


金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……


事情:事~。任~。公~。特~。不识时~(不认识时代潮流和当前形势)。从事,致力:~工。~实(从事或讨论具体的工作)。~虚。当~之急。追求:好(hào )高~远。必须,一定:~必。~须。除恶~尽。旧时收税的关卡(现多用于地名):曹家~(在中国……



汉语拼音:cái wù







  1. 有关财产的管理或经营以及现金的出纳、保管、计算等事务。

    梁启超 《中国改革财政私案》十:“故改革财务行政,实为根本之根本也。” 西戎 《女婿》六:“老汉到社里找财务股长,交拉粮收据去了。”



  1. True, BP is in better financial and operational shape now than it was a year ago, which explains the sideways move in its shares on Monday.


  2. Then he promised to resign if he did not meet the financial targets he set out for the company.


  3. But over the weekend, as they pored through Citigroup's books, it became clear to top officials that the company needed government help.


  4. Your home, other property, or a family member may show shifts, too, with all that occurs at this time between you and a partner.


  5. Analysts say Chrome OS is an ambitious long-term strategic move, but any impact on the company's financial performance would be years away.


  6. list some qualities that you tink are important for a treasurer to have, after each quality explain why you think it si important.


  7. Get yourself a box file (or just a large cardboard box will do) and stick a label on the front saying "Finances" .


  8. The role of the company is to improve the financial and operational performance of these companies and manage capital structure.


  9. The slow pace of job re-creation is primarily the result of consumers and companies trying to rebuild their finances.


  1. 财务代理人

    fiscal agent.

  2. 财务经理。

    Finance Manager Or Asst Finance Mgr.

  3. 财务透明度

    Financial transparency.

  4. 财务分析者

    Financial Analyst.

  5. 财务指标法

    finance data method.

  6. 财务视察员

    Financial Inspector.

  7. 财务稳健性

    financial soundness.

  8. 财务会计学

    Financial accounting.

  9. 财务管理学

    science of financial management.

  10. 财务主管人员

    finance executive

  11. 财务偿付能力

    financial solvency

  12. 财务报表分析

    statement analysis

  13. 财务会计人员

    financial accountant

  14. 财务控制薄弱

    weak financial control

  15. 虚假财务报告

    false financial report

  16. 我职掌财务。

    I am in charge of financial affairs.

  17. 他负责财务。

    He is in charge of financial matters.

  18. 财务受托责任

    financial accountability

  19. 财务资源闲置

    financial resource slack

  20. 贸易财务主管

    Trade Finance Executive.

  21. 财务数据结构

    financial data structure

  22. 财务分析指标

    financial analysis index

  23. 财务协理干事

    Associate Finance Officer

  24. 财务会计制度

    financial accounting rule

  25. 提供财务咨询

    to give financial advice.

  26. 财务账目数据

    financial accounting data

  27. 稳健财务思想

    prudential financial idea

  28. 借债处理财务

    finance through borrowing

  29. 财务报告粉饰

    financial report polishing

  30. 月份财务报表

    monthly financial statement


  1. 问:财务拼音怎么拼?财务的读音是什么?财务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务的读音是cáiwù,财务翻译成英文是 financial affairs

  2. 问:财务处拼音怎么拼?财务处的读音是什么?财务处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务处的读音是cái wù chù,财务处翻译成英文是 fiscal agent

  3. 问:财务官拼音怎么拼?财务官的读音是什么?财务官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务官的读音是cái wù guān,财务官翻译成英文是 Finance Corps Officer

  4. 问:财务犯拼音怎么拼?财务犯的读音是什么?财务犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务犯的读音是cáiwùfàn,财务犯翻译成英文是 financial delinquent

  5. 问:财务账拼音怎么拼?财务账的读音是什么?财务账翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务账的读音是cái wù zhàng,财务账翻译成英文是 account of finance

  6. 问:财务连拼音怎么拼?财务连的读音是什么?财务连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务连的读音是cái wù lián,财务连翻译成英文是 Finance Company

  7. 问:财务业绩拼音怎么拼?财务业绩的读音是什么?财务业绩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务业绩的读音是cái wù yè jì,财务业绩翻译成英文是 financial performance

  8. 问:财务中心拼音怎么拼?财务中心的读音是什么?财务中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务中心的读音是cái wù zhōng xīn,财务中心翻译成英文是 Finance Center

  9. 问:财务主任拼音怎么拼?财务主任的读音是什么?财务主任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务主任的读音是cái wù zhǔ rèn,财务主任翻译成英文是 Chief Treasury Officer

  10. 问:财务主管拼音怎么拼?财务主管的读音是什么?财务主管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务主管的读音是cái wù zhǔ guǎn,财务主管翻译成英文是 financial executive

  11. 问:财务事项拼音怎么拼?财务事项的读音是什么?财务事项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务事项的读音是cái wù shì xiàng,财务事项翻译成英文是 financial affairs

  12. 问:财务交易拼音怎么拼?财务交易的读音是什么?财务交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务交易的读音是cáiwùjiāoyì,财务交易翻译成英文是 financial transaction

  13. 问:财务代理拼音怎么拼?财务代理的读音是什么?财务代理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务代理的读音是cái wù dài lǐ,财务代理翻译成英文是 factoring

  14. 问:财务价值拼音怎么拼?财务价值的读音是什么?财务价值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务价值的读音是cái wù jià zhí,财务价值翻译成英文是 financial worth

  15. 问:财务会计拼音怎么拼?财务会计的读音是什么?财务会计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务会计的读音是cáiwù kuàijì,财务会计翻译成英文是 financial accounting

  16. 问:财务依赖拼音怎么拼?财务依赖的读音是什么?财务依赖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务依赖的读音是cái wù yī lài,财务依赖翻译成英文是 financial dependence

  17. 问:财务信息拼音怎么拼?财务信息的读音是什么?财务信息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务信息的读音是cáiwùxìnxī,财务信息翻译成英文是 financial information

  18. 问:财务决策拼音怎么拼?财务决策的读音是什么?财务决策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务决策的读音是cái wù jué cè,财务决策翻译成英文是 financial decision

  19. 问:财务分析拼音怎么拼?财务分析的读音是什么?财务分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务分析的读音是cáiwùfēnxī,财务分析翻译成英文是 financial analysis

  20. 问:财务利益拼音怎么拼?财务利益的读音是什么?财务利益翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财务利益的读音是cái wù lì yì,财务利益翻译成英文是 financial advantage


