







汉语拼音:rú huò








  1. 好像有。

    《诗·小雅·正月》:“心之忧矣,如或结之。” 郑玄 笺:“心忧如有结之者。”

  2. 如果有。


  3. 如果。

    《后汉书·陈蕃传》:“臣闻人君有事於苑囿,唯仲秋西郊,顺时讲武,杀禽助祭,以敦孝敬。如或违此,则为肆纵。”《水浒传》第一○四回:“那 段氏 刁顽,如或不允这头亲事,设或有个破绽,为害不浅。”《西游记》第九一回:“如或不然,掀翻你窝巢,教你羣精都化为脓血!”



  1. however, many doctors may misdiagnose when the areas of involvement are occult and pigmentation is untypical or lacking.


  2. Imaging findings include an absent or hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland, most conspicuously seen on sagittal T1 or T2 weighted images.


  3. Using ECMAScript gives you full programming flexibility, but if all you want is animation, SVG has and related tags (such as or ).


  4. So for example, tags like or must have a closing bracket as shown in Listing 8, taken from the above JSP.


  5. congenital malformation, a common first ectopic epididymis, the tube closed epididymis, the absence of the vas deferens or development;


  6. Congenital absence or dysplasia of the muscle or tendon: a report of 11 cases


  7. Allowing the PIN to contain characters other than numbers, such as * or


  1. 家中或如家中的空间或住处。

    Space or accommodation in or as if in a house.

  2. 或如清晨露水珠,消散后,寻无处。

    Or as the pearls of morning's dew Ne'er to be found again.

  3. 它们可以小或大,提出或单位,或如菜花状。

    They can be small or large, raised or flat, or shaped like a cauliflower.

  4. 如规模或经验

    scale, experience.

  5. 呜呜地行驶在或如在摩托车上一样呜呜地高速运动

    To move noisily at high speed in or as if in a motor vehicle.

  6. 四肢, 如胳膊或腿

    A limb, such as an arm or a leg.

  7. 四肢,如胳膊或腿。

    A limb, such as an arm or a leg.

  8. 试反躬自问它从何而来, 或如是静观。

    Ask yourself whence it comes, or just watch it quietly.

  9. 成果, 如结果或文件。

    A result, as outcomes or documents.

  10. 天体, 如太阳或月球

    A celestial body, such as the sun or moon.

  11. 成果,如结果或文件。

    A result ,as outcomes or documents .

  12. 外层外层, 如树皮或果皮。

    An external layer, such as bark or rind.

  13. 搅浑, 如混凝土或泥浆。

    Work a wet mixture, such as concrete or mud.

  14. 它们可如暴雨般当头淋下, 或如薄雾般轻柔拂过。

    They can wash over me in a deluge or softly as a light mist.

  15. 装饰音, 如倚音或颤音

    an embellishment such as an appoggiatura or a trill

  16. 击落, 如通过击或射。

    To cause to fall, as by hitting or shooting.

  17. 击落,如通过击或射。

    To cause to fall, as by hitting or shooting.

  18. 无形的,如权力或专利

    Intangible, as a right or patent.

  19. 涡流, 如旋风或旋涡的

    A vortex, as of a whirlwind or whirlpool.

  20. 装饰音装饰音, 如倚音或颤音

    An embellishment such as an appoggiatura or a trill.

  21. 涡流,如旋风或旋涡的

    A vortex, as of a whirlwind or whirlpool.

  22. 多糖多糖,如淀粉或纤维素

    A polysaccharide, such as starch or cellulose.

  23. 行会行会, 如商人或工匠的行会

    A guild, as of merchants or artisans.

  24. 货币单位, 如欧元或美元

    a unit of currency, such as the euro or the dollar

  25. 债务清偿最后清偿, 如义务或债务

    A final discharge, as of a duty or debt.

  26. 一束或一簇, 如羊毛或棉花

    A small wisp or tuft, as of wool or cotton.

  27. 未曾说过我们的爱如松柏常青,或如沧海不变。

    We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea.

  28. 成就, 造诣, 如技艺或社会成就

    an attainment, such as a skill or social accomplishment

  29. 支撑的梗, 如花梗或小花梗

    a supporting stalk, such as a peduncle or pedicel

  30. 有刺的有刺的, 如蜜蜂或黄蜂

    Having a stinger, as a bee or wasp.