


1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……





汉语拼音:zháo jǐn









  1. 紧要;重要。

    《朱子语类》卷二二:“‘食无求饱,居无求安’,须是见得自家心里常有一箇合当著紧底道理。” 孙中山 《<民报>周年纪念演说词》:“文明越发达,社会问题越著紧。”

  2. 抓紧;赶紧。


  3. 紧要;重要。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第三本第二折:“他着紧处将人慢。” 王季思 校注:“是説在紧要关头怠慢人。”《儿女英雄传》第二七回:“先讲那会吃醋的……不是自已久不生育,便是生育不存,把宗祧家业看得着紧,给丈夫置几房姬妾。”

  4. 抓紧;赶紧。

    《金瓶梅词话》第六七回:“出月初二日准起身,定不的年岁,还到 荆州 买纸, 川 广 贩香蜡,着紧一二年也不止。”《儒林外史》第六回:“方纔若不如是着紧的问 严老爷 要喜钱、酒钱, 严老爷 已经上轿去了。”

  5. 犹焦急。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第二本第一折:“诸僧众各逃生,众家眷谁瞅问,这生不相识横枝儿着紧。” 王季思 校注引 王伯良 曰:“非亲非故,乃曰我能退兵,是所谓横枝儿着紧也。”《警世通言·杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》:“ 杜十娘 连日不见公子进院,十分着紧,就教小廝 四儿 街上去寻。”

  6. 着意;留意。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“元来世上妇人,除了那十分贞烈的,説着那话儿无不着紧。” 清 李渔 《凰求凤·先醋》:“説亲的时节,不要上门去讲,只在路上候他,要在有意无意之间,使他听见了,自然会着紧。”



  1. He felt its fur like a caress on the side of his neck, and then the touch of its whiskers and fevered nose.


  2. The front is engraved with an image of the Virgin Mary clutching a cross while the back has five bleeding hearts.


  3. From behind him, there was a blur of something being swung, and a dull thud.


  4. The religion of Mo Er says, tightly walk 2, follow a pair of Zhang opens, fiercely the shot is to Huang Chang.


  5. And after all, it was her little backside that was closest to the pony's outstretched mouth. So her little legs went faster and faster.


  6. But look at home against the tight himself, the rich will allow the rest temporarily retreating.


  7. Now, young face is vary from minute to minute, he saw her tears on her face, children now know that she is very tight with his.


  8. Compact arms with bulging triceps hung at its side.


  9. There are six Decepticon fighters howling after it.


  1. 小孩穿着紧绷的靴子很难受。

    The child was uncomfortable in his tight boots.

  2. 是的,他笑着紧挨黛比坐下。

    Yes,'he laughs, cuddling up to Debbie.

  3. 她穿着紧的长统靴感到不舒适。

    She feels uncomfortable in tight boots.

  4. 他对着紧闭的门深深鞠了一个躬。

    He bowed deeply to the closed door.

  5. 战争就快结束了,但英国仍在过着紧日子。

    The war was drawing to a close and Britain was still drawing in her belt.

  6. 请尽量不要穿着紧包住大腿和身体的服装。

    Avoid wearing tight clothing around the upper thighs and body.

  7. 我得新娘吓得又惊又喜,她颤抖着紧靠在我得胸前。

    My bride and starts up with fear and delight, she trembles and clings to my breast.

  8. 这时他才明白了。他对着紧闭得门深深鞠了一个躬。

    Then he understood. He bowed deeply to the closed door.

  9. 这时他才明白了。他对着紧闭的门深深鞠了一个躬。

    Then he understood. He bowed deeply to the closed door.

  10. 我的新娘吓得又惊又喜, 她颤抖着紧靠在我的胸前。

    My bride and starts up with fear and delight, she trembles and clings to my breast.

  11. 漂亮得嘴讥讽地绷紧着。

    The lovely mouth was taut with irony.

  12. 时间不早了,咱们紧着干吧。

    It's getting late. Let's hurry.

  13. 这瓶洗发水不多了,你要紧着点用。

    There is not much shampoo left; you must economize.

  14. 作业明天就得交,今天我得紧着点写。

    I have to speed up as the assignment is due tomorrow.

  15. 作业明天就得交,今天我得紧着点写。

    I have to speed up as the assignment is due tomorrow.

  16. 这件毛衣你穿着太紧。

    The sweater fits you quick.

  17. 带着你紧闭的嘴唇和你

    With your button down lips and your

  18. 你得注意紧着点儿花钱了。这样挥霍下去你吃不消的。

    You are going to have to be more tight with your money. You can't afford to keep spending like this.

  19. 小小骑士乘着马驹紧随其后。

    The littlest knight followed on his pony.

  20. 不要穿着太紧或太松的牛仔裤。

    Do not wear jeans that are too tight or too baggy.

  21. 只要钓索给撑紧着,我的右手就能握住它,他想。

    My right hand can hold it as long as it is braced, he thought.

  22. 把扣带绕着骆驼勒紧,这样货物就稳当了。

    Fasten the strap around the camel to keep the cargo fixed.

  23. 把扣带绕着骆驼勒紧,这样货物就稳当了。

    Fasten the strap around the camel to keep the cargo fixed.

  24. 我试穿了这件漂亮的大衣,但是我穿着太紧了。

    I try on this beautiful overcoat, but it is too tight.

  25. 小雀惨白着脸紧咬着唇,福了身子才退出去。

    The small Qiao mortal pale wears a face to tightly bite lips, congratulating the body equitable obtain out.

  26. 想到余生都要看着这紧闭的双眼,她拒绝嫁给他。

    The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.

  27. 她仰面躺着, 双目紧闭。

    She was lying back, her eyes closed.

  28. 这鞋号偏小, 穿着有点儿发紧。

    The size of the shoes is too small so they are pinching.

  29. 这鞋号偏小,穿着有点儿发紧。

    The size of the shoes is too small so they are pinching.

  30. 她躺着,双目紧闭,全身绷直。

    She lay, eyes shut, body tense.




拼音:zháo jǐn,意思有1.立即,赶忙;2重要;需要;3.关系密切。 也是任贤齐的第一张广东大碟中的主打歌曲。