




1. 系 [xì]2. 系 [jì]系 [xì]有联属关系的:~统。~列。~数。水~。世~。高等学校中按学科分的教学单位:中文~。化学~。关联:干~。关~。联结,栓:~缚。~绊。~马。维~。名誉所~。牵挂:~恋。~念。是:确~实情。把人或东……



汉语拼音:mǔ xì








  1. 血统属于母亲方面的。如:母系亲属。

  2. 母女相承的系统。如:母系社会制度。



  1. In any case, it seems just a matter of time that this ancient and unusual matriarchy will be changing to a more typical patriarchal system.


  2. The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the transformation from a matriarchal society into a patriarchal society.


  3. The door-god culture originated from matrilineal society. The ancient door-god was the symbol of female genitals.


  4. In this process, the original crowd began to transition to the clan society, above all, the emergence and formation of matriarchal society.


  5. Masters, it is the return of that matriarchal Society, a culture and spiritual energy of sublime balance, termed the 'Law of One'.


  6. Archbishop Tutu turns out to have Bushman mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element passed down through the female line.


  7. The work confirms previous indications of the six maternal lineages, he said.


  8. The girls most at risk of being dedicated will have grown up in very matriarchal Devadasi communities.


  9. The African matrilines, however, seem to have remained isolated from each other for tens of millennia after the exodus.


  1. 母系的亲戚

    maternal relatives.

  2. 母系选种法

    maternal line selection.

  3. 母系氏族公社

    matrilineal commune.

  4. 母系氏族社会

    matriarchal clan society.

  5. 母系再生产率

    maternal reproduction rate.

  6. 母系血缘系统

    maternal blood relationship.

  7. 专门化母系

    special dam line.

  8. 母系家庭系统

    matriarchal family system.

  9. 其母系辽宁人。

    His mother is a native of Liaoning.

  10. 他家母系亲属很多。

    He has a lot of relatives on his mother's side.

  11. 它们生活在母系社会中。

    It lives in a matriarchal society.

  12. 她的母系有东方人的血统。

    There was Eastern blood on her mother's side.

  13. 这些动物按母系群体生活。

    The animals live in matriarchal groups.

  14. 这是典型的母系制反映。

    This is a typical reflection of the matriarchal system.

  15. 论摩梭母系文化的变迁

    On the changes of the matriarchal culture of the mosuo people

  16. 母系遗传性糖尿病与耳聋

    maternally inherited diabetes and deafness

  17. 山西白猪高产仔母系

    Specialized dam line with high farrowing rate of Shanxi white Pig

  18. 那是因为他们仍然是母系社会。

    That is due to the matriarchy of its society.

  19. 契卡索人也是母系的部族。

    The Chickasaw too had matrilineal clans.

  20. 追溯父系和母系双边的血统。

    Line of descent traced through both the maternal and paternal sides of the family.

  21. 冠礼起源于母系氏族时期考

    Chinese Initiation Rites Originated in Matrilineal Society

  22. 这是典型得母系制反映。

    This is a typical reflection of the matriarchal system.

  23. 摩梭人母系氏族社会新探

    A New Study of Matrilineal Clan Society of Mosuo People

  24. 根据母系的血缘,她是苏格兰的后裔。

    She is Scottish on her mothers side.

  25. 云南僰人源流的父系和母系遗传研究

    The Genetic Study on the Patrilineal and Matrilineal Origin of the Bo People in Yunnan

  26. 母系遗传性聋线粒体基因的突变

    Analysis mitochondrial DNA mutations in matrilineal inherited deafness

  27. 在一些社会,财富是按照母系代代相传的。

    In some societies, wealth is inherited through the maternal side of a family.

  28. 一般来说, 父系家族比母系家族要亲得多。

    Generally speaking, paternal side is closer as compare to the maternal side.

  29. 仰韶文化属于母系氏族公社制繁荣时期的文化。

    Yangshao culture is matriarchal clan commune system during the cultural prosperity.

  30. 原始公社是一个以母系为主的氏族社会。

    The primitive commune is a matriarchal clan society.


  1. 问:母系拼音怎么拼?母系的读音是什么?母系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系的读音是mǔxì,母系翻译成英文是 maternal; matriarchal

  2. 问:母系的拼音怎么拼?母系的的读音是什么?母系的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系的的读音是,母系的翻译成英文是 matrilineal

  3. 问:母系群拼音怎么拼?母系群的读音是什么?母系群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系群的读音是mǔ xì qún,母系群翻译成英文是 materilineal

  4. 问:母系家族拼音怎么拼?母系家族的读音是什么?母系家族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系家族的读音是mǔ xì jiā zú,母系家族翻译成英文是 matrilineal family

  5. 问:母系测定拼音怎么拼?母系测定的读音是什么?母系测定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系测定的读音是mǔ xì cè dìng,母系测定翻译成英文是 cow-side test

  6. 问:母系社会拼音怎么拼?母系社会的读音是什么?母系社会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系社会的读音是mǔ xì shè huì,母系社会翻译成英文是 matrilineal society

  7. 问:母系继嗣拼音怎么拼?母系继嗣的读音是什么?母系继嗣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系继嗣的读音是mǔ xì jì sì,母系继嗣翻译成英文是 matrilineal descent

  8. 问:母系继承拼音怎么拼?母系继承的读音是什么?母系继承翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系继承的读音是mǔ xì jì chéng,母系继承翻译成英文是 maternum

  9. 问:母系群落拼音怎么拼?母系群落的读音是什么?母系群落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系群落的读音是mǔ xì qún luò,母系群落翻译成英文是 gynopaedium

  10. 问:母系血统拼音怎么拼?母系血统的读音是什么?母系血统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系血统的读音是mǔ xì xuètǒng,母系血统翻译成英文是 uterine descent

  11. 问:母系财产拼音怎么拼?母系财产的读音是什么?母系财产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系财产的读音是mǔ xì cái chǎn,母系财产翻译成英文是 maternal property

  12. 问:母系选择拼音怎么拼?母系选择的读音是什么?母系选择翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系选择的读音是mǔ xì xuǎn zé,母系选择翻译成英文是 maternal-line selection

  13. 问:母系遗传拼音怎么拼?母系遗传的读音是什么?母系遗传翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系遗传的读音是mǔ xì yí chuán,母系遗传翻译成英文是 matrilinear inheritance

  14. 问:母系大家庭拼音怎么拼?母系大家庭的读音是什么?母系大家庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系大家庭的读音是mǔ xì dà jiā tíng,母系大家庭翻译成英文是 maternal family

  15. 问:母系继承制拼音怎么拼?母系继承制的读音是什么?母系继承制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系继承制的读音是mǔ xì jì chéng zhì,母系继承制翻译成英文是 matrilineal descent

  16. 问:母系限嗣继承地产拼音怎么拼?母系限嗣继承地产的读音是什么?母系限嗣继承地产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:母系限嗣继承地产的读音是mǔ xì xiàn sì jì chéng dì chǎn,母系限嗣继承地产翻译成英文是 maternal fee; feudum maternum


