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1. 采 [cǎi]2. 采 [cài]采 [cǎi]摘取:~撷。~花。~摘。~制。选取,搜集,开发,利用:~访(搜集寻访)。~纳(接受意见)。~集。~伐。~购。~掘。~写。神色,精神:神~。精~。同“彩”。〔~~〕盛多的样子。古代指官。采……
汉语拼音:cǎi mǎi
清 蒋士铨 《桂林霜·幕议》:“就是我管钱穀所办的,省米价,停採买,蠲羡餘,亦皆次第就理。”《清史稿·世宗纪》:“拨 通 仓米十五万石, 奉天 米二十万石,採买米五万石,运往 山东 备賑。” 梁启超 《中国改革财政私案》第二:“由官运往,以供该地人就近之採买。”
With the arrival of winter in the Kashmir valley, people are beginning to stock up on traditional fire pots made of clay and twigs.
当冬日降临喀什米尔的山谷,人们开始采买黏土和树枝做的传统火炉。Connect the edible on the island also enough it has been a year since we ate and go out to buy all absence not.
就连岛上的食物也足够我们吃一年了,出去采买都不必。The rest of the receipts and a further report will be published in the next issue of the News magazine .
目前仍继续采买中,其馀的支出收据及后续报导将刊登于下期新闻杂志。The following two days were spent buying relief items. Luckily , the U. S. Dollar was able to purchase a great many supplies !
接下来的两天里我们采买了许多赈灾品,这些美金在当地可以买到好多好多东西!I did a bit of Christmas shopping yesterday.
我昨天采买了一点耶诞用品。Debby: I've really learned a lot about tactical and strategic purchasing and I just want to share my knowledge with all my colleagues.
我真的学到好多的策略与技巧性采买,我很想把我学到的分享给我所有的同事们。We need to find out how many people will come so we know how much food to buy.
我们得查明有多少人要来,才知道要采买多少食物。Upon our return to the capital of Honduras , we bought some medical supplies , half for Honduras and half for Nicaragua .
回到首都之后,我们又采买了一些药品,一半给宏都拉斯,一半给尼加拉瓜。The museum shop includes a grocery section, where customers can purchase goods from a genuine butchery and bakery.