







汉语拼音:lín xuǎn








  1. 挑选;选拔。

    《世说新语·言语》“ 陶公 疾篤,都无献替之言,朝士以为恨” 南朝 梁 刘孝标 注:“按 王隐 《晋书》载 侃 临终表曰:‘……伏愿遴选代人,使必得良才,足以奉宣王猷,遵成志业。’”《新唐书·贾曾传》:“ 玄宗 为太子,遴选宫僚,以 曾 为舍人。” 雷绍性 《名说》:“其遴选代表,为国民任事,较今统领之任期为尤短。”



  1. But, out of the whole human family, it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons.


  2. May we call you if the admissions committee feels that it would be helpful to speak with you by phone regarding the applicant?


  3. In a year, the selection committee will review the progress of each grantee.


  4. THE failure by Congress's joint select committee to produce a deficit plan was greeted with widespread disappointment, but little shock.


  5. Ms. Golden, who helps companies screen top-level candidates, dislikes male ones who put a hand on her shoulder following an interview.


  6. None of the surveyed materials were found to be suitable for use as impedance matched specular radar absorbers.


  7. The selection of the general contractor will be made by the Selection Board (composed of Member States representatives ) .


  8. 'I think China holds a relatively neutral stance over Lagarde in the election of the IMF managing director, ' he said.


  9. But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees.


  1. 公职遴选考试

    competitive examinations for government posts.

  2. 英联邦奖学金遴选委员会

    Commonwealth Scholarships Selection Committee

  3. 赠港大熊猫遴选大揭秘

    Unveil the Secrets of the Selected Pandas for Hong Kong

  4. 综述论文的遴选及审编

    Selection of review papers and its evaluating and editing.

  5. 至少一个吃高纤维遴选一天。

    Eat at least one highfiber selection a day.

  6. 先是校董会成立校长遴选委员会

    Search Committee for the President

  7. 政府大学预科生活津贴遴选委员会

    Government Matriculation Maintenance Grants Selection Committee

  8. 我认为错在那些遴选者,他说。

    I blame the selectors,'quoth he.

  9. 总承包商将由遴选委员会择定。

    The selection of the general contractor will be made by the Selection Board.

  10. 国开行目前正在遴选战略投资者。

    State Bank is currently the selection of strategic investors.

  11. 遴选委员会得决定是最终决定,不容挑战。

    The selection committees decision is FINAL and unchallengeable.

  12. 遴选委员会的决定是最终决定,不容挑战。

    The selection committees decision is FINAL and unchallengeable.

  13. 论政协委员素质与委员遴选机制的改进

    Try Talking about Member of the CPPCC National Committee Quality and Select the Improvement of the Mechanism

  14. 公开遴选的过往承诺已随风而逝。

    Gone are past promises of an open selection.

  15. 这就确保了遴选和任命程序的透明度。

    This ensured the transparency of the selection and appointment processes.

  16. 客观、中立、价值无涉成为遴选知识的标准。

    Objectivity, neutrality and loss of value become the criteria of selecting knowledge.

  17. 她还遴选并修正传统的职场行事睿语。

    She also revisits and revises conventional wisdom about career choices.

  18. 最优环境工程方案遴选模型的建立与应用

    Establishment and Application of a Model for Selecting Best Environment Engineering Scheme

  19. 目前的工作人员遴选制度须随时与工作人员进行磋商。

    The current staff selection system has been subject to consultations with staff.

  20. 从台湾经验论大学校长遴选的几个关键问题

    Some Key Issues on Taiwan System of Selecting University President.

  21. 陪审。翻译问题。同辈审理。集体决定。随机遴选。裁判团。

    Jury, translating problem, trial by peers, decide together, select randomly, group of judge.

  22. 试论两宋进士前三名遴选中的异常现象

    Abnormal Phenomena in Deciding the High Position of the First Three Scholars in Imperial Civil Examinations from Northern Song to Southern Song Dynasties

  23. 我们对近一千件参赛作品进行了认真的遴选。

    I have made a close selection among the near 1000 works for the competition.

  24. 假如你希望加入为警员,你必须通过本处的遴选程序。

    Report this to Constable Hillers , as you said.

  25. 文章遴选一些范例译文,并就具体语病加以分析,证。

    This paper attempts to point out the typical errors in some model versions, then analyse, expound and prove these faults.

  26. 索马里各部族的传统领导人然后认可遴选的议员。

    Traditional leaders from Somalia's clans would then endorse the selection of members of parliament.

  27. 文章遴选一些范例译文,并就具体语病加以分析,论证。

    This paper attempts to point out the typical errors in some model versions, then analyse, expound and prove these faults.

  28. 有人指责遴选者怀有成见才未吸收他加入该队。

    The selectors were accused of showing prejudice in failing to include him in the team.

  29. 改进工作人员遴选程序和设立意见调查官也受到欢迎。

    Improvements in staff selection procedures and the establishment of an ombudsman were also welcomed.

  30. 合书院遴选宿生工作小组保派发宿位之最后决定权。

    The decisions of the United College Working Committee on Selection of Resident Students are final.


  1. 问:遴选拼音怎么拼?遴选的读音是什么?遴选翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遴选的读音是línxuǎn,遴选翻译成英文是 To select strictly.

  2. 问:遴选委员会拼音怎么拼?遴选委员会的读音是什么?遴选委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遴选委员会的读音是lín xuǎn wěi yuán huì,遴选委员会翻译成英文是 selection board


