




心地仁爱,品质淳厚:~良。~心。~举。~事。~人。~男信女。慈~。好的行为、品质:行~。惩恶扬~。高明的,良好的:~策。~本。友好,和好:友~。亲~。和~。熟悉:面~。办好,弄好:~后。擅长,长(cháng )于:~辞令。多谋~断。赞许:“……



汉语拼音:liáng shàn









  1. 善良。

    《百喻经·为熊所啮喻》:“世间愚人……为彼虽著法服无道行者之所駡辱,而滥害良善有德之人。”《朱子语类》卷二二:“良善之人,自然易直而无险诈,犹俗言白直也。”《红楼梦》第七九回:“那 金桂 见丈夫旗纛渐倒,婆婆良善,也就渐渐的持戈试马。” 沙汀 《凶手》:“为了他这种良善的品格,这沟里的一般好事之徒把他叫做‘大傻’。”

  2. 指善良的人。

    《史记·吴王濞列传》:“今者主上兴於姦,饰於邪臣……诛罚良善,日以益甚。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·渭水二》:“ 少林 曰:‘当为理寝寃,勿復害良善也。’”《醒世恒言·施润泽滩阙遇友》:“这两锭银乃是养命之根,不争失了,就如絶了咽喉之气,一家良善,没甚过活。”



  1. The dead woman, to whom I wrote to apologise, was generous and forgiving, saying it had been a real pleasure to read such a kindly account.


  2. Evil Sims love the dark, take great delight in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a life of as far away from goodness as possible.


  3. You and I cannot demonstrate love or joy or peace or patience or kindness sitting all by ourselves on an island.


  4. And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.


  5. But then we have to say that the root of all these reasons is "to bestow good upon His creatures. "


  6. If it were, that goodness, an abstract quality, would be a second deity coordinate with God himself.


  7. 5 To be of a sober mind, pure, workers at home, good, subject to their own husbands, that the word of God would not be blasphemed.


  8. What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears.


  9. Faith was no longer a goal for me to reach. It became the bridge I must cross daily to see God's goodness and live worry-free.


  1. 神的良善和信实?

    God's goodness and faithfulness?

  2. 看见自己最良善的特质

    reflected back at us.

  3. 良善是爱在行动中的彰显。

    GOODNESS is love in action.

  4. 我的终结就是良善,爱和智慧。

    The ending of it is goodness, love and intelligence.

  5. 为何保罗要宣讲律法的良善?

    Why Paul proclaims the goodness of the law ?

  6. 相信他的良善, 便能心生喜乐。

    It is when we trust in His goodness that we find gladness.

  7. 除了神一位之外,再没有良善的。

    There is none good but one, and that is God.

  8. 认出每个人得神性与良善。

    Recognize God and goodness in every face.

  9. 认出每个人的神性与良善。

    Recognize God and goodness in every face.

  10. 以色列丢弃良善,仇敌必追逼他。

    Israel has cast off what is good; the enemy will pursue him.

  11. 诚实, 勤奋和善良是良善的生活要素。

    Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.

  12. 以恶报善的与我作对, 因我是追求良善。

    Those who repay my good with evil slander me when I pursue what is good.

  13. 耶稣对他说,你为什么称我是良善的。

    And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good?

  14. 这是缺少神的良善和不羞愧的开放性。

    It is the absence of God's goodness and unashamed openness.

  15. 上帝良善及慈爱的化身,降临在伯利恒。

    The goodness and love of God became incarnate at Bethlehem.

  16. 逃向一个世界,那里的良善就是游戏的意义

    To a world where the good was the aim of the game.

  17. 如果上帝是良善的, 为什么我们要经历苦难呢?

    If God is so good, why do we suffer?

  18. 我也知道在我里头, 就是我肉体之中, 汉有良善。

    For I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is in my flesh.

  19. 光明所结的果子,就是一切良善,公义,诚实。

    For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.

  20. 开始为你的子孙建立爱与良善的新模式。

    Start a new model of love and goodness for your children.

  21. 宋教仁认为政治的好坏, 关键在政党的良善。

    In his view building democratic politics finishing the political revolution, must relied on the political party.

  22. 如果我们想列举上帝的良善, 我们根本就讲不完的。

    If we were to enumerate the goodness of God we would never finish.

  23. 我看到自己和每个人, 美好良善的内在品质。

    I see the good in myself and in every person.

  24. 如果某人有礼物又良善, 我们会认为他们是仆人。

    If someone is polite and kind, we think they are a servant.

  25. 真理、良善、融洽、美感有何用?它们本身不就是目标。

    What is the use of truth, goodness, harmony, beauty? They are their own goal.

  26. 你当效法智慧良善之人, 他们的心灵像神一样。

    You should emulate those wise and good men whose mind is like God.

  27. 那我将以良善诱之,或者他便会跟我走了。

    I will tempt him now with good, and it may be that he will come with me.

  28. 因此一个良善的人应该远离政治和有关它的活动。

    So a good person has to keep away from politicians and all their activities.

  29. 诸神不可惧。死亡无可忧。良善易达。忧惧易忍。

    The gods are not to be feared. Death is nothing to worry about. Good is easy to attain. The fearful is easy to endure.

  30. 上帝从永恒起便以良善的旨意对待所造之物。

    John frame God willed good to the creature from eternity.



良善 liángshàn 1、[kind,good;meek; humane]∶善良 心地良善 [kind,good people]∶好人 欺压良善 胁迫良善 2、优良完善 良善的制度设计