




推广,伸张,放大,张大:~大。~展。~散(sàn )。~建。~张。~军。~充。……



汉语拼音:kāi kuò







  1. 犹开阔。宽广。

    《朱子语类》卷九七:“‘既得后,须放开。’此亦非谓须要放开,但谓既有所得,自然意思广大,规模开扩。若未能如此,便是未有得,只是守耳。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·理学二》:“独 龙川 俊豪开扩,务建实绩。” 清 侯方域 《谢安论》:“又安能深沉确实,开扩淬厉,而以天下为己任乎?”

  2. 开拓扩展。

    明 李东阳 《麓堂诗话》:“ 汉 魏 以前,诗格简古,世间一切细事长语,皆著不得。其势必久而渐穷,赖 杜 诗一出,乃稍为开扩,庶几可尽天下之情事。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷二:“昔人五岳之游,所以开扩其胸襟眼界,以增其识力,实与读书、学道、交友、歷事相为表里。”



  1. This streamlined armless sofa, glass-topped wire side table and metal desk lamp help maintain an open feeling in this compact living room.


  2. They practice daily, have instructors, listen to their own voices, do breathing exercises, and stretch their vocal range little by little.


  3. Expand our field of vision can be opened to increase our understanding of the world and acquire knowledge of the channel.


  4. We use it to open to expand the field of vision, the study knowledge, but must certainly grasp the discretion.


  5. Internet not only let us open to expand the field of vision, the growth of knowledge, relax, also allows us to make more friends.


  6. However , staying outside we can really widen our sight , but it is neither comfortable nor safe .


  7. Here's a statistic to explain why this is important.


  1. 这给出了结果, 但并未开扩我们的眼界。

    This has yielded a result, but it has not increased our insight.

  2. 这给出了结果, 但并未开扩我们得眼界。

    This has yielded a result, but it has not increased our insight.

  3. 电视节目可以开扩孩子们的视野,丰富他们的生活经验。

    Tv programmes can broaden children's horizons and enrich their life experiences.

  4. 这是一款提高情趣、打发时间、开扩个人知识面的应用。

    Angry Dictionary is a fun app about cursing languages in English and Chinese.

  5. 请给我开一张这个扩胸器的发票。

    Give me a receipt of the chest expander, please.

  6. 要取出总成后的胶管,扣压机头不必完全扩开。

    NB. The swaging head does not need to be fully open to release the assembly.

  7. 开挖出的挤扩桩头

    Excavation of the crowded trailer expanding

  8. 一顶大帐篷在原野上扩展开来。

    A huge tent was extended over the field.

  9. 这种担保匿名得传统便开始迅速扩展开来。

    This tradition of guaranteeing anonymity began to develop quickly.

  10. 这种担保匿名的传统便开始迅速扩展开来。

    This tradition of guaranteeing anonymity began to develop quickly.

  11. 扩展开来, 克林顿得性倾向里有上瘾得成分。

    More generally, in terms of his sexuality, there's an addictive component to it.

  12. 扩展开来,克林顿的性倾向里有上瘾的成分。

    More generally, in terms of his sexuality, there's an addictive component to it.

  13. 这使蛇可以张开大口, 扩大口腔得容量。

    This enabled snakes to widen their jaws and expand the capacity of their mouths.

  14. 鼻腔扩放松张向外,从鼻子到脸颊都扩张开。

    Allow there to be a softening outwards, away from the the nose across the cheek bones.

  15. 这使蛇可以张开大口, 扩大口腔的容量。

    This enabled snakes to widen their jaws and expand the capacity of their mouths.

  16. 斜井正反导井同时开挖,贯通后一次扩挖成型。

    Its positive and negative pilot shafts were excavated at the same time.

  17. 把正得泥, 开底然后迅速扩宽到想要得尺寸。

    The centred clay is then opened and the bottom is quickly widened to its desired measure.

  18. 那就是为什么我们看到得颜色像彩虹一样扩散开。

    That's why we see the colours spread out like a rainbow.

  19. 那就是为什么我们看到的颜色像彩虹一样扩散开。

    That's why we see the colours spread out like a rainbow.

  20. 她把一块石头扔进池塘里,看着水的波纹扩散开。

    She threw a stone into the pond and watch the ripples spread.

  21. 她把一块石头扔进池塘里, 看著水的波纹扩散开。

    She threw a stone into the pond and watched the ripples spread.

  22. 总之,开管扩镓是一种制备高压器件不可比拟的新途径。

    In brief, tubeopen diffusion of Ga is a unexampled new approach to prepare high voltage device.

  23. 桥上腐烂的部分迅速扩展开来,连行人走在上面都不安全

    The rot spread quickly, rendering the Bridge unsafe even for pedestrians.

  24. 嗯, 我开了警灯和警笛, 并上了扩音系统宣布我们是警察。

    Well, I turned on the lights and sirens, and got on the PA system announcing ourselves as police officers.