









汉语拼音:pǔ ěr chá






  1. 云南省 西南部出产的一种茶,多压制成块。因产地中的部分地区在 清 代属于 普洱府 而得名。

    清 赵学敏 《本草纲目拾遗·木部》:“普洱茶膏黑如漆,醒酒第一,緑色者更佳,消食化痰,清胃生津,功力尤大也。”《儿女英雄传》第三七回:“老爷见给他倒的也是碗普洱茶。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“开午饭了,普洱茶泡好了没有?”



  1. Pu-erh tea would not be a Pu-erh tea if the cake did not consist of both yeast.


  2. Cold green tea, black tea of the heat, but not cold not hot tea, tea of the peace, and hard-drinking drunk tea, known as the "Polly tea. "


  3. "The best thing about Pu'er, " he said with a showman's smile, "is that the longer you keep it, the more valuable it gets. "


  4. "The best thing about Pu'er, " he said with a smile, "is that the longer you keep it, the more valuable it gets. "


  5. The two beneficial yeast, which create the unique character of Pu-erh tea are known as the yellow yeast and white yeast types.


  6. After a heavy meal, drinking Pu'er tea is said to help clean the intestines and the stomach.


  7. Pu'er tea in caffeine can enhance the body's ability of burning fat, by regulating the metabolism of fat to achieve the objective.


  8. Behind the sleeping man was a bookshelf filled with round wheels of Pu'er tea, small porcelain cups and large tins filled with green tea.


  9. The Longrun Tea Group strongly believes that the pu-erh tea favored by consumers must be tasteful, safe, healthy and hygienic.


  1. 成品普洱茶

    puer tea

  2. 普洱茶多酚

    Pu Erh tea polyphenuls.

  3. 现代普洱茶

    The Modern History of Pu Erh Tea.

  4. 普洱茶籽油

    puer tea seed oil.

  5. 普洱茶古今漫谈

    Foretime and Now of Puer Tea

  6. 投资普洱茶的时机

    The Time to Invest in Puerh Tea

  7. 普洱茶的未来在哪里?

    Where is the future of Puer Tea?

  8. 什么样的普洱茶才有功效?

    What kind of tea have effect?

  9. 壶里泡的是云南普洱茶。

    The tea in the teapot is Yunnan Puer tea.

  10. 普洱茶能支撑一个产业吗

    Could Puerh become a mainstay of the economy.

  11. 投资普洱茶的最佳时机到了!

    The best time to invest in Puerh tea is coming!

  12. 主营铁观音, 普洱茶全国各地茗茶。

    Main Items Anxi Tie Guan Yin Tea, Puer Tea, and other kinds of China Tea.

  13. 长期喝普洱茶有减肥得功效。

    If you keep drinking Pu'er tea every day for a long time you will lose weight.

  14. 长期喝普洱茶有减肥的功效。

    If you keep drinking Pu'er tea every day for a long time you will lose weight.

  15. 长期喝普洱茶有减肥的功效。

    If you keep drinking Pu'er tea every day for a long time you will lose weight.

  16. 对普洱茶的喜爱又一次兴起。

    Puer is enjoying a resurgence in popularity.

  17. 高档普洱茶才是真正对健康有帮助。

    High grade puer tea provide truely healthy benefits.

  18. 要说我喜欢的饮品,应该首推普洱茶。

    As to my favorite drink, I like pu'er tea best.

  19. 要说我喜欢的饮品,应该首推普洱茶。

    As to my favorite drink, I like pu'er tea best.

  20. 配方普洱茶的发酵及其初步的药理研究

    Researches on the fermentation and its primary pharmacological activities of herbal Puer tea

  21. 普洱茶是历史上形成的云南特有的地方名茶。

    Pu'er Tea is a kind of unique and famous tea in Yunnan province, which has a long history.

  22. 迷你光盘普洱茶是一个带有泥土气息熟茶。

    Mini disc puer is a cooked tea with an earthy flavor.

  23. 脱胶方法对普洱茶籽油中金属含量的影响

    Effects of degumming methods on metal content in puer tea seed oil

  24. 脱胶方法对普洱茶果油中金属离子浓度影响

    Effect of degumming methods on metal ion concentration in puer tea fruit oil

  25. 普洱茶成砖形的迷你能生产茶叶约八十杯。

    Puer tea shaped into mini bricks can produce about eighty cups of tea.

  26. 如果不由两种酵母作用而成普洱茶就不能称之为普洱茶。

    Puerh tea would not be a Puerh tea if the cake did not consist of both yeast.

  27. 在保健功能的基础上,普洱茶的消费更是一种文化消费。

    Based on the function of health care, Puerh tea consumption is a kind of cultural consumption in a way.

  28. 龙润茶业得所有普洱茶产品,均有严格得质量标准把关。

    All the tea from the Longrun Group has been inspected with strict quality standard.

  29. 龙润茶业的所有普洱茶产品,均有严格的质量标准把关。

    All the tea from the Longrun Group has been inspected with strict quality standard.

  30. 一是自然环境造就了普洱茶能够越陈越香的独特内质。

    First of all, Pu er tea is the more agedmore fragrant because of nature environment.


  1. 问:普洱茶拼音怎么拼?普洱茶的读音是什么?普洱茶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:普洱茶的读音是pǔ'ěrchá,普洱茶翻译成英文是 The Pu'er tea; a kind of dark tea, usually made in...



“普洱茶”是个多义词,它可以指普洱茶(山茶科植物), 普洱茶(茶之祖), 普洱茶(2011年纪录片), 普洱茶(云南科技出版社图书), 普洱茶(大叶种普洱茶), 普洱茶(中国轻工出版社图书)。