


1. 炸 [zhà]2. 炸 [zhá]炸 [zhà]突然破裂:爆~。~药。~弹。~响。用炸药或炸弹爆破:轰~。发怒:他一听就~了。炸 [zhá]把食物放在煮沸的油中弄熟:~酱。~糕。~鱼。油~。……





汉语拼音:zhà diǎn








  1. Main researching aim of the study of develop this implement is to make explosive mode more safety and utility mode more convenience.


  2. The investigation process involves explosion spot, explosive trace, explosive residue, and explosives personnel injury and so on.


  3. Research On Recording Detonation Process of the Long-range Munitions Bursts


  4. Relationship Between Casualties'Characteristics and Explosive Points of an Explosion on Passenger Train


  5. Optimal Air Burst Adaptive Control Scheme with the Priority of Impact Mode for Radio Fuze and Its Implementation


  6. Accurate Burst-point Selection Based on the Data Fusion of the Ship Magnetic field


  7. Automatic Identification of Penetrating Distance and Burst Point Control


  8. A System to Measure Three Dimensional Coordinate of Projectile Exploding Position


  9. Algorithm Study of Digital Fuze to Burst Control


  1. 炸点精确控制

    burst point accurate control

  2. 平面炸点声学定位

    Acoustic LocatingTechniques for the Burst Point in Horizontal Plane

  3. 我们可以自己炸点好吃的!

    We can cook some wonderful fried food by ourselves!

  4. 引信数字化炸点控制算法研究

    Algorithm Study of Digital Fuze to Burst Control

  5. 引信空炸炸点精确控制技术研究

    Precision Control Technology of Air Burst Point on Fuze

  6. 她说她能给他们炸点东西吃。

    She said she could fry something up for them to eat.

  7. 电子时间引信炸点精确控制研究

    A Study on Burst Point Accurate Control of Electronic Time Fuze

  8. 随进行程自动识别与炸点控制

    Automatic Identification of Penetrating Distance and Burst Point Control

  9. 引信信号识别与炸点控制的一般模型

    The General Model of the Signal Recognition and Burst point Control of a Fuze

  10. 基于运动图像序列的烟花爆竹炸点目标飞行的检测

    Detection of Moving Explosive Target of Cannon Cracker on Dynamic Image Sequence

  11. 信息装定和精确炸点控制技术在引信中的应用

    The Application of Information Setting and Precision Exploding Point in Fuze

  12. 基于声波与地震波到达时差的传感器炸点定位研究

    Research on Measuring the Bursting Point Based on Time Difference of Arrival between Sound Wave and Scismic Wave

  13. 空中近地炸点定位是近几年的一个热点研究课题。

    In recent year, the location of the burst point of ground proximity is a popular topic.

  14. 放点炸土豆。

    Some fried potato.

  15. 你还来点炸薯块吗?

    Do you want Tater Tots also?

  16. 我建议你吃点炸桂鱼。

    I would suggest fried mandarin fish.

  17. 嗯, 我每次去唐人街时都是点炸春卷。

    Well, I always order fried spring rolls when I go to Chinatown.

  18. 我总是在用滚油炸马铃薯时放点洋葱。

    I always fry potatoes in hot fat with a bit of onion.

  19. 另点的一份炸薯条

    a side order of fries

  20. 点了一份炸牛排和鱼

    to order a steak and fish

  21. 浅谈即食面炸油品质控制要点

    Talking about the quality control point of friture of instant noodle

  22. 我们在一家小吃店前停下来,吃了点咖啡和炸面包圈。

    We stopped at a little shop for coffee and.

  23. 找个二手的活动房屋买个炸锅,再来点夹心饼干

    Find a used trailer, buy a deep fryer and some oreos

  24. 既然如此,再吃点炸薯吧。

    Well, in that case, have some more fries.

  25. 既然如此,再吃点炸薯吧。

    Well, in that case, have some more fries.

  26. 他们都点了汉堡包,炸薯条和可乐。

    They all order burgers and fries and Cokes.

  27. 要加点土豆泥还是油炸土豆条?

    Mashed potatoes or chips ?

  28. 炸点平均高度

    mean height of burst

  29. 炸点距离偏差观测

    range spotting

  30. 烟花炸点高度测量方法研究

    The Study on the Measurement of Height of Fireworks'Exploding


  1. 问:炸点拼音怎么拼?炸点的读音是什么?炸点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炸点的读音是zhà diǎn,炸点翻译成英文是 Point of Burst

  2. 问:炸点散布拼音怎么拼?炸点散布的读音是什么?炸点散布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炸点散布的读音是zhà diǎn sàn bù,炸点散布翻译成英文是 Burst Dispersion

  3. 问:炸点接近记录仪拼音怎么拼?炸点接近记录仪的读音是什么?炸点接近记录仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炸点接近记录仪的读音是zhà diǎn jiē jìn jì lù yí,炸点接近记录仪翻译成英文是 Proximity Scorer



炸点 zhàdiǎn   [burst point] 射弹的爆炸点。 观察与测定炸点对目标(试射点)的偏差量以及射击效果的过程,通称为观察炸点。射击中依据炸点偏差修正射击诸元,称为射击(炸点)修正。 发射出去的射弹在地面(水面)或空中炸裂后,能否达到预期的射击效果,往往需要通过观察才能判定。若炸点偏离了目标或预定位置,则必须测定炸点偏差量以便进行修正。