




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:chū fā diǎn









  1. 旅程的起点。常用以比喻考虑问题的基点。

    毛泽东 《整顿党的作风》:“每一个党员,每一种局部工作,每一项言论或行动,都必须以全党利益为出发点,绝对不许可违反这个原则。” 老舍 《四世同堂》三四:“对 瑞宣 、 金三爷 和 四大妈 的照应与服侍,他很感激。可是,他的思想却没以感激他们为出发点,而想怎样酬答他们。” 魏巍 《东方》第二部第九章:“我在考虑他写这封信的出发点是什么。”



  1. First, we pick a starting point and set the transit over the point. We call this point corner number 1.


  2. Concern about privacy was one of Facebook's motivations, but it was also reflecting the way we live our lives offline.


  3. To the extent we do not value ourself, we find ourself locked up in roles, duties and rules - doing the right things for the wrong reasons.


  4. "People are sort of losing the point of why they're eating certain foods, " Wansink said.


  5. If the authors really want to wage war on complexity, the title might have been a good place to start.


  6. And, while he couldn't bring any other Republicans along, that was at least a decent starting point.


  7. There's no doubt that any research project these days should begin with a simple Google search or visiting your competitor's web page.


  8. This was based on this point, through some relevant experiments and expression of the aspects, and puts forward some opinions.


  9. Take a political step forward, and if the electorate does not notice then take the ground gained as the starting point for the next advance.


  1. 出发点和归宿

    starting point and the objective of

  2. 但出发点是好的

    for the right reasons.

  3. 我们的出发点就是你。

    Our starting point was you.

  4. 但他们出发点是好的

    they mean well.

  5. 钻石晶体结构的 出发点。

    It was a diamond cell structure was the point of departure.

  6. 犯罪故意是定罪的出发点。

    Intent is now meant as a crime.

  7. 这始终都可以作为出发点。

    This is the start point, always.

  8. 一切工作的出发点和归宿

    starting point and goal of all the work

  9. 我们必须将此作为出发点。

    And this must be our starting point.

  10. 这正是存在主义的出发点。

    That is the very starting point of existentialism.

  11. 但我知道出发点是好的。

    I knew it was for good.

  12. 其出发点是自贬,其大敌是自负。

    Its startingpoint is selfdispraise, and its great enemy is conceit.

  13. 这些建议是谈判的现实出发点。

    These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.

  14. 这或许是一个适合的出发点。

    This might be a reasonable starting point.

  15. 而这正是本论文研究的出发点。

    And this is the start of paper.

  16. 这成为了我之后作品的出发点

    And that became the baseline of what I was doing.

  17. 首先,我觉得她的出发点是对的。

    I know that starting a blog is a effective and impressive way.

  18. 研究潜产权功能的出发点是产权的功能。

    The difference of the functions of property rights and potential property rights are researched the.

  19. 他的世界观是以他的人性为出发点的。

    His humanity was the foundation for his outlook.

  20. 您的提议将是来此工作的出发点。

    The proposal is a point for working here.

  21. 恐怕我们出发点相同,意见有点分歧。

    Im afraid our opinions diverge from a common starting point.

  22. 我们的标准和,出发点有一些不同。

    Our criterion and the way that we came up with this idea is a little bit different.

  23. 全心全意为人民服务是我们的出发点。

    Our point of departure is to serve the people heart and soul.

  24. 我的出发点是为了幫助我所爱的人

    I wanted to know how to help the people I love.

  25. 飞行伞在出发点海平面上方之高度。

    The altitude of the paraglider above sea level at the departure point.

  26. 提供连续可变的, 出发点后的延迟时间

    MULTIPLIER Provides continuously variable delay time after trigger point.

  27. 我们认为,这个问题是个错误的出发点。

    In our view, that question is the wrong starting point.

  28. 而怀疑,是由于他们以不轻信为出发点。

    of distrust.

  29. 这就是我的出发点,接下来讲一讲我的故事。

    And that is the perspective I have, and then I can start my story.

  30. 他曾是我行事的出发点,我寻求解脱的归宿。

    He was my reason, my escape.


  1. 问:出发点拼音怎么拼?出发点的读音是什么?出发点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出发点的读音是chūfādiǎn,出发点翻译成英文是 departure point



focus of attention;object in mind∶最主要的动机或着眼点。