




1. 尾 [wěi]2. 尾 [yǐ]尾 [wěi]鸟兽虫鱼等身体末端突出的部分:~巴。~鳍。鸟~。末端:排~。船~。~声。~骨。~灯。~数。~音。结~。扫~。虎头蛇~。在后面跟:~随。~追。量词,指鱼:三~鱼。星名,二十八宿之一。尾 [y……



汉语拼音:jiāo wěi







  1. 指动物交配。

    清 方文 《汤仍三宅即事》诗:“引雏鹅试水,交尾鸭沉波。”



  1. "Groom" life is not long, died shortly after mating to leave, "the widow, " living a lonely life of ants alone.


  2. The emergence activity, mating activity and the female sex pheromone release were synchronized at different ages and time of the scotophase.


  3. Some evidence suggests that sperm from both male flour beetles may be transferred to females during later heterosexual copulations.


  4. It has a weak androgen effect on the prostates and testes of mice; and increase the weight of testes and their mating period.


  5. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body.


  6. was usually followed by crowded bus over rutted roads, ending often by mule -drawn, two-wheeled springless Peking cart.


  7. If people don't exaggerate them ridiculously , they pass like the mating of Birds. And so they should.


  8. After the acquaintance falls in love, after flight or flight copulation.


  9. Birds mate in the spring.


  1. 与母羊交尾

    To copulate with a ewe.

  2. 鸟在春天交尾。

    Birds mate in the spring.

  3. 蜂交尾飞行

    wedding flight.

  4. 交尾囊注射

    Bursa compulatrix injection.

  5. 雄鸟与雌鸟交尾。

    Male birds tread the females.

  6. 交尾期的野兔

    March hare.

  7. 处女王延期交尾问题的初探

    The primary research on delayed mating of virgin queen.

  8. 离交尾液的综合利用

    Comprehensive Utilization of Treat With Ionic Exchange Tail liquid

  9. 公螳螂脑袋连着身体时无法交尾。

    The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body.

  10. 试验表明交尾时雄虫不产生精包。

    Tests show that spermatophore is not produced by the male during copulation.

  11. 我见到他们像二头不舒服猪交尾!

    I saw them rutting like two sick pigs!

  12. 对达尔文来说,择偶仅仅停留在交尾。

    For Darwin, mate choice simply stopped at copulation.

  13. 利用塑料大棚延长对虾交尾期的研究

    Study on Prolonging Prawns'Mating Season with Plastic Big Shed

  14. 雌螳螂在与雄螳螂交尾后,经常吃掉对方。

    The female praying mantis often eats the male after they mate.

  15. 在交尾季节,中蜂雄蜂和意蜂雄蜂交尾出游时间相同。

    In mating season, Chinese bee drone and Italian bee drone have the same mating tour time.

  16. 辐射不育棉铃虫交尾习性和交尾竞争能力的观察

    Investigation on mating habit and sexual competition ability of Helicoverpa armigera sterilized by irradiation

  17. 成虫白天活动,黄昏时交尾,羽化多集中于凌晨。

    Adults are active in daytime and copulation tookplace from evening to next early morning.

  18. 数码化的字库文件中可以实现这种字距交尾。

    B kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

  19. 数码化得字库文件中可以实现这种字距交尾。

    B kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

  20. 不过是在它和另一只雌性藏酋猴交尾时

    But only when mounting another female.

  21. 原型意义而言,玄武含有龟蛇交尾与蛇体自环的意义。

    To prototype, the Xunwu has a copulating of turtle and snake.

  22. 中蜂处女王性成熟日龄及其交尾习性的探讨

    A study on the sex mature age and mating habit of virgin queen honeybee of Apis cerana cerana.

  23. 这种雄鸟在与雌鸟交尾以前要跳一种交欢舞。

    The male bird performs a sort of mating dance before copulating with the female.

  24. 生殖系统有一个同交尾和产卵有关的复杂神经系统。

    The reproductive system has a complex innervation concerned in copulation and oviposition.

  25. 离交尾液是一种高浓度的有机废水,成分复杂。

    Glutamate wastewater is a kind of high concentration organic wastewater.

  26. 图二斜纹夜蛾雄蛾一生中的交尾次数与平均寿命的关系。

    Fig. 2 Relationship between mating frequency and average longevity of males of Spodoptera literal.


  1. 问:交尾拼音怎么拼?交尾的读音是什么?交尾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交尾的读音是jiāowěi,交尾翻译成英文是 to mate

  2. 问:交尾腺拼音怎么拼?交尾腺的读音是什么?交尾腺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交尾腺的读音是jiāo wěi xiàn,交尾腺翻译成英文是 glandula copulatae

  3. 问:交尾囊类拼音怎么拼?交尾囊类的读音是什么?交尾囊类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交尾囊类的读音是jiāo wěi náng lèi,交尾囊类翻译成英文是 Bursata

  4. 问:交尾飞行拼音怎么拼?交尾飞行的读音是什么?交尾飞行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交尾飞行的读音是jiāo wěi fēi xíng,交尾飞行翻译成英文是 wedding flight


