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1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……
汉语拼音:jiǔ cháng
《庄子·盗跖》:“今 丘 告我以大城众民,是欲规我以利,而恒民畜我也,安可久长也。” 唐 韩愈 《潮州刺史谢上表》:“年纔五十,髮白齿落,理不久长。” 明 唐顺之 《覆勘蓟镇边务首疏》:“陛下洞鉴边臣玩弛之弊,欲补兵练兵为边境久长之计,甚盛举也。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·我和<语丝>的始终》:“但这样的好景象并不久长。”
Teacher, parting a long long while, and your image as if it was a brilliant bright points of light has been flickering in my mind.
老师,离别虽然久长,而您那形象仿佛是一个灿烂发亮的光点,一直在我的心中闪烁。And the third motive of this study is to analyze the reason for a foreign sports culture to make such permanent contribution to China.
又何以一外来的运动文化会对中国造成如此久长的贡献,此即为本研究之动机之三。Only in the heart to pray silently, I if long time, and is in every morning and evening.
只在心里默默地祈祷,此情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemisms have existed for a long time.
婉转语是人类语言中的一种遍及征象,其存在的历史相当久长。It is not enough just to have along and happy life with me?
和我相伴幸福久长的一生,难道这还不够么?。As a pursuit on teaching, scholars have been concerned on how to improve effectiveness of teaching all the time.
如何提高教授教养的有效性作为人们对教授教养的追求,久长以来一直受到众多学者的关注。Days and nights always rotate, wealth and nobility cant last for a long time. The beauty in the morning is older than yesterday night.
日与夜互消长富与贵难久长今早的容颜老于昨晚。But my people have forgotten me for days without number!
我的人民却忘了我,时日已久长,无法计算。For a long time, we framed the rural areas for urban services in the indirect position rather than rural residents.
久长以来,我们把农村落框定在间接为城市服务的位置上,而不是为乡村落居民服务。生活充实, 生命久长。
Life is long if it is full.
Life is long if it is full.
On which mountains and rivers were carved for an expectation of everlasting.
A is for art; art is long, but life is short. A.
生命如此短促, 学艺却如此久长。
The life so short, the craft so long to learn.
其实, 后世是更好的, 是更久长的。
But the Hereafter is better and more enduring.
Send you light star, health company is long.
Will ye not come home brother? ye have been long away.
And ached in sleepless silence, long.
因它们是我们的生命, 使我们日子久长。
For they are our life and length of days.
If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day.
珍惜那爱吧, 它不会与你共久长。
To love that well, which thou must leave ere long.
我爱你那么久长, 曾经共度欢乐和苦难。
That hath loved thee so long in wealth and woe among?
久长的裁判是恶的裁判, 诉讼过分迟延等同于拒绝裁判。
Long the referee is a referee of evil, litigation excessive delay equivalent to refuse to referee.
Therefore love moderately long love doth soToo swift arrives as tardy as too slow.
Its low local twilight outlasts the days politics.
当古的世界舞台上, 动力永遥非一个久长的话题。
Today's world stage, the energy is always a topic for a long time.
Also remember, learning English can make people happier, feel younger and live longer!
Also remember, learning English can make people happier, feel younger and live longer!
Also remember, ffxi gil, learning English can make people happier, feel younger and live longer!
This kind of negative thinking is why people don't stay on diets for long.
Rubyred with tenuous amber shadings, full with scents of spics, herbs and berries, fresh and fruity full and appealing, persistent.
Rubyred with tenuous amber shadings, full, with scents of spics, herbs and berries, fresh and fruity full and appealing, persistent.
But a marriage in which one partner does all the saving and the other partner does all the spending is not going to last.