




配合秤杆称(chēng )轻重的金属块:秤~(秤砣)。敲打物件的器具:~子。铁~。用锤敲打:~打。~炼(a.磨炼;b.刻苦钻研,反复琢磨使技艺等精炼、纯熟)。千~百炼。古代的一种兵器,柄的上头有一个金属圆球:铜~。古代重量单位,一锤等于八铢……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……







汉语拼音:yī chuí zi mǎi mai






  • 【解释】:只做一次生意。
  • 【示例】:你不能只做~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含贬义


  1. However, that marketplace has been a "one and you're done" affair.


  2. Long-term profits from these few make up for short-term losses from the many who will never return.


  3. Iterated the Game as much as possible: Ensure the collaboration is not based on a one-off interaction.


  4. They are not looking for an opportunistic one-night stand with their customers but try instead to build long-term relationships.


  5. But this is a one-off boost to revenue. Achieving a long-term improvement in the tax take is much harder, especially in times of crisis.


  1. 有得网店太嚣张了, 都做一锤子买卖, 骗你没商量。

    Some shop Tai Xiaozhang, have done a hammer trading, Mo Shangliang deceive you.

  2. 有的网店太嚣张了,都做一锤子买卖,骗你没商量。

    Some shop Tai Xiaozhang, have done a hammer trading, Mo Shangliang deceive you.

  3. 你有买卖一地皮的选择权。

    You have an option on a piece of land.

  4. 但是, 买卖一消失, 自由买卖也就会消失。

    But if selling and buying disappears, free selling and buying disappears also.

  5. 一把锤子和一把凿子。

    A hammer and chisel.

  6. 您能借给我一把锤子吗?

    Could you lend me a hammer?

  7. 我必须买一把锤子钉箱子。

    I must buy a hammer with which to nail down the box.

  8. 汉娜得无峰驼有一把锤子。

    Hannah's llama has a hammer.

  9. 到处看看,特别是这一类买卖。

    Looking around. Especially with a purchase of this kind.

  10. 有买卖一地皮的选择权我对那件事没有选择权。

    Have an option on a piece of land I have no option in the matter.

  11. 我的工具箱里少了一把锤子。

    The hammer is missing from my toolbox.

  12. 他给了他一把锤子和几颗钉子。

    He gave him a hammer and some nails.

  13. 我用一把锤子砸破了我的闹钟。

    I used a hammer to break my alarm clock.

  14. 我还可以用一把锤子, 敲碎它。

    I also could find hammer, and break the stone.

  15. 他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。

    He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer.

  16. 乔治想让丹拿给他一把锤子。

    George wants Dan to give him a hammer.

  17. 购买买来的或待售的东西一桩买卖

    Something bought or for sale a purchase.

  18. 因为我将修理我的自行车,我需要一把锤子。

    Because I am going to repair my bike, I need a hammer.

  19. 屋子里仅有的工具是一把锤子和一把锯。

    The only tools in the house are a hammer and a saw.

  20. 他们是操纵古物拍卖价格的一帮买卖人。

    They are a ring of dealers controlling prices at an antiques auction.

  21. 地毯上放着一个工具箱,一把钳子和一把锤子。

    A tool box, a pair of tongs and a hammer lie on carpet.

  22. 换言之你也许不应该用一把锤子去挖掘壕沟。

    To put it another way you probably shouldnt be digging a trench with a hammer.

  23. 谁会想得到, 这么一桩买卖会让我自己这么心中烦恼!

    Who would have thought such a business matter could have nettled my own heart like this!

  24. 它犹如一把锤子和凿子, 能雕塑身体的每块肌肉。

    It is like a hammer and chisel, to sculpture, every muscle in the body.

  25. 你会感到有一个人不停的那着一把锤子 在敲你的后脑勺。

    I feels like you've got a man standing behind you with a hammer just hitting your head all the time.

  26. 在我看来,这可不是一桩好买卖。

    And, you know, it didn't seem like a very good deal to me.

  27. 一比好买卖就好比发现一个金矿。

    A useful trade is a mine of gold.

  28. 我用一把大锤子把短桩打进地里。

    I used a sledgehammer to drive the pegs into the ground.

  29. 于是, 繁殖优良坐骑就成了一桩大买卖。

    So breeding great mounts is big business.

  30. 当然了,这对我来说是一桩好买卖。

    Sure, that's why this is a good buy for me.


  1. 问:一锤子买卖拼音怎么拼?一锤子买卖的读音是什么?一锤子买卖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一锤子买卖的读音是yìchuízimǎimai,一锤子买卖翻译成英文是 once-for-all deal; the one and only business de...


