







汉语拼音:hòu zhī







  1. 有四肢的脊椎动物长在身体后部的两肢。

  2. 昆虫等接近尾端的两肢。



  1. Feet travel close to the ground. Hind legs reach far under, meeting or even passing the imprints of the front legs.


  2. In the male platypus knee hollow of the back of a thorn in the hind limb with the enemy when it will release Mengchuo venom.


  3. Myelination is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus, and posterior limbs of the internal capsules.


  4. I noticed the way his hind quarters shifted over to the right, never in line with the front, yet always in perfect rhythm.


  5. In the latter case, the two forelimbs are pretty much unaffected, acting just as they would if both hind-limbs were still in tact.


  6. On the head, front of the forelegs, and below the hock joints on the front of the hind legs, the hair is short and fine.


  7. When the fore leg and the hind leg on the same side move almost on the same beat, the walk tends to become an almost lateral movement.


  8. Arthritis and damaged nerves in her spine weakened her hind legs, causing her a lot of pain.


  9. A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg, in a continuous rather than staccato action.


  1. 随后通常是后肢麻痹。

    This is usually followed by a posterior paresis.

  2. 家鸭后肢肌肉的研究

    Studies on the Muscles of the Pelvic Limb in the Domestic Duck

  3. 后肢足迹与前肢足迹重叠。

    Front and rear legs are thrown neither in nor out, as the imprint of hind feet should touch that of forefeet.

  4. 双峰驼后肢骨骼解剖

    The Study on the Dissection of the Skeleton of the Pelvic Limb of the Bactrian Camel

  5. 这种动物能够用后肢站立。

    The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.

  6. 猫的前肢有四指,后肢有五指。

    Cat's foreleg has four figures, the latter extremity has the five fingers.

  7. 猫得前肢有四指,后肢有五指。

    Cat's foreleg has four figures, the latter extremity has the five fingers.

  8. 症状有疼痛, 虚弱和后肢肌肉萎缩。

    Signs include pain, weakness, and rear limb muscle atrophy.

  9. 腹鳍 对应着四足动物的后肢。

    Ventral fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped.

  10. 腹鳍对应着四足动物的后肢。

    Ventral (or pelvic) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped.

  11. 后肢轻度抽搐,蹒跚,卧地,间歇性抽搐。

    Mild Tetany of hind limbs, staggering, falling and intermittent convulsions.

  12. 主要影响犬只前后肢的主腿骨。

    It affects the long bones of the hind and fore limbs.

  13. 与四足动物后肢相对的是腹鳍。

    ventral fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped.

  14. 腹鳍对应着四足动物得后肢。

    Ventral fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped.

  15. 腿人类或灵长目动物下肢或后肢中的一只

    One of the lower or hind limbs in human beings and primates.

  16. 每条后肢在行进中都与前肢在同一侧。

    Each hind leg moves in the path of the foreleg on the same side.

  17. 后肢蹄踵, 蹄的后部其它脊椎动物后腿相应的部位

    The corresponding part of the hind foot of other vertebrates.

  18. 大腿骨脊椎动物腿上或后肢功能相近的骨骼

    A functionally similar bone in the leg or hind limb of a vertebrate animal.

  19. 在某些蛇身上常可看到退化后肢的痕迹。

    It is often possible to see the vestigial remains of rear limbs on some snakes.

  20. 它已非对称飞羽不仅对前肢,但对后肢以及。

    It had asymmetric flight feathers not only on the forelimb, but on the hindlimb as well.

  21. 向前小跑时, 步伐轻快有力, 主要依靠后肢发力。

    A straightforward trot with light springy action and strong hindquarters drive.

  22. 前后和后肢的动作在伸长的瞬间应当是均等的。

    The movement of the fore and hind legs should reach equally forward in the moment of the extension.

  23. 当从犬体前或体后观察犬时,后肢看起来是直的。

    The front legs should appear straight when viewed from front or rear.

  24. 前后肢能充分向前伸展和向后蹬,步幅长且整洁。

    Front and rear legs reach well forward and extend well back, achieving long clean strides.

  25. 该疾病发展数年后, 后肢出现虚弱无力和肌肉萎缩。

    Dancing Dobermann disease progresses over a few years to rear leg weakness and muscle atrophy.

  26. 花粉是以附在工蜂后肢上得颗粒得形式带进蜂箱得。

    It is brought into the hive as pellets on the bees'hind legs.

  27. 前肢后面长有羽状饰毛。后肢的羽状饰毛延伸到飞节。

    The backs of the front legs should be well feathered, as are the rear legs down to the hock.

  28. 从背后看, 两条后肢自飞节至脚跟部分相互平行。

    The hindlegs when viewed from the rear should parallel each other from hock to heel.

  29. 这癌症在扩散 也就是这老鼠后肢上的大块红色组织

    The cancer is growing as this red, huge mass in the hind limb of this animal.

  30. 髓鞘形成通常出现在脑干,丘脑和内囊后肢。

    Myelination is usually present in the brainstem, thalamus, and posterior limbs of the internal capsules.


  1. 问:后肢拼音怎么拼?后肢的读音是什么?后肢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后肢的读音是hòuzhī,后肢翻译成英文是 hind legs

  2. 问:后肢带拼音怎么拼?后肢带的读音是什么?后肢带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后肢带的读音是hòu zhī dài,后肢带翻译成英文是 cingulum extremitatis inferioris, cingulum ex...

  3. 问:后肢肌拼音怎么拼?后肢肌的读音是什么?后肢肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后肢肌的读音是hòu zhī jī,后肢肌翻译成英文是 muscle of posterior limb

  4. 问:后肢芽拼音怎么拼?后肢芽的读音是什么?后肢芽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后肢芽的读音是hòu zhī yá,后肢芽翻译成英文是 posterior limb bud, hindlimb bud

  5. 问:后肢旋转拼音怎么拼?后肢旋转的读音是什么?后肢旋转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后肢旋转的读音是hòu zhī xuán zhuǎn,后肢旋转翻译成英文是 pivot on the quarters; pirouette

  6. 问:后肢直立拼音怎么拼?后肢直立的读音是什么?后肢直立翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后肢直立的读音是hòu zhī zhí lì,后肢直立翻译成英文是 rear

  7. 问:后肢半旋转拼音怎么拼?后肢半旋转的读音是什么?后肢半旋转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后肢半旋转的读音是hòu zhī bàn xuán zhuǎn,后肢半旋转翻译成英文是 half-pirouette



hòu zhī 1.有四肢的脊椎动物长在身体后部的两肢与前肢相对 2.昆虫等接近尾端的两肢 (1) [quarters]∶四足动物后面的两只肢;泛指四足动物两后腿附着于躯干处以后的所有结构,包括两只后腿臀部和背部的后部 (2) [hind legs]∶昆虫或有四肢的脊椎动物长在身体后部的两条腿