


1. 毒 [dú]2. 毒 [dài]毒 [dú]有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。恨,……


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:dú dǎ






  1. 狠打。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·禀帖赘说》附《上杨提台禀帖》:“ 张进 、 史二 于六月二十三日强刈 马头 乡约 张茂德 之穀, 德 与理伦,復统多人毒打,当经典史验明,遍体鳞伤。”



  1. spoke at the service, still bearing the bruises of a beating he took in the attack.


  2. Following the beating-up of MDC leaders last March, South Africa's president, Thabo Mbeki, has been trying to mediate between the two sides.


  3. We had to visit him in the hospital, Rachel got arrested. It was a mess.


  4. If she did anything wrong or tried to escape, she was beaten.


  5. If he had been recently hurt, he would weep bitterly and swear to run away.


  6. The battered woman appeared to have been beat by her cohabitant.


  7. Hannibal gained notoriety for beating his wife and servants in luxurious European hotels.


  8. He was brutally beaten after being arrested, but he revealed nothing useful to the enemy.


  9. He what to see is a sickening scandal everyday here, the uncle fools a weak and beats mercilessly child etc. for the sake of the patrimony.


  1. 她将会被毒打。

    She's beaten.

  2. 地主毒打长工。

    The landlord beat the farmhand heavily.

  3. 很多人惨遭毒打

    People were being beaten brutally.

  4. 流氓们将他毒打一顿。

    The thugs gave him a thorough goingover.

  5. 毒打一阵一阵地时作时辍。

    The beating came and went in waves.

  6. 纳粹分子用枪托毒打他们。

    The Nazis worked them over with gun butts.

  7. 用棍棒把某人毒打一顿

    to belabour someone with a stick soundly

  8. 妻子也会因此而受毒打。

    Wives who insist risk being beaten up.

  9. 他们被毒打了一顿。

    They had their coats soundly brushed.

  10. 他偷窃的时候,遭到了毒打。

    He got the business when stealing.

  11. 他在后巷里被人毒打。

    He was badly beaten up in a back alley.

  12. 那女人受到她丈夫的毒打。

    The woman was cruelly knocked about by her husband.

  13. 她常常遭到酗酒丈夫的毒打。

    She was often beaten by her drunken husband.

  14. 欺负是毒打别人,那是犯法的。

    Bullying is beating someone up, that's against the law.

  15. 彼得遭到一群暴徒的毒打。

    Peter got done over by a gang of roughs.

  16. 他们遭到毒打,被扔进了警车。

    They were beaten up and thrown into police lorries.

  17. 你的朋友被毒打了一顿。

    Your friend took a bad beating.

  18. 你要怎么办?你要毒打每一个人?

    What are you gonna do? You gonna beat up everybody?

  19. 纳粹分子用棍棒和枪托毒打他们。

    The Nazis worked them over with billies and gun butts.

  20. 他被一群暴徒毒打了一顿。

    He was done over by a gang of thugs.

  21. 我曾经被一个劫匪毒打了一顿。

    I was once beaten very badly by a robber.

  22. 他遭到毒打后就一直卧床不起。

    He has been confined to bed after a fierce beating.

  23. 那可怜得狗总是被它得主人毒打。

    The poor dog was always maltreated by its master.

  24. 那可怜的狗总是被它的主人毒打。

    The poor dog was always maltreated by its master.

  25. 那人因毒打妻子而被投入监狱。

    The man was put in prison for battering his wife about.

  26. 这样的举动可能会招来警察的毒打。

    That could a beating by police.

  27. 这样得举动可能会招来警察得毒打。

    That could a beating by police.

  28. 他拒绝合作,遭到毒打,直到他就范为止。

    He refused to cooperate and was beaten until he did.

  29. 那男孩偷东西挨了一顿毒打。

    The boy was cruelly flogged for stealing.

  30. 询问受审时, 他遭受着毒打和饥饿。

    Under interrogation, he was beaten and starved.


  1. 问:毒打拼音怎么拼?毒打的读音是什么?毒打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒打的读音是dúdǎ,毒打翻译成英文是 To beat hard; to strike violently.


