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小心,当心:谨~。不~。~重(zhòng )。~言。~独(在独处时能谨慎不苟)。姓。……
汉语拼音:shèn mì
《易·繫辞上》:“几事不密则害成,是以君子慎密而不出也。” 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·僧伽罗国》:“宜各慎密,勿説事源,人或知闻,轻鄙我等。”
明 袁宏道 《识张幼于箴铭后》:“今若强放达者而为慎密,强慎密者而为放达,续鳧项,断鹤颈,不亦大可嘆哉!” 续范亭 《学习有得》诗:“慎密周详,活泼愉快。”
"Our intervention in Dubai World was carefully planned and reflects its specific financial position, " he said in a statement.
他在一份声明中说:“我们对迪拜世界的干预是经过慎密筹划地,也是考虑到它的特殊财务状况。”More thoughtful ones may stop to ponder the remarkable Quixotic drama of a single man who set out to overturn the mighty American Imperium.
而更思维慎密的人们可能已经开始,从沉迷于有一个人要单枪匹马推翻强大的美国帝国的堂吉诃德式的戏剧中,清醒过来。The relocation operation has been carried out with commendable precision. Meticulous planning and careful execution have paid off.
机场搬迁计划是经过精确的部署和细心的策划,执行过程慎密,工作圆满,实在值得赞赏。A. needs to follow through on promises to determine which companies abroad are more trustworthy and which require closer scrutiny.
要确定哪些国外公司是比较可信赖的,哪些国外公司需要慎密地进行详细审查。Economists and financial experts like to fancy themselves as exact scientists as well.
经济学人和金融专家也喜欢想当然地认为自己就是慎密的科学工作者。In children with the version of the gene not linked to autism risk, the pathways were linked more strongly to the left side of the brain.
携带这种基因的儿童并不存在患上孤傲症的风险,而孤傲症的风险似乎与左脑的联系更为慎密。She was closely associated with the Mostly Mozart Festival at Lincoln Center, where she first performed in 1971.
和德拉罗查女士往来慎密的莫扎特音乐节,在林肯中心(LincolnCenter)举办,那也是她在1971年首度登台的地方。But the sheer quality and sophistication of his arguments were obvious.
但是,他的论点的慎密和逻辑,却是显而易见的。Of course, the availability of crystals, or what kind of crystals, and is closely related to experimental conditions.
He made a rigorous study of the plants in the area.
但是, 他的论点的慎密和逻辑, 却是显而易见的。
But the sheer quality and sophistication of his arguments were obvious.
第一, 水质评估必须以慎密的科学研究作为依据。
first , scientific rigour in the assessment of water quality was essential.
Must have a tight, deep snowshoe foot with wellcushioned pads.
The tremor may even be so light that only the most delicate machine will record it.
The 6. 2 magnitude tremor struck 160 miles northeast of the capital, Dili, in Indonesias Banda Sea at a depth of 6 miles, the U.S.
答:慎密的读音是shènmì,慎密翻译成英文是 cautious and thoroughly considered