







汉语拼音:cǎi shuǐ






  1. 一种游泳方法。人直立深水中,两腿踩踏,身体保持不沉,并能前进。

    《续小五义》第一一○回:“五位分波踏浪,踩水直奔正西。” 鲍昌 《庚子风云》第一部第一章:“他是好水性,胸脯以上一直露在水面之上,不一会,便踩水到了河当央了。”



  1. Eggbeater kick allows you to kick breaststroke without the stretch and potential strain across the groin.


  2. Take a deep breath when I say. Kick for the surface and keep kicking.


  3. Caption : TREADING WATER: A horse from the Kings Troop, the Royal Horse Artillery, swam in the sea near Blackpool, England, Wednesday.


  4. If you can't get back to the beach, tread water and wave for a lifeguard's help.


  5. The swimmer trod water before beginning the long swim to the shore.


  6. The crew of the capsized yacht had to tread water until the rescuers arrived.


  7. Vertical drills include vertical kicking, vertical sculling, bobs and streamline blast offs.


  8. Even with the others holding him up, Guy was exhausted from treading water for 18 hours without a life vest.


  9. Now go horzontal. Start with 4 to 6 eggbeater kicks to get yourself moving, and then throw in a couple regular strokes of breaststroke.


  1. 有时,我可以连续三天踩水。

    I tread water for three days in a row.

  2. 他靠踩水来保持身体不向下沉。

    He kept afloat by treading water.

  3. 而且水球是在水里,你一直都要踩水。

    And flippaball is in the water, so you need to tread water the whole time.

  4. 浅谈花样游泳自选动作中踩水的技术与训练

    The Study on the Skill of Treads Water of Figure Swimming and its Training.

  5. 这可能需要你游一会蛙泳,或者踩水,或者漂浮一会。

    This may require doing some breaststroke, or treading water or floating for a little while.

  6. 我认为她感到她做那份工作只是在原地踩水。

    I think she feels that she's just treading water in that job.

  7. 我的工作效率很高。有时, 我可以连续三天踩水。

    Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.

  8. 我得工作效率很高。有时,我可以连续三天踩水。

    Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row.

  9. 就目前,保时捷只有拥有足够的现金流踩水。

    As it stands now, Porsche only has enough cash flow to tread water.

  10. 当运动员进行踩水的时候也会有相同的上升力产生。

    This same lift force is generated while treading water.

  11. 巴西姆水性很好,他抓住多阿的手,在旁边踩水。

    Bassem was a good swimmer, so he held her hand and tread water.

  12. 那艘快艇倾覆了,人们在营救人员到达以前只得踩水。

    The crew of the capsized yacht had to tread water until the rescuers arrived.

  13. 他使劲踩水,破水而出,他大口地吸气,一边咳嗽一边满口吐水。

    He kicked powerfully, broke through to the surface and inhaled, coughing and spitting out mouthfuls of water.

  14. 把土和水踩成泥浆

    to champ soil and water into mud

  15. 别踩得水坑水花四溅。

    Stop splashing your feet in the puddles.

  16. 他没踩到岸上,踩到水里去了。

    He missed the bank and landed in the water.

  17. 她踩着水休息了一会儿,然后开始向岸边游去。

    She rested for a moment, treading water, and then started for shore.

  18. 我踩在水里滑了一跤,脑袋砸到马桶上晕了过去。

    I slipped on some water, and ended up hitting my head on the toilet and passing out.

  19. 小心,别踩着那水坑。

    Mind you don't tread in that puddle.

  20. 他踩了一晚上的水,大声的呼救。

    Treading water all night long, screaming his lungs out.

  21. 我踩进了一个小水坑,把脚弄湿了。

    I stepped in a puddle and got my foot wet.

  22. 如果他踩在上面, 就可能把冰面踩破然后掉到水里。

    If he stepped there, he might break through the ice into a pool of water.

  23. 孩子们爱踩溅过水洼。

    Children love splashing through puddles.

  24. 你不可能水远脚踩两只船。

    You can't keep riding two horses forever.

  25. 或跃或踩,追逐娱乐,你和大姐把水戏。

    Or jump or step on, chasing entertainment, you and your eldest sister to water play.

  26. 我纵身一跳, 将小筏子踩到了水中。

    I sprang to my feet, and leaped, stamping the coracle under water.

  27. 然后铺一层砾石并洒上少许水用来踩实。

    Then a layer of gravel and a little water was applied and trampled solid.

  28. 父亲一脚踩滑了, 跌在水中, 眼看就要淹死。

    One foot steps on father slipped, drop in water, be about to drown soon.

  29. 妈妈心疼我, 不让我下来踩到又脏又臭的深水里。

    Mother distressed me, let me step down in water dirty, foul.

  30. 他撩开两条瘦长的腿,扑踏扑踏地踩着泥水走着。

    He was swinging the two long and skinny legs and treading the muddy water with a clattering sound.


  1. 问:踩水拼音怎么拼?踩水的读音是什么?踩水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踩水的读音是cǎishuǐ,踩水翻译成英文是 treading water

  2. 问:踩水姿势拼音怎么拼?踩水姿势的读音是什么?踩水姿势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踩水姿势的读音是cǎi shuǐ zī shì,踩水姿势翻译成英文是 treading position


