







汉语拼音:yǎn yìng








  1. 遮蔽;隐蔽。

    唐 元稹 《赛神》诗:“採薪持斧者,弃斧纵横奔。山深多掩映,仅免鲸鯢吞。” 元 郑光祖 《老君堂》第一折:“我在此树边掩映着,等他出来时,着他死於斧下。”《三国演义》第一○九回:“﹝ 司马昭 ﹞岂不知兵法?若见地势掩映,必不肯近。”

  2. 谓或遮或露,时隐时现。

    唐 白居易 《夜泛阳坞入明月湾即事寄崔湖州》诗:“掩映橘林千点火,泓澄潭水一盆油。” 宋 晏殊 《渔家傲》词:“风颭乱,高低掩映千千万。” 明 田艺蘅 《留青日札·龙井神女祠》:“时林月渐明,隐隐见橘柚影中一美人掩映,若隔烟雾。” 郭小川 《茫茫大海中的一个小岛》诗:“楼台殿阁的缩影哟,掩映在山头的云雾之中。”

  3. 遮映衬托。

    南唐 冯延巳 《虞美人》词:“春山拂拂横秋水,掩映遥相对。” 明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·游黄山日记》:“宛转随溪,羣峰环耸,木石掩映。” 清 纳兰性德 《疏影·芭蕉》词:“小立吹裾,常伴春慵,掩映绣牀金缕。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十八:“树影中湖光掩映,极其明媚。”

  4. 盖过,压倒。

    唐 李白 《陈情赠友人》诗:“多君骋逸藻,掩映当时人。” 唐 高仲武 《中兴间气集·郎士元》:“‘萧条夜静边风吹,独倚营门向秋月’,可以齐衡古人,掩映时辈。” 明 高攀龙 《<朱子节要>序》:“盖其精神气力,真足以柱石两间,掩映千古。” 清 黄宗羲 《留别海昌同学序》:“诸子风华掩映千人,多廊庙之器。”



  1. Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere.


  2. Have I not described a pleasant site for a dwelling, when I speak of it as bosomed in hill and wood, and rising from the verge of a stream?


  3. I often wonder when we see distant scenery, everything seems to have been set, I saw them, I also think I was there.


  4. Yoga summit is situated deeply in Wu Hill by the side of the West Lake, among the classical architecture in the green trees.


  5. Moments later, he pulled up to a two-story house along a back street in a leafy neighborhood.


  6. You see, it's blooming at the petioles Department, set off a pair in the green leaves do not show their beauty.


  7. Star naughty child is still blinking his eyes, set off in a plume of cloud looming next.


  8. With the sun shining on tree-shaded campus and red school buildings, Tagore International School was extraordinarily beautiful.


  9. The 52-year-old lives with his family on a tree-lined street in his own home in the heart of the wealthiest country in the world.


  1. 色彩的相互掩映

    the subtle interplay of colours

  2. 桃红柳绿相互掩映。

    The pink peaches and green willows set each other off.

  3. 亭台楼阁掩映山间。

    Pavilions, terraces and towers set off each other in the mountain valleys.

  4. 树木葱郁,亭台掩映。

    Pavilions are hidden among green trees.

  5. 星月掩映云里浮

    I saw stars and moon flicker behind the shifting clouds

  6. 红楼翠竹交相掩映。

    The red buildings and green bamboos set each other off.

  7. 这房子掩映在树木之中。

    The house was framed by a background of trees.

  8. 此地青山掩映, 苍翠欲滴。

    There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green.

  9. 此地青山掩映,苍翠欲滴。

    There are many green mountains in this area, everywhere you see is green.

  10. 边看窗外的绿树掩映

    and look out the window at the trees.

  11. 我的房子掩映在小山之中。

    My house is among the hills.

  12. 罗宾的房子掩映在树木中。

    Robin's house was hidden among the trees.

  13. 大院掩映在树木灌丛之中。

    The compound was hidden by trees and shrubs.

  14. 杯光酒影掩映下的花红酒绿。

    The light wine reflects the premium happy.

  15. 那间农宅掩映在玫瑰花丛中。

    The country house was smothered with roses.

  16. 浅稻黄色酒体掩映出绿色光泽。

    Pale straw color with hints of green.

  17. 别致的傣家竹楼掩映在绿树丛中。

    Daijiazhulou chic in the shade tree leaves.

  18. 清流环绕,白墙古木,绿荫掩映。

    Surrounded by a clean, white walls and trees, shade plants.

  19. 深红色的酒体掩映出紫色的光泽。

    Deep red in color with purple hues and brilliant clarity.

  20. 望江台掩映在这翠竹绿影中。

    Wangjiang stage is placed in the Green shadow of the bamboo sea.

  21. 明媚与轻愁掩映的西洲恋曲

    The tune of West Island Set off by Enchanting Beauty and Slight Sadness

  22. 山上亭台楼阁,掩映于绿树红花之间。

    Mountain pavilions, nestled in between trees safflower.

  23. 是花木掩映中唱不出歌声的枯井

    Under the flowers and trees sings no song only a dry well

  24. 像花园一样的小屋掩映在树林中。

    A cottage that suggests a garden stands among trees.

  25. 淡雅得稻黄色酒体掩映出绿色光泽。

    Pale straw color with touches of green.

  26. 淡雅的稻黄色酒体掩映出绿色光泽。

    Pale straw color with touches of green.

  27. 沿途,村落掩映在深深裂开的海岸线上。

    Along the route, villages shelter in the deeply fissured shoreline.

  28. 绿色是什么?掩映在花间的小草是绿色的。

    What is green? The grass is green with small flowers between.

  29. 中性的外观掩映着狂野,自我,率真的风潮。

    The neutral appearance set off the agitation of wildness, selfhood and frankness.

  30. 他的脚下是蓝绿掩映的星球, 生机盎然。

    Below his feet was the blue and green globe, lush with life.


  1. 问:掩映拼音怎么拼?掩映的读音是什么?掩映翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩映的读音是yǎnyìng,掩映翻译成英文是 show off; set off



读音(yǎn yìng)释义相互遮掩而且又映照衬托:万花掩映|仰视天,则明月斜挂,云霞掩映。汉语大词典(1) 遮蔽;隐蔽。采薪持斧者,弃斧纵横奔。山深多掩映,仅免鲸鲵吞。 唐 元稹《赛神》诗我在此树边掩映着,等他出来时,着他死于斧下。 元 郑光祖《老君堂》第一折﹝司马昭﹞岂不知兵法?若见地势掩映,必不肯近。 《三国演义》第一九回(2) 谓或遮或露,时隐时现。掩映橘林千点火,泓澄潭水一盆油。 唐 白居易《夜泛阳坞入明月湾即事寄崔湖州》诗