




1. 朝 [zhāo]2. 朝 [cháo]朝 [zhāo]早晨:~阳。~晖。~暮。~霞。~气。~思暮想。~令夕改。~秦暮楚(喻反复无常)。日,天:今~。明~。朝 [cháo]向着,对着:~向。~前。~阳。坐北~南。封建时代臣见君;亦指宗教……



汉语拼音:míng zhāo






  1. The plight was at last resolved by an old man named Liang Jiu, who worked there for over forty years, since Ming Dynasty.

  2. Early in his career as an official, Yang Jisheng was an outspoken critic of the Ming government's horse trading policy with the Mongols.

  3. The official Communist source does not tell us exactly how opium, as an aphrodisiac or as part of a formula, was used in the Ming court.

  4. Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.

  5. The Forbidden City had been equivalent to the White House through Ming and Qing Dynasty but it is no more than a museum nowadays, chill.

  6. If we needed any more proof that it was Great Wall we were standing on, it came in the form of the Ming brick Will held in his hand.

  7. The first thing I would like to tell you is that it was constructed and built up in the Ming Dynasty.

  8. Chinese traditional mathematics had a long brilliant history, but it had declined since Ming Dynasty.

  9. What Da Ming Huidian did not specify clearly was the year and the quantities involved in each tribute mission.


  1. 明朝中后期

    in middle and late Ming Dynasty.

  2. 看!明朝墓石。

    Look! The Ming Tombs.

  3. 看!明朝墓石。

    Look! The Ming Tombs.

  4. 明朝早于清朝。

    Ming dynasty was before Qing dynasty

  5. 明朝大享殿图

    Drawing of the Hall of Fruition of the Ming.

  6. 它在明朝建造的。

    It was built in the Ming Dynasty.

  7. 明朝天地坛图

    Drawing of the Altar of Heaven and Earth of the Ming Dynasty.

  8. 明朝科举殿试探析

    Probing into the Final Imperial Examination in the Ming Dynasty

  9. 是明朝的定窑造的。

    In Dingyao of Ming Dynasty.

  10. 是明朝得定窑造得。

    In Dingyao of Ming Dynasty.

  11. 明朝晚期, 朝纲混乱。

    In the final phase of the Ming dynasty, court discipline was in great disorder.

  12. 明朝晚期,朝纲混乱。

    In the final phase of the Ming dynasty, court discipline was in great disorder.

  13. 明朝晚期,朝纲混乱。

    In the final phase of the Ming dynasty ,court discipline was in great disorder .

  14. 今日人头税, 明朝物价沉。

    Now capitation, ming Dynasty price is heavy.

  15. 明朝时,边患十分严重。

    In Ming dynasty, the external encroachment on the frontier was very serious.

  16. 明朝时,边患十分严重。

    In Ming dynasty, the external encroachment on the frontier was very serious.

  17. 明朝与安南关系研究

    On Relations between Ming Dynasty and Annam

  18. 明朝后期的盐政变革

    Salt Political Reform in the Late Ming Dynasty

  19. 明朝的亚洲公元1415年的边界

    Asia during the Ming DynastyBoundaries of 1413 A. D.

  20. 我还以为是在明朝呢。

    I thought it was in the Ming dynasty.

  21. 明朝得皇陵共有几处?

    How many tomb areas does the Ming Dynasty have?

  22. 明朝的皇陵共有几处?

    How many tomb areas does the Ming Dynasty have ?

  23. 明朝与占城关系论略

    On Relations between Ming Dynasty and Champa Kingdom

  24. 岁末黄金潮明朝还再来?

    Where Does The Gold Market Go?

  25. 我们今天暂且分别,明朝再会!

    So much for today. Let's meet again.

  26. 最近发现的文物属于明朝。

    The cultural relic discovered lately dates from the Ming Dynasty.

  27. 试论明朝与暹罗的关系

    On the Relationship between Siam and the Chinese Ming Dynasty

  28. 明朝季世,农民起义层出不穷。

    At the end of the Ming Dynasty, peasant revolts broke out again and again.

  29. 他们都是明朝著名的清流。

    They are all famous virtuous scholars of the Ming Dynasty.

  30. 他们都是明朝著名的清流。

    They are all famous virtuous scholars of the Ming Dynasty.


  1. 问:明朝拼音怎么拼?明朝的读音是什么?明朝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝的读音是míngcháo,明朝翻译成英文是 the Ming Dynasty

  2. 问:明朝拼音怎么拼?明朝的读音是什么?明朝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝的读音是míngzhāo,明朝翻译成英文是 Tomorrow morning.; Tomorrow.

  3. 问:明朝中叶拼音怎么拼?明朝中叶的读音是什么?明朝中叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝中叶的读音是Míngcháo zhōngyè,明朝中叶翻译成英文是 the mid-Ming period

  4. 问:明朝末年拼音怎么拼?明朝末年的读音是什么?明朝末年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝末年的读音是Míngcháo mònián,明朝末年翻译成英文是 the end of the Ming dynasty

  5. 问:明朝历史拼音怎么拼?明朝历史的读音是什么?明朝历史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝历史的读音是,明朝历史翻译成英文是 History of the Ming Dynasty

  6. 问:明朝皇室拼音怎么拼?明朝皇室的读音是什么?明朝皇室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝皇室的读音是,明朝皇室翻译成英文是 House of Zhu

  7. 问:明朝伊斯兰教拼音怎么拼?明朝伊斯兰教的读音是什么?明朝伊斯兰教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝伊斯兰教的读音是,明朝伊斯兰教翻译成英文是 Islam during the Ming Dynasty

  8. 问:明朝治藏历史拼音怎么拼?明朝治藏历史的读音是什么?明朝治藏历史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:明朝治藏历史的读音是,明朝治藏历史翻译成英文是 Late Medieval Tibet



“明朝”是个多义词,它可以指明朝(中国历史朝代), 明朝(汉语词语)。