







汉语拼音:qǐ diǎn









  1. 谓点兵出发。

    《水浒传》第五八回:“ 桃花山 李忠 、 周通 得了消息,便带本山人马,尽数起点,只留三五十个小嘍囉看守寨栅。”

  2. 开始。

    《孽海花》第二九回:“﹝ 郑成功 ﹞立的秘密会社,起先叫做‘天地会’,后来分做两派,一派叫做‘三合会’,起点於 福建 ,盛行於 广东 ,而膨胀於 暹罗 、 新加坡 、新旧 金山 檀岛 ;一派叫做‘哥老会’,起点於 湖南 ,而蔓延於 长江 上下游。”《冷眼观》第二六回:“可惜我不能将他两人中喊一个来亲口问问,究竟是若何起点,若何结局。”

  3. 开始的地方或时间。

    茅盾 《脱险杂记·归途杂拾》:“逃难的人们以及疏散的货物都以 观音阁 为安全起点,若过 观音阁 ,便没有事了。” 陶菊隐 《袁世凯演义》第十三回:“这个问题反映非同盟会议员反对同盟会的领导,以 武昌 起义为民主革命的起点,否定同盟会在 武昌 起义前领导多次革命的功绩。” 毛泽东 《南京政府向何处去?》:“如果这个政府是有最低限度的诚意,就应当以处理 南京 惨案为起点。”



  1. Fundraising is the beginning point of running an enterprise, and is crucial to its survival, which witnesses its birth, growth and eclipse.

  2. This realisation, this awakening, was the beginning of my journey towards consciousness.

  3. We hope that this will be a good start for the long and profitable business realation between us.

  4. Rolls back an explicit or implicit transaction to the beginning of the transaction, or to a savepoint inside the transaction.

  5. What started as an attempt to lighten a dark corner of Chinese life has turned into something that looks suspiciously like a witch-hunt.

  6. It may be a good starting point for a grammar that can be used for things like reverse engineering as some UML modelling tools do.

  7. Childhood is better, but, after all, life is only a starting point, naive, simple, and can only belong to the starting point of ignorance.

  8. Brand new concept of packaging design is to make a good balance and get a maximum income, the starting point is still the packaging design.

  9. And then test the output from the beginning to the end of the maze path.


  1. 起点裁判员

    starting judge.

  2. 重要性起点

    materiality thresholds

  3. 从起点开始?

    Relative to the starting point?

  4. 高度决定起点

    The height confirms on the starting point

  5. 和平没有起点。

    There was no starting point for peace.

  6. 以此为起点

    with this as the starting point.

  7. 倾侧角读数起点

    roll datum

  8. 跑道上的起点

    The starting point at a racetrack.

  9. 谈判有了起点。

    The discussion has a starting point.

  10. 从头来。返回起点

    Go back to square one

  11. 教育学逻辑起点

    logistic starting point of education

  12. 是个好的起点

    Good start.

  13. 下起点点小雨了。

    It is beginning to spot.

  14. 你得回到起点

    You have to go back to the beginning.

  15. 这是一个起点

    So we're looking at this as trying to build out.

  16. 统战工作的新起点

    New Starting Point of United Front Working

  17. 竞走的起点是哪里?

    Where is the starting point of the walk?

  18. 新的起点,放飞新的希望!

    A new start, to soar a new dream!

  19. 第八章回到起点

    Chapter Eight Back to the Start

  20. 创建跟踪的通用起点。

    Generic starting point for creating a trace.

  21. 你站在无声的起点。

    You stand at the threshold mute.

  22. 论警学的逻辑起点

    About the Starting Point of logic in Police Theory

  23. 这意味着一个新起点。

    It can mean a new beginning.

  24. 皆化作创新的起点。

    Are turned into the starting point of innovation.

  25. 进攻部队被迫退回起点。

    The attacking force was driven back to its starting point.

  26. 我们不需要回到起点。

    We don't have to go back to that.

  27. 所以我的起点是关系。

    So where I started was with connection.

  28. 这不是终点,而是起点

    This isn't the end. It's the beginning.

  29. 论庄子道论的逻辑起点

    On the Logical Start of Dao in Zhuang Zi

  30. 那就是他名声的起点。

    It was the establishment of his reputation.


  1. 问:起点拼音怎么拼?起点的读音是什么?起点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点的读音是qǐdiǎn,起点翻译成英文是 starting point

  2. 问:起点站拼音怎么拼?起点站的读音是什么?起点站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点站的读音是qǐdiǎnzhàn,起点站翻译成英文是 A station of departure.

  3. 问:起点级拼音怎么拼?起点级的读音是什么?起点级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点级的读音是qǐ diǎn jí,起点级翻译成英文是 zero level

  4. 问:起点线拼音怎么拼?起点线的读音是什么?起点线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点线的读音是qǐ diǎn xiàn,起点线翻译成英文是 original line

  5. 问:起点地址拼音怎么拼?起点地址的读音是什么?起点地址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点地址的读音是qǐ diǎn dì zhǐ,起点地址翻译成英文是 IP address

  6. 问:起点泵站拼音怎么拼?起点泵站的读音是什么?起点泵站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点泵站的读音是qǐ diǎn bèng zhàn,起点泵站翻译成英文是 source pump station

  7. 问:起点对起点拼音怎么拼?起点对起点的读音是什么?起点对起点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点对起点的读音是qǐ diǎn duì qǐ diǎn,起点对起点翻译成英文是 Start to Start

  8. 问:起点结合因子拼音怎么拼?起点结合因子的读音是什么?起点结合因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点结合因子的读音是qǐ diǎn jié hé yīn zǐ,起点结合因子翻译成英文是 origin-binding factor

  9. 问:起点识别元件拼音怎么拼?起点识别元件的读音是什么?起点识别元件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点识别元件的读音是qǐ diǎn shí bié yuán jiàn,起点识别元件翻译成英文是 origin recognition element

  10. 问:起点复制复合体拼音怎么拼?起点复制复合体的读音是什么?起点复制复合体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起点复制复合体的读音是qǐ diǎn fù zhì fù hé tǐ,起点复制复合体翻译成英文是 origin replication complex