




通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……



汉语拼音:xià dá







  1. 追求财利。

    《论语·宪问》:“君子上达,小人下达。” 邢昺 疏:“言君子达於德义,小人达於财利。” 康有为 《大同书》丙部:“立法者将导人以上达,则人争向上而为义;将抑人以下达,则人争向下流而为恶。夫何事导人为恶哉!”

  2. 古时婚礼,男家使媒人向女家求婚,叫下达。

    《仪礼·士昏礼》:“昏礼,下达,纳采,用鴈。” 郑玄 注:“达,通也。将欲与彼合昏姻,必先使媒氏下通其言,女氏许之,乃后使人纳其采择之礼。”《南齐书·武帝纪》:“婚礼下达,人伦攸始。”

  3. 以私事陈达于君。

    《礼记·表记》:“子曰:事君不下达,不尚辞,非其人弗自。” 郑玄 注:“不下达,不以私事自通於君也。”

  4. 向下发布或传达。




  1. The sound changed, not into the silence which had preceded the arrival of these stunning news, but into stifled mutterings.


  2. Top White House officials insist that the president has no desire to dictate spending targets to other nations.


  3. A small mallet used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer to signal for attention or order or to mark the conclusion of a transaction.


  4. He said he rejects the five-year suspension verdict, which was handed down last week. He confirmed that he would appeal the convictions.


  5. Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him. Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him.


  6. Investigators said they were now trying to prove which senior officials might have given orders to carry out the crime.


  7. I got up to take a look: a marine was barking orders at three Afghan Army soldiers attached to the unit.


  8. An order came for him to fall back and support our right. Instead, he moved forward and went over the hill to the left.


  9. There was no sigh of any Chechens and early in the afternoon the order was given to retreat.


  1. 咆哮着下达命令

    growled the orders.

  2. 下达明确的命令

    to give express orders

  3. 任务下达不合理

    assignments are not reasonable

  4. 中士厉声下达命令。

    The sergeant snapped out an order.

  5. 总统立即下达指示。

    The President issued immediate instructions.

  6. 调度命令自动下达

    dispatching command could be released automatically

  7. 下达命令做某事。

    Give instructions to do sth.

  8. 由祭司下达判决。

    It is for the priests to pass judgment.

  9. 前进的命令下达了。

    The order came to set on.

  10. 依此下达直到执行。

    And passed on down the line.

  11. 预先下达的战斗任务

    prebriefed mission

  12. 指示会正确下达的。

    The instructions would be relayed correctly.

  13. 你下达了什么命令?

    Oftobacco studies, what was required of you?

  14. 实现下达的销售目标

    Deliver the assigned sales target

  15. 将军下达了直接命令。

    Direct orders fell from the general's mouth.

  16. 经理向秘书下达指示。

    The manager dictated in structions to his secretary.

  17. 谁下达弃船得命令?

    Who gives the order to abandon ship?

  18. 谁下达弃船的命令?

    Who gives the order to abandon ship ?

  19. 团长大声下达命令。

    The regimental commander snapped out his order.

  20. 命令书下达在办公署。

    The order book is at the office.

  21. 老板爱给我们下达指示。

    the boss loves to send us directives.

  22. 给各工序下达生产计划。

    Instruct the schedule to each process.

  23. 上校下达了进攻的命令。

    The Colonel gave the command to attack.

  24. 你无权下达这样的命令

    You have no authority to issue such an order.

  25. 用坚定的语调下达的命令。

    Commands given in a firm tone of vo ice

  26. 你无权下达这样的命令。

    You have no authority to issue such an order.

  27. 请尽快下达通知书为荷。

    Please gie us forwarding instructions as soon as possible.

  28. 这种命令必得从国内下达。

    Such orders will have to come from home.

  29. 那个下达遣送命令的法官

    who granted Angelo a stay of the removal order.

  30. 命令下达后战士热烈响应。

    The soldiers responded eagerly to the orders.


  1. 问:下达拼音怎么拼?下达的读音是什么?下达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下达的读音是xiàdá,下达翻译成英文是 issue

  2. 问:下达简令拼音怎么拼?下达简令的读音是什么?下达简令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下达简令的读音是,下达简令翻译成英文是 briefing



【出处】:《论语·宪问》:“君子上达,小人下达。” 邢昺 疏:“言君子达於德义,小人达於财利。”