


1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:shù jiā






  1. 擅长术数的人。

    《史记·十二诸侯年表序》:“历人取其年月,数家隆於神运,谱谍独记世謚。” 司马贞 索隐:“谓阴阳术数之家也。”《汉书·东方朔传》:“上尝使诸数家射覆,置守宫盂下,射之,皆不能中。” 颜师古 注:“数家,术数之家也。” 宋 陈亮 《量度权衡策》:“ 汉 至 建元 、 元狩 之间,而数家之学始盛。”



  1. Plastic Logic, the maker of a forthcoming e-reader device, said it had struck distribution deals with several magazines and newspapers.


  2. He felt himself to be an aberration, born with a love for learning in a family absorbed in simply scrambling to get by, day to day.


  3. The museum said it had never tried to hide its ownership of the painting, which it has lent to several European museums.


  4. Several of the banks said the PEMGroup-related products they sold have continued to meet regular interest payments.


  5. After trials with several local institutions, the government is now opening the door to a few foreign firms.


  6. Mars is one of several global food companies to have been caught up in China's melamine-tainted dairy products scandal.


  7. "Cash is still building up with several institutions and there is a reluctance to allocate that cash, " he said.


  8. Especially in the last decade the company has merged and acquired several internationally renowned oilfield service companies.


  9. All this might explain why half a dozen financial and strategic buyers are said to be in early-stage talks.


  1. 集团下辖子公司数家。

    Group administered a number of subsidiaries.

  2. 这个公司拥有数家工厂。

    The company operates several factories.

  3. 他拥有数家公司的股票。

    He owns stock in several companies.

  4. 数家公司要投标争取合约。

    Several companies will bid for the contract.

  5. 数家公司已投标承建该医院。

    Several firms have tendered for building the hospital.

  6. 数家报纸刊载了该书得摘录。

    Several newspapers published excerpts from the book.

  7. 数家报纸刊载了该书的摘录。

    Several newspapers published excerpts from the book.

  8. 参展的数家公司都提供供暖设备。

    Half a dozen companies offer heating solutions.

  9. 数家汽车厂已被迫停产或减产。

    Several car factories have been forced to close or scale back activity.

  10. 通用汽车临时关闭了数家欧洲工场。

    General Motors has temporarily shut some of its factories in Europe.

  11. 此后, 小说又遭到了数家出版商得拒绝。

    It went on to be rejected by several publishers.

  12. 此后,小说又遭到了数家出版商的拒绝。

    It went on to be rejected by several publishers.

  13. 这个项目由数家本地公司联合筹措资金。

    The project is jointly funded by several local companies.

  14. 通过调查数家企业也发现,上述情况并非虚言。

    Through the survey also found that several companies, the situation is not empty.

  15. 在最近的十年中我曾经在数家公司担任职务。

    For the last ten years I have held a number of management positions in business.

  16. 记者通过调查数家企业也发现, 上述情况并非虚言。

    Reporters through the survey also found that several companies, the situation is not empty.

  17. 最近几周就有数家新企业为了迎合他们应运而生。

    In recent weeks several new entities have sprung up in Europe to cater to them.

  18. 这位知名的女演员正以诽谤罪起诉数家通俗小报。

    The famous actress is suing the tabloids for libel.

  19. 这位知名得女演员正以诽谤罪起诉数家通俗小报。

    The famous actress is suing the tabloids for libel.

  20. 数家墨西哥公司在金融衍生产品上损失数十亿美元。

    Several Mexican companies lost billions on derivative contracts.

  21. 智能精确地控制。该系统已在数家铸钢厂投入运行。

    The intelligent control system has been put into operation in several steel plants.

  22. 他已获由数家生产口服避孕药公司提供的研究基金。

    He has received fees or grants from several companies that make oral contraceptives.

  23. 另有数家医院及专科诊所正在重建或进行大型翻新工程。

    Several other hospitals and specialist clinics were undergoing redevelopment or major refurbishment.

  24. 但是之后数家运营商表示, 审计只是常规性的, 股价因此下跌。

    But several of the operators later said the audits were routine, and share prices fell.

  25. 那位电影明星被数家公司恳请为他们拍电视得商品广告。

    The movie actor was wooed by several companies to do TV commercials for them.

  26. 那位电影明星被数家公司恳请为他们拍电视的商品广告。

    The movie actor was wooed by several companies to do TV commercials for them.