







汉语拼音:jiǎng xiàng






  1. It was a bit like promoting a film, which had not yet been made or produced, for the most important cinema-industry prize.


  2. I'm very grateful to receive this award for "best actress" . I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor.


  3. Another idea discussed at the meeting was to move some of the less popular categories to a separate show on cable TV.


  4. That prize was one of two awarded to the Times, which also won for feature photography.


  5. You've won a number of awards the sort of Chinese Grammy Awards. (WL: Right) What do these awards mean to you?


  6. He said he accepted the award with "deep gratitude and great humility. "


  7. Xie continued to win awards for his photography but began to find little meaning to his work.


  8. He said he would accept the award as "a call to action" and was deeply humbled by the panel's choice.


  9. "To be chosen for this prize is a great honour, and I'm still a little bit in shock, " she said.


  1. 获得这个奖项意味着

    Winning this award means.

  2. 接受了一个奖项。

    to receive a prize from the university.

  3. 成功获得某些质量奖项。

    Wining of some types of quality award.

  4. 吉恩囊括了全部奖项。

    Jean carried off all the prizes.

  5. 奖项根本不确定给谁。

    The prize is by no means certain.

  6. 一批不同门类的奖项。

    in a number of different categories.

  7. 老师颁予他一个奖项。

    The teacher awarded him a prize.

  8. 诺贝尔奖是世界性的奖项。

    The Nobel Prize is an international prize.

  9. 诺贝尔奖是世界性得奖项。

    The Nobel Prize is an international prize.

  10. 它最终得到了很多奖项

    It won lots of awards.

  11. 玛丽娜赢得了最高奖项。

    Marina Dimitrov won the top prize.

  12. 这个奖项是由德州州长。

    Which is the honor given to her.

  13. 会赢很多奖项的,说真的

    It's gonna win every award. Seriously.

  14. 有七个奖项类别在当晚。

    There are seven award categories on the night.

  15. 这个奖项将在2月23日颁发。

    The awards will be presented February 23 rd.

  16. 他将与其他选手竞争奖项。

    He will compete with others for a prize.

  17. 更不用说对奖项的咒骂了。

    And that's to say nothing of the curse of awards.

  18. 更不用说对奖项得咒骂了。

    And that's to say nothing of the curse of awards.

  19. 好莱坞孤芳自赏 各种奖项铺天盖地

    The Show Business World Just Loves Handing Out Awards

  20. 奖项通常是颁给最好的事物。

    Awards usually only go to the best.

  21. 鲍勃几乎包揽了所有的奖项。

    Bob made an almost clean sweep of the prizes.

  22. 鲍勃几乎包揽了所有得奖项。

    Bob made an almost clean sweep of the prizes.

  23. 我觉得你应该赢下全部奖项。

    And I think you deserve to win all the awards.

  24. 我觉得你应该赢下全部奖项。

    And I think you deserve to win all the awards.

  25. 切尔西即将夺取今年所有奖项。

    Chelsea are getting all the awards.

  26. 他颁发的奖项为无名英雄奖。

    He handed over the trophy in the Unsung Hero category.

  27. 得到这个奖项真像是梦想成真。

    Receiving this award is just like a dream come true.

  28. 这是20部角逐奖项的电影之一。

    This is one of the twenty films in contention for an award.

  29. 这是20部角逐奖项得电影之一。

    This is one of the twenty films in contention for an award.

  30. 这是20部角逐奖项的电影之一。

    This is one of the twenty films in contention for an award.


  1. 问:奖项拼音怎么拼?奖项的读音是什么?奖项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奖项的读音是jiǎngxiàng,奖项翻译成英文是 The price of a certain item.


