang.

  15. 请把过去式的单词圈出来。

    Please circle the words of past tense.

  16. 在她的红和服下藏有一把四四式手枪。

    Under her long red kimono she toted a fortyfour gun.

  17. 赋值操作符把右边表达式的值赋值给左边的表达式。

    An assignment operator stores the value of the right expression into the left expression.

  18. 赋值操作符把右边表达式得值赋值给左边得表达式。

    An assignment operator stores the value of the right expression into the left expression.

  19. 当然,除非你想把双倍意式浓缩咖啡也列为禁用食品。

    Unless of course, you want to outlaw double espressos too.

  20. 老师试图用填鸭式教学把知识灌输给学生。

    The teacher tried to cram his pupils.

  21. 除了传统的拖把头,还有滚筒式和插座式拖把头。

    Besides the traditional mophead, there are also roller one and connector jack one.

  22. 我把这叫做等式的花椰菜侧。

    to call the broccoli side of the equation.

  23. 弗朗克·洛德·莱特喜欢把建筑物建成悬臂式的。

    Frank Lloyd Wright liked to cantilever his buildings.

  24. 救世主式的运动把乐园定位在来世。

    Messianic movements locate paradise in the afterlife.

  25. 他要求理发师把他的刘海儿式的额前头发剪短,他不想让自己看上去像个洋娃娃。

    He asked the barber to shorten his bangs, he didn't want to look like a doll.

  26. 大型喷气式客机将把人质直接送回伦敦。

    The jumbo jet is due to fly the hostages directly back to London.

  27. 她把头发梳成好莱坞式。

    She fixed her hair in Hollywood manner.

  28. 把这个动词从现在式改为过去式

    change this verb from the present into the past tense

  29. 把一座简朴的错层式的房子叫做大厦真太可笑了

    It is ludicrous to call a simple splitlevel house a mansion.

  30. 你必须把它弄成美国式的,因为美国才会有这样的组织。

    You have to make it American because they do have organisations like that.


  1. 问:把式拼音怎么拼?把式的读音是什么?把式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:把式的读音是bǎshi,把式翻译成英文是 Martial art.; one skilled in martial art or, broa...



把势,指武术的架式,亦指武艺;老手;行家。语出《英烈传》第十二回:“这些人说:‘我们有眼不识泰山 。 俞三官 ,你何故不做箇把势我们看看。’”