







汉语拼音:jiāo biàn






  1. 谓相对的卦象相互替变。

    清 钱大昕 《十驾斋养新录·六十四卦》:“八卦皆两两相对,相对之例,或取交变,乾坤、坎离、震巽、艮兑是也。或取反復,震艮、巽兑是也。”



  1. Hot strip working roller endure the major alternating load on line, if control unsuitable easy to cause accident occurrence.


  2. Requirement: A few streaks in the sweeping area are allowable and will not affect the range of vision. No streaks are much more favorable.


  3. We carried on a simple numerical analysis to the instantaneous friction coefficient of the oscillating flow in the parallel regenerator.


  4. The experiment primarily indicates that oscillation shear stress maybe a factor that cannot be ignored in the incidence and developing. . .


  5. Under the alternative load, fatigue crack extension tends to happen and leads to leakages in the high-stress area.


  6. when load cycles increases to a certain degree, the effect of alternate load is better than that of unidirectional load.


  7. The alternate system allows signal installations along a given length of road to show contrary indications.


  8. The crack propagation rate got from the test ia low, so the loop with crack could be re-used in regular monitoring condition.


  9. Due to alternating amplification and deep feed-back loop, the stability and linearity of the magnetometer are promoted.


  1. 交变放大器

    alternate amplifier.

  2. 交变周期数

    alternation number.

  3. 交变低气压

    alternate low pressure.

  4. 交变热应力

    alternating thermal stress.

  5. 交变方向法

    alternating direction method.

  6. 交变应力幅

    alternating stress amplitude.

  7. 交变磁场型

    periodic polarity magnet type.

  8. 交变磁感应

    magnetic alternating induction.

  9. 交变磁处理

    alternating magnetic treatment.

  10. 交变电动势

    alternating electromotive force.

  11. 交变漏磁场

    Alternative magnetic leakage flux.

  12. 强交变磁场

    powerful alternating magnetic field.

  13. 交变应力载荷

    alternating stress load.

  14. 交变脉动载荷

    repeated fluctuating load.

  15. 交变磁场处理

    alternating magnetic field.

  16. 高速交变应力

    high speed alternating stress

  17. 交变应力幅度

    alternating stress amplitude.

  18. 交变放电电流

    alternating discharge current.

  19. 交变基准信号

    a reference alternating signal.

  20. 对称交变函数

    symmetrical alternating function.

  21. 旋转交变磁场

    rotating alternating magnetic field.

  22. 交变磁场测量

    Alternating current field measurement.

  23. 间歇交变磁场

    Intermittent alternative magnetic field

  24. 交变疲劳强度

    fatigue strength under reversed stresses.

  25. 交变冲辉验

    alternating impact test.

  26. 交变二进编码

    alternate binary code.

  27. 交变漏磁法

    Alternative current magnetic leakage flux.

  28. 彩色相位交变

    color phase alternating

  29. 信号相位交变

    colour phase alternation.

  30. 交变漏磁检测

    Alternating magnetic flux leakage inspection.


  1. 问:交变拼音怎么拼?交变的读音是什么?交变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变的读音是jiāo biàn,交变翻译成英文是 alter

  2. 问:交变力拼音怎么拼?交变力的读音是什么?交变力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变力的读音是jiāo biàn lì,交变力翻译成英文是 alternating force

  3. 问:交变场拼音怎么拼?交变场的读音是什么?交变场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变场的读音是jiāo biàn chǎng,交变场翻译成英文是 alternating field

  4. 问:交变量拼音怎么拼?交变量的读音是什么?交变量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变量的读音是jiāo biàn liàng,交变量翻译成英文是 alternating quantity

  5. 问:交变压力拼音怎么拼?交变压力的读音是什么?交变压力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变压力的读音是jiāo biàn yā lì,交变压力翻译成英文是 alternating pressure

  6. 问:交变应力拼音怎么拼?交变应力的读音是什么?交变应力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变应力的读音是jiāo biàn yìng lì,交变应力翻译成英文是 alternating stress

  7. 问:交变应变拼音怎么拼?交变应变的读音是什么?交变应变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变应变的读音是jiāo biàn yìng biàn,交变应变翻译成英文是 alternating strain

  8. 问:交变开关拼音怎么拼?交变开关的读音是什么?交变开关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变开关的读音是jiāo biàn kāi guān,交变开关翻译成英文是 alter switch

  9. 问:交变归纳拼音怎么拼?交变归纳的读音是什么?交变归纳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变归纳的读音是jiāo biàn guī nà,交变归纳翻译成英文是 alternating induction

  10. 问:交变操作拼音怎么拼?交变操作的读音是什么?交变操作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变操作的读音是jiāo biàn cāo zuò,交变操作翻译成英文是 alter operation

  11. 问:交变极化拼音怎么拼?交变极化的读音是什么?交变极化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变极化的读音是jiāo biàn jí huà,交变极化翻译成英文是 Alternating Polarization

  12. 问:交变极性拼音怎么拼?交变极性的读音是什么?交变极性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变极性的读音是jiāo biàn jí xìng,交变极性翻译成英文是 alternating polarity

  13. 问:交变滞后拼音怎么拼?交变滞后的读音是什么?交变滞后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变滞后的读音是jiāo biàn zhì hòu,交变滞后翻译成英文是 alternating hysteresis

  14. 问:交变电压拼音怎么拼?交变电压的读音是什么?交变电压翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变电压的读音是jiāo biàn diàn yā,交变电压翻译成英文是 alternating voltage

  15. 问:交变电平拼音怎么拼?交变电平的读音是什么?交变电平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变电平的读音是jiāo biàn diàn píng,交变电平翻译成英文是 alternate level

  16. 问:交变结构拼音怎么拼?交变结构的读音是什么?交变结构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变结构的读音是jiāo biàn jié gòu,交变结构翻译成英文是 alternative structure

  17. 问:交变荷载拼音怎么拼?交变荷载的读音是什么?交变荷载翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变荷载的读音是jiāo biàn hè zǎi,交变荷载翻译成英文是 alternative load

  18. 问:交变负荷拼音怎么拼?交变负荷的读音是什么?交变负荷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变负荷的读音是jiāo biàn fù hè,交变负荷翻译成英文是 alternate charge

  19. 问:交变载荷拼音怎么拼?交变载荷的读音是什么?交变载荷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变载荷的读音是jiāo biàn zài hè,交变载荷翻译成英文是 cyclic loading

  20. 问:交变齿轮拼音怎么拼?交变齿轮的读音是什么?交变齿轮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交变齿轮的读音是jiāo biàn chǐ lún,交变齿轮翻译成英文是 profile shifted gear



拼音:jiāo biàn

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