







汉语拼音:bǐng chí







  1. 执持。

    前蜀 杜光庭 《张崇胤本命南斗北斗词》:“秉持未契於神明,履行或亏於恭恪。” 鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第二三篇:“迨 吴敬梓 《儒林外史》出,乃秉持公心,指擿时弊。”

  2. 持有,具有。

    《世说新语·赏誉》“ 谢子微 见 许子将 兄弟” 刘孝标 注引《海内先贤传》:“ 许子将 秉持清格,岂可以吾舆服见之邪?”

  3. 指操守。

    唐 李肇 《唐国史补》卷下:“ 宪宗 朝,则有 杜邠公 之器量, 郑少保 之清俭, 李安邑 之智计, 裴中书 之秉持。”



  1. He remains, by virtue of his earlier work, easily the best memoirist of any American secretary of state or president in the modern era.


  2. It is much easier to commune with Buddha if you hold a pure heart like a child. The heart of a child does not hold hatred.


  3. Totally obsessed by the idea that virginity should be preserved, he spent his whole life trying to convince girls to abstain from sex.


  4. Uphold the principles of "people-oriented" concept for you to provide broader career development space and you grow with the company.


  5. I always think of my film to adhere to a duty, to escape from the general, to preserve the lives of the underlying.


  6. The visit of Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, a few months ago, was in the spirit of such a new relationship.


  7. He said: "We urge the specialist team to abide by the principles of being objective and responsible in carrying out its work. "


  8. Thousands of years, Chinese culture has always been the principle of "Abolishing Luxury Honors Thrifty" consumer outlook.


  9. and to see that the principles of justice and human dignity are upheld by all.


  1. 秉持公道, 伸张正义

    stand for fairness and justice

  2. 法官永远要秉持公心。

    The judge shall keep his fairness forever.

  3. 法官永远要秉持公心。

    The judge shall keep his fairness forever.

  4. 秉持现实和诚实的态度。

    Be realistic and honest.

  5. 因此,我们也必须秉持正义。

    And so we, too, must act on behalf of justice.

  6. 秉持诚信创新的经营理念

    Adhere to the Business philosophy of integrity and innovation.

  7. 必须秉持一种精神, 这就是公仆精神。

    We must uphold the honorable conduct of public servant.

  8. 谁来秉持火把?我,红雀说。

    Wholl carry the link I, said the Linnet.

  9. 一旦你秉持这种态度, 你便会发现真相。

    Once you choose that attitude, you can discover the truth.

  10. 妻子们是怎样看待与秉持贞节观念的。

    How wives in this time looked on the idea of chastity or chasteness.

  11. 长期秉持以质量第一, 服务至上为宗旨。

    Longterm grasps to quality first, service first as our tenet.

  12. 他一贯秉持公正、公平和正直等价值观。

    He has always cherished the values of justice, fairness and integrity.

  13. 我们都秉持保护人类尊严的普遍价值观。

    We all share the universal values attached to the protection of human dignity.

  14. 马来西亚支持提出这些议案所秉持的精神。

    Malaysia supports the spirit in which those proposals have been made.

  15. 他还秉持他从前的宗教热诚,很喜欢辩驳。

    He retained a great deal of his old enthusiasm, and loved argumentation.

  16. 我知道你实在是秉持你自己的心愿去那儿的。

    I know you were there of your own accord.

  17. 无序变化是迄今为止的科技发展所秉持的样态。

    Disordered change is what technology has been about until now.

  18. 无序变化是迄今为止得科技发展所秉持得样态。

    Disordered change is what technology has been about until now.

  19. 在宗教或文化方面秉持犹太主义的拥护者

    an adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture

  20. 人文精神秉持的人文关怀是民法的最高价值理念。

    Humanistic spirit has its concern, which is the highest value idea of civil law.

  21. 做领导就要秉持公心,不能以个人好恶行事。

    A leader should adhere to the principle of justice, and can not act according to his own preference.

  22. 这种关系正是后现代文艺评论秉持的基础理念。

    This relationship is the fundamental idea of postmodern literary criticism.

  23. 请秉持国际青年旅舍的精神体谅, 尊重, 自助

    Be in compliance with the motto of the International Youth Hostel Understand and respect others, and Doityourself.

  24. 诚信,优质,高效是我公司一贯秉持的经营理念。

    We always hod the Sincerity, Quality, and Efficiency as our companys business philosophy.

  25. 并确保各方都能秉持公正和人类尊严的原则。

    and to see that the principles of justice and human dignity are upheld by all.

  26. 我国代表团准备秉持开放与合作精神积极参与。

    Our delegation is ready to participate in an open and cooperative spirit.

  27. 第一,上海世博会将秉持开放理念,弘扬进步精神。

    The Shanghai Expo, first of all, will promote the spirit of openness and progress.

  28. 并且我们秉持着诚信经营的理念,把顾客视为上帝。

    We keep on the concept of credit management, and we also treat customer as God.

  29. 犹太人在宗教或文化方面秉持犹太主义的拥护者

    An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture.

  30. 临床医师唯有秉持着高度的怀疑心, 方能及时诊断。

    High suspicion is essential for early diagnosis.


  1. 问:秉持拼音怎么拼?秉持的读音是什么?秉持翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秉持的读音是bǐngchí,秉持翻译成英文是 To hold.




【拼音】bǐng chí