







汉语拼音:xiǎo huǒ








  1. 小伙子。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“还有几个不出名提草鞋的小伙,共是十来个。”《水浒后传》第四回:“打探有个小伙儿跟两个伴当大有肥腻。” 茹志鹃 《百合花》:“又想起我那个小同乡,那个拖毛竹的小伙。”

  2. 小夥:1.犹言小群。

    元 康进之 《李逵负荆》第一折:“某( 宋江 自称)聚三十六大夥,七十二小夥,半垓来的小僂儸,威镇 山东 ,令行 河北 。” 清 铭岳 《拏盐枭》诗:“大夥不成擒,官畏梟拒捕;小夥不放行,梟畏官用武。”

  3. 见“ 小伙 ”。



  1. I was a pretty boy. Particularly in my early movies. I don't like looking at them so much. There's a sort of pretty thing about me.


  2. Sam was a very active sort of person and could not bear to see the lazy fellow idling about in the office this afternoon.


  3. The broken veins were all over his face, little ones, but so many, so close, that they made his face look something like marbled rubber.


  4. Three days later, the eccentric Midwesterner was still at it, completing chapter after chapter, seemingly of his own free will.


  5. The young man is the same size as a one-year-old and loves to ride on top of his father's shoulders or be carried by his mother.


  6. When he grew up into a strong youth he was told of the secret of his birth. So he went to avenge his father's wrongs .


  7. You know, I see this old backhoe that some red-neck is running everyday, maybe digging ditches out in the sun for the phone company.


  8. And, by the way, I never noticed if it was a guy on this side either.


  9. Ellis: Yeah! But I got to tell her I'm a decent guy.


  1. 这可怜的帅小伙

    That poor handsome fool.

  2. 一小伙帮忙的人

    a little posse of helpers.

  3. 连小伙都嫌冷。

    Even the young men thought it was too cold.

  4. 连小伙都嫌冷。

    Even the young men thought it was too cold.

  5. 恶魔,一个酷小伙。

    Devil, a cool boy!

  6. 那个年轻小伙怎么样?

    So how did it go with Seabiscuit?

  7. 多么有毅力的小伙!

    What a persevering young man!

  8. 多么有毅力的小伙!

    What a persevering young man!

  9. 一个给小伙,一个给姑娘。

    One for the guys, one for the girls.

  10. 抓紧,小伙们!抓紧我的脚!

    Hang on now, boys! Yeah! Hang hoof!

  11. 米勒是个帅小伙

    Miller is a hansome man.

  12. 这个小伙明显成功了。

    He's a guy who is obviously going places.

  13. 那牧童短笛,小伙姑娘。

    Piccolo that shepherd boy, young girl.

  14. 外科医生更像牛仔小伙

    Surgeons are more like cowboys.

  15. 那个小伙和那个姑娘相爱。

    That fellow and that girl go together.

  16. 一小伙极端革命的学生。

    A small band of ultra revolutionary students.

  17. 行了,洗车小伙已经走了

    Come on, car wash guy's gone.

  18. 他是个聪明人,是个好小伙。

    He's an intelligent man and a nice fella.

  19. 据说,罗杰是个好小伙。

    By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.

  20. 突然间帅小伙们就消失了

    And then the handsome young men disappeared.

  21. 我们边上坐了个帅小伙

    on the plane today.

  22. 一小伙人试图推倒一尊塑像。

    A small crowd attempted to pull down a statue.

  23. 小伙们,这艘飞船是你们的了。

    Boys, ship's all yours.

  24. 小伙们,这艘飞船是你们的了。

    Boys, ship's all yours.

  25. 谢谢你,亨特,你真是个好小伙

    Thanks, Hunt. You're a good egg.

  26. 特里萨带进家门的那个小伙?

    This boy that theresa's bringing home?

  27. 船夫是个年轻英俊的壮小伙。

    The boatman was a strong handsome young guy.

  28. 船夫是个年轻英俊得壮小伙。

    The boatman was a strong handsome young guy.

  29. 约翰是个心地善良的好小伙。

    Johnny was the character who was the sweetest and would not hurt a fly.

  30. 他以前是个浓眉大眼的帅小伙!

    He was a handsome boy, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.


  1. 问:小伙子拼音怎么拼?小伙子的读音是什么?小伙子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小伙子的读音是xiǎohuǒzi,小伙子翻译成英文是 lad

  2. 问:小伙儿拼音怎么拼?小伙儿的读音是什么?小伙儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小伙儿的读音是xiǎohuǒr,小伙儿翻译成英文是 Chap, jag, a young man.