


用犁把土翻松:~种(zhòng )。~作。~耘(耕地和除草,亦泛指劳动,如“着意~~,自有收获”)。笔~(喻写文章)。舌~(喻教书)。……





汉语拼音:gēng tián







  1. 用犁翻松田土。亦泛指从事农作。

    《乐府诗集·杂歌谣辞一·击壤歌》:“凿井而饮,耕田而食。”《孟子·万章上》:“我竭力耕田,共为子职而已矣。” 汉 贾谊 《新书·铜布》:“铜不布下,不得采铜,不得铸钱,则民反耕田矣。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五七回:“一向在家耕田度日。” 毛泽东 《登庐山》诗:“ 陶令 不知何处去, 桃花源 里可耕田?”

  2. 可种植作物的田地。




  1. He said: "He says: A heifer not trained to till the soil or water the fields; sound and without blemish. "

  2. Water buffalos have tilled our paddies for millennia, yet how much do we really know about them?

  3. As though plowing and sowing, draw close to her; then await her bountiful crops.

  4. Men work, horses draw wagons and oxen plough field, but pigs only eat, drink, sleep and donothing all day long.

  5. Soon the children were scampering off to watch a farmer ploughing with water buffalo and to stomp in cow pats with bare feet.

  6. The immigration of the birds has been disturbed by the fact that many trees have been cut down for wood and farmland.

  7. I cannot till the fields, cannot weave cotton cloth, how does the were not close right up against everybody to live to today.

  8. Back when he was young, Pederzolli recalled, he would see nice fat old rattlers, that big around, when he seeded a fallow field.

  9. Early the next morning, before dawn broke, the farmer got up and took his "donkey" to the fields.


  1. 农民耕田。

    Farmers till the land.

  2. 农民们在耕田。

    The peasants were ploughing the field.

  3. 耕者正在耕田。

    The cultivator is furrowing land.

  4. 农夫用锄耕田。

    Farmers cultivate their farms with spade.

  5. 拿犁或锹耕田。

    Putting plough or spade to the earth.

  6. 你耕田来我织布。

    You plough a field, I weave cloths.

  7. 农夫用牛耕田。

    Farmers cultivate their farms with cows.

  8. 耕田不用牛, 点灯不用油

    ploughing without oxen, lighting without oil lamps

  9. 农夫使用牵引机耕田。

    Farmers use tractors to plow the fields.

  10. 那几头耕牛正在耕田。

    These farm cattle are ploughing.

  11. 那几头耕牛正在耕田。

    These farm cattle are ploughing.

  12. 他父亲以耕田维持生活。

    Her father farms for a living.

  13. 他们家世代靠耕田为生。

    They have made a living by working on the farm for generations.

  14. 他们家世代靠耕田为生。

    They have made a living by working on the farm for generations.

  15. 农民耕田播种,瞩望于收获。

    Farmers plough and sow in prospect of the harvest.

  16. 为了耕田把地弄成梯田。

    Make into terraces as for cultivation.

  17. 牛耕田马食谷下载

    The ox pulls the plough while the horse eats the grain

  18. 犹大必耕田, 雅各必耙地。

    I will harness Ephraim, Judah will plow, Jacob will harrow for himself.

  19. 尼泊尔妇女裸身耕田为求雨

    Women Reportedly Plowing Naked in Nepal

  20. 他给马套上马具去耕田。

    He tackled the horse up for plowing.

  21. 这几亩耕田的土质极好。

    The soil texture of this cultivated land is extremely good.

  22. 这几亩耕田的土质极好。

    The soil texture of this cultivated land is extremely good.

  23. 这几亩耕田得土质极好。

    The soil texture of this cultivated land is extremely good.

  24. 但我现在所做的只有耕田。

    But all I'm doing now is plowing fields.

  25. 我们耕田锄地直到胳膊酸痛肿大。

    We plowed and hoed till our arms were sore.

  26. 他雇了一个人来为他耕田。

    He hired someone to do the plowing for him.

  27. 他雇了一个人来为他耕田。

    He hired someone to do the plowing for him.

  28. 他把牛套在犁上, 开始耕田。

    He hitched up the oxen and began to plow the field

  29. 他做化学实验,实验用蒸汽耕田。

    He experimented in chemistry, in ploughing by steam power.

  30. 当然,你可以用骡子来耕田,没问题。

    Sure, you can use a mule to plow a field, it works.


  1. 问:耕田机拼音怎么拼?耕田机的读音是什么?耕田机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耕田机的读音是,耕田机翻译成英文是 cultivator


