







汉语拼音:bù shǒu






  1. 字典、词典根据汉字形体偏旁所分的门类。

    田北湖 《论文章源流》:“古人造字,尚未卒业,为部首者,五百四十。”



  1. Most of the Chinese characters are made up of two or more basic structural parts called 'radicals' or 'character components'.

  2. The August Moon Festival is often called the Womens Festival. Themoon (Chinese character on right) symbolizes elegance and beauty.

  3. Review of material so far. Practice talking about characters, naming radicals, naming strokes etc.

  4. In comparison, Chinese has nothing that corresponds to an alphabet, though there are recurring components that make up the characters.

  5. More than 80% of characters are formed this way: a meaning element(often known as the radical) plus a phonetic element.

  6. Each verse has three characters, and each character contains a radical, thereby sixty bound radicals are introduced.

  7. Convenient location of characters through either phonetic or radical reference 4.

  8. Select the assistant method Choices from the components of the character 3.

  9. You Can look up a character under its radical.


  1. 部首检字法简介

    The Radical Indexing System for Chinese Characters

  2. 你可以根据部首查找汉字。

    You can look up a character under its radical.

  3. 目前得识字教学中,部首得名称较混乱。

    In the present Chinese characters teaching, the radicals'appellations cause much confusion.

  4. 中文字是表意文字,排列方式正是根据部首。

    Ideographic characters in the text is, the arrangement is based on character.

  5. 本书分为部首三字经和偏旁三字经两篇。

    This book consists of two sections, Three Sinogram Verses Using Free Radicals and Three Sinogram Verses Using Bound Radicals.

  6. 文字学原则部首几乎无一例外全是表意的。

    Radical of philology principles is unexceptionally ideographic.

  7. 基于部首合并的自适应文字切分制作笔迹纹理

    Adaptive characters segmentation based on radical merging for texture

  8. 全书提供音序、笔画、部首多种检字法,便于检索。

    Indexing methods based on phonetics, strokes and radicals are provided in this book.

  9. 每句三字,每个字包含一个部首,共介绍了六十个部首。

    Each verse has three characters, and each character contains a radical, thereby sixty bound radicals are introduced.

  10. 翻开手机上的文件夹和财经部起首买卖请求邮件

    Open the MfE folder on your phone and start the Mail for Exchange application.

  11. 翻开手机上得文件夹和财经部起首买卖请求邮件

    Open the MfE folder on your phone and start the Mail for Exchange application.

  12. 那部电影里有几首好插曲,是谁谱得曲?

    There were some good songs in that film,who wrote the score?

  13. 那部电影里有几首好插曲, 是谁谱的曲?

    There were some good songs in that film, who wrote the score?

  14. 你在念什么大学?你应该知道哪首歌出自哪部音乐片

    What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.

  15. 这是一部首轮电影,所以我们必须去大型电影院观赏。

    The movie is in it's first run, so we'll have to go to a big theater.

  16. 外加报文首部

    external heading

  17. 他首部小说的出版

    the publication of his first novel.

  18. 钉子的首部。图钉头就是图钉的头部。

    the head of the nail, a pinhead is the head of a pin.

  19. 魔戒三部曲之首部,于2001年,

    the first film in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, in 2001

  20. 政府部门首部信息公开办法出台。

    A government department has announced the first method for disclosure of information.

  21. 波罗电站首部枢纽运行方式设计

    Design of operational way of head hydro project at Bolou hydropower station

  22. 把前拖轮挽牢在船前左舷首部。

    Make the forward tug fast forwardon the port bow.

  23. 她的首部惨败之作是上海惊情。

    Her first flop was Shanghai Surprise.

  24. 记录首部中得一个字,它包含该记录得字计数。

    A word in a record header that contains a count of the words in the record.

  25. 记录首部中的一个字, 它包含该记录的字计数。

    A word in a record header that contains a count of the words in the record.

  26. 马房沟提水工程首部引水枢纽优化设计

    Optimum Design of Header Diversion Junction of Mafanggou Water Lifting Project

  27. 黄河潼关河段清淤射流船首部射流装置优化设计

    Optimal design of bow jetting apparatus sand removing ejector dredger for Tongguan section of Yellow River.

  28. 这是首部经李小龙家人授权的相关电影。

    It is the first time that Lee's family has authorized a movie about the legendary star.

  29. 这是首部经李小龙家人授权得相关电影。

    It is the first time that Lee's family has authorized a movie about the legendary star.

  30. 冈比西斯迷失的军队是其首部小说著作。

    The Lost Army of Cambyses is his first novel.


  1. 问:部首拼音怎么拼?部首的读音是什么?部首翻译成英文是什么?

    答:部首的读音是bùshǒu,部首翻译成英文是 radicals in Chinese characters



部首,为东汉许慎首创。他在《说文解字》中把形旁相同的字归在一起,称为部,每部把共同所从的形旁字列在开头,这个字就称为部首,所以部首本身也是独立的汉字。如木、杜、李等字都属木部,木就是部首。自许慎创立以形旁编排文字的方法以后,这种方法千百年来一直为编纂字书的人所采用,只是分部的多寡有所不同。如《说文解字》分为 540部,《康熙字典》分为214部,《新华字典》分为189部。