







汉语拼音:huī yìng









  1. 亦作“ 辉暎 ”。照耀;映射。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《登江中孤屿》诗:“云日相辉映,空水共澄鲜。” 清 二石生 《十洲春语·攟馀》:“若翠鸞之佐丹鸑,辉暎并丽。” 贺敬之 《放歌集·放声歌唱》:“在这镰刀、锤头和五星交相辉映的旗帜下。”



  1. It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan concept of duality.


  2. Harry had reached the shed. He leaned against the wooden door and looked up at Hogwarts, with its windows glowing red in the setting sun.


  3. Her hat had been pushed off, an the snow shining on her dark hair. He now felt a strange gentleness for her.


  4. She looked attractively saucy and the green of the lining made her eyes dark emerald and sparkling.


  5. the ceremony had lasted exactly the right amount of time, allowing the sun to set behind the trees.


  6. HIbiscus colored Dining Room echoes the colors of the garden.


  7. The rosy, distant sky resonates with the red autumnal leaves of the foreground; they constitute a bewitching, almost romantic ambience.


  8. The bright moonlight projects to the slightly green clothing and pale face of the Overfly girl, shining the silver green color.


  9. Red sunset red cloud the horizon, the distant high-rise buildings, trees and more than reflect the sun's mysterious.


  1. 星光辉映。

    The stars are keenly shining.

  2. 残辉映远山。

    Light's last blushes tinged the distant hills.

  3. 神话辉映下的黑色阴影

    Black Shadow in Light of Myth

  4. 镜子交相辉映,看不到尽头。

    These mirrors go glimmering away into infinity.

  5. 辉映, 并且永恒地睁着眼睛,

    And watching, with eternal lids apart

  6. 橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。

    The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.

  7. 雪山和蓝天交相辉映, 分外美丽。

    The snow mountains look extremely elegant against the blue sky.

  8. 天坛与天辉映的蓝琉璃

    Blue Glazed Temple of Heaven

  9. 芙蓉花色的餐厅辉映花园的颜色。

    HIbiscus colored Dining Room echoes the colors of the garden.

  10. 夜空中烟火辉映, 看起来十分壮丽。

    The fireworks looked very splendid against the dark sky.

  11. 七星辉映携手共创辽宁振兴

    The Central Seven Cities Join Hands for Rejuvenating Liaoning

  12. 松树在白雪的辉映下十分好看。

    The pine trees looks very pretty against the white snow.

  13. 新款柯斯达辉映上海国际客车展

    New generation COASTER stands out on Shanghai Intl. Bus Show

  14. 银饰和整体装扮融为一体, 相互辉映。

    Silver jewelry and the overall dress are embraced as integration.

  15. 而你银白色的肌肤辉映着迷蒙的夜色。

    My love, your silver skin reflects the misty night.

  16. 长城、烽火台、古渡口仍辉映着黄河浪涛。

    Great Wall, beacon towers, and still reflect the ancient Yellow River crossing waves.

  17. 穿着亚麻长袍,你与天际两相辉映。

    And your hemp robe shines, in the contrast with the sky.

  18. 秀水与青山在这里辉映,古典与现代在这里交融。

    The water and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other, classical and modern reflect here.

  19. 湖光山色交相辉映,这样的风景真是太美了。

    The scenery of the lake shineds that of the mountain. How beautiful the view is!

  20. 湖光山色交相辉映,这样的风景真是太美了。

    The scenery of the lake shineds that of the mountain. How beautiful the view is!

  21. 在蜡烛的辉映下, 学院的银器闪烁着炫目光芒。

    The candles were lit, the college silver beamed triumphantly.

  22. 那座古塔在晨曦的辉映下轮廓分外鲜明。

    The ancient pagoda stood out in relief against the dawn.

  23. 我坐起来,看着右边的河水辉映着夜晚的灯光。

    I sat up and saw the river flashing nightlights on the right.

  24. 长时期以来,中西方文化在香港相互辉映,相互交融。

    For a long time, Hong Kong has embraced the eastern and western cultures.

  25. 钟楼得鼓楼交相辉映, 使古城西安更加美丽壮观。

    With the two towers rivaling each other, the ancient city of Xian is even more beautiful and spectacular than ever before.

  26. 钟楼的鼓楼交相辉映,使古城西安更加美丽壮观。

    With the two towers rivaling each other, the ancient city of Xian is even more beautiful and spectacular than ever before.

  27. 它们与其他装饰物品交相辉映,共同美化您的生活。

    They another beauty with other decoration goods, beautifies your life together.

  28. 气吐胸中,充塞宇宙,笔落人间,辉映琼玖。

    Gas vomit bosom, pervading the universe, pen, reflect Joan nine human.

  29. 简直就是出来和胡静嫁富豪新闻相辉映得!

    It is out and Hu Jing marry rich phase has embraced the news!

  30. 在明亮的灯光辉映下节日聚餐的气氛会更加热烈。

    The atmosphere that below bright lamplight reflect the festival dines together will be more enthusiastic.


  1. 问:辉映拼音怎么拼?辉映的读音是什么?辉映翻译成英文是什么?

    答:辉映的读音是huīyìng,辉映翻译成英文是 reflect




拼音:huī yìng词性:动词基本解释[shine;reflect] 光辉映照照耀;映射:灯光月色,交相~ㄧ绚丽的晚霞~着大地。也作晖映。详细解释

解释:亦作“ 辉暎 ”。照耀;映射。南朝 宋 谢灵运 《登江中孤屿》诗:“云日相辉映,空水共澄鲜。”清 二石生 《十洲春语·攟馀》:“若翠鸾之佐丹鸑,辉暎并丽。”贺敬之 《放歌集·放声歌唱》:“在这镰刀、锤头和五星交相辉映的旗帜下……”示例:绚丽的晚霞辉映着大地。常用的用法有相互辉映或者互相辉映。