







汉语拼音:zhēn xuǎn







  1. 甄别选择。

    郭沫若 《天地玄黄·新缪司九神礼赞》:“版本务求精良,因而成本也就自然增高,这便产生了那样严格的甄选。”



  1. How to make a scientific and reasonable decision on selection has always been a focal point of attention in companies.


  2. Jury selection is not the only way in which social media are altering the nation's courts.


  3. You and I can't buy into these companies; only very select institutions and well-connected individuals can.


  4. The "gifted students' team" had a 17-year history, which made up by the recommended students from the universities all around the US.


  5. Results of quota allotment will be published on this website within 15 working days after the result of each selection exercise is known .


  6. The Council instructed the immediate setting up of a search committee to identify a suitable candidate for appointment as the new Dean .


  7. The Panel discussed LegCo Brief on " Development of the West Kowloon Cultural District: Screening Result of Proposals " .


  8. Information regarding the applicant's career goals, and how they fit the goals of the W. T. Chan Fellowships , would also be helpful.


  9. This form is only used for choosing.


  1. 管理人员甄选

    Manager Selection.

  2. 保球队甄选结果

    Bowling Team Members Selection Result

  3. 法官的甄选和任命

    Selection and appointment of judges

  4. 心理甄选量表

    Psychological Screening Inventory.

  5. 战略和战术的甄选。

    It's selection of strategies and tactics.

  6. 甄选程序会定期进行。

    Selection exercises will be conducted on a regular basis.

  7. 工作人员是如何甄选的?

    How are staff members selected ?

  8. 安排应聘者的甄选过程

    Arrange the candidates screening process

  9. 啦啦队员甄选在哪里举办?

    Where are the cheerleading tryouts being held ?

  10. 投标甄选准则及评分制度

    Tender selection criteria and marking scheme

  11. 甄选的主要标准是认证资格。

    The main criterion for selection is qualification.

  12. 请描述公司的员工甄选过程。

    Please describe the staff selection process in the company.

  13. 请问如何甄选学生参加小组面试?

    How do you select students for group interview ?

  14. 对甄选进程进行了一次审查。

    A review has been made of the selection process.

  15. 通过甄选改善国际外派的效果

    Improving International Assignments Through Selection

  16. 你在人力资源部工作么人事甄选?

    Did you work in human resources, personnel selection ?

  17. 如何设计有效的面试与甄选模式?

    How Effective Are Tests and Interviews as Selection Devices?

  18. 于4月向教统局递交甄选名单。

    Successful List will be submitted to EMB in April 2007.

  19. 另一个机制是工作人员甄选系统。

    Another mechanism is the staff selection system.

  20. 针对第一部分的课程甄选足额的教员。

    Select sufficient numbers of faculty members for the first Part I course.

  21. 基于粗糙集的管理人才甄选方法研究

    Selection of Managers Based on Rough Set

  22. 针对第一部分得课程甄选足额得教员。

    Select sufficient numbers of faculty members for the first Part I course.

  23. 文学片段的甄选, 通常为一名作家的选集

    a selection of literary passages, usually by one author

  24. 在甄选画师的过程中,有一段这样的故事。

    In the tryout, there was a story.

  25. 财务专家是经由国际公开招标而甄选的。

    The financial experts are being selected through an international public tender.

  26. 甄选程序会定期进行, 为申请人分配名额。

    Selection exercises will be done on a regular basis for quota allocation to applicants.

  27. 任命和甄选程序应确保国际公务员的独立性。

    The appointment and selection process should ensure the independence of the international civil service.

  28. 在甄选画师的过程中, 发生了一段这样的故事。

    In the tryout, there was a story.

  29. 人力资源管理中人才甄选的灰色多层次评价

    Multilevel Evaluation of Human Resource Management Using Gray System Theory

  30. 这就是记者的工作,在大量的信息中进行甄选工作。

    And that was the job of the journalist. It was filtering all this stuff.


  1. 问:甄选拼音怎么拼?甄选的读音是什么?甄选翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甄选的读音是zhēnxuǎn,甄选翻译成英文是 select; pick

  2. 问:甄选考核拼音怎么拼?甄选考核的读音是什么?甄选考核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甄选考核的读音是zhēn xuǎn kǎo hé,甄选考核翻译成英文是 competitive examination

  3. 问:甄选面谈拼音怎么拼?甄选面谈的读音是什么?甄选面谈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甄选面谈的读音是zhēn xuǎn miàn tán,甄选面谈翻译成英文是 selection interview



释义:甄别选择。 在审查的基础上进行选择。