


1. 蹲 [dūn]蹲 [dūn]两腿尽量弯曲,像坐的样子,但臀部不着地:~下。~伏。~踞。~腿。〔~苗〕在一定时期内控制施肥和灌水,进行中耕和镇压,使幼苗根部下扎,生长健壮,防止多余茎叶生长。喻呆着或闲居:~膘。~窝。~班房(坐牢)。……





汉语拼音:dūn zuò







  1. 蹲身而坐。

    唐 卢延让 《松寺》诗:“山寺取凉当夏夜,共僧蹲坐石阶前。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录三》:“旁有狐十餘,各捧书蹲坐。” 李劼人 《大波》第一部第三章:“ 小王 也提前蹲坐在一张小方桌上,用着一只汤杯喝允丰正仿绍酒。”



  1. Sucre takes him to a part of the yard where they see Lincoln squatting against a wall, far removed from the general population.


  2. In one corner of the kitchen, a space monkey squats on the cracked linoleum and studies himself in a hand mirror.


  3. Often he would sit with his nose to the sky, turning his head this way and that as if to check the wind.


  4. Still crouching in his corner, the Arab sits with his hands clasped around his feet.


  5. A century old, it squatted on the point of an old pike that had been bolted to the outer top of the Hold's wall.


  6. He still remember that was an evening , he was playing badminton with some friends , and she was squatting herself down nearby .


  7. On the top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still, ears pointed, alert, listening.


  8. Out of the contest area, see gate squat with a familiar figure, went to see promise child.


  9. In his hands, the Hindu goddess Kali is potbellied and squat. Her arms are flailing and her mouth is a terrifyingly gorgeous gash of red.


  1. 我蹲坐着。

    I squat on my hams.

  2. 他们蹲坐在草地上。

    They squatted on the grass.

  3. 孩子们蹲坐下来躲避沙暴。

    The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm.

  4. 这些就是身体重量的蹲坐。

    These are bodyweight squats.

  5. 他蹲坐在荫影下小息。

    He spent that breakhunkered in the shade.

  6. 在树荫之下, 她蹲坐在地上。

    Under the shade of a tree, she squatted down on the ground.

  7. 一个蹲坐的人形坐在火炉的前面。

    A squat figure sat in front of the fire.

  8. 猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。

    The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.

  9. 猫儿蹲坐在倒放得板条箱上。

    The cat was sitting on an upturned crate.

  10. 一个冥想的人蹲坐在一块石头上。

    A pensive man squatting on a rock.

  11. 现在蹲坐的人都把墓碑当做餐桌。

    These are now occupied by squatters who use the gravestones as tables.

  12. 我上文所说的忽略蹲坐,指的是负重的蹲坐。

    I know I said above to forget squats, but I meant squats with weights.

  13. 他蹲坐在地上, 一条腿搭到另一条上面。

    He squatted on the floor placing one leg upon the other.

  14. 你所要做的就是真正快速地上下蹲坐。

    What you do is squat up and down really fast.

  15. 一个新手在付出辛劳和汗水后蹲坐在神社前。

    Toil and sweat done, an apprentice meditates before a Shinto shrine.

  16. 让顾客高坐舒适的藤椅,自己却蹲坐小小的木箱。

    Make a client tall sit comfortable cany chair, oneself crouch however sit small wooden case.

  17. 蹲坐时手掌向脸部移动, 双臂屈伸举哑铃。

    With your palms facing in, curl the dumbbells as you squat.

  18. 他的手指哒地打了个榧子,那狗马上蹲坐下来。

    He clicked his fingers and the dog immediately sat down.

  19. 印度式蹲坐对调节和纤细你的腿有重要作用。

    Hindu squats are great for toning and slimming your legs.

  20. 她每天早晨都舒适地蹲坐在自己的茅屋前面。

    Every morning found her squatted comfortably before her hut.

  21. 洗手间加设热水器,蹲坐便器用手按式冲水。

    Electrical water heater is settled in washing room squat toilets, hand press type flush.

  22. 蹲坐之前, 隔着墙缝朝上望了一下邻居得窗户。

    Before sitting down he peered through a chink up at the nextdoor window.

  23. 蹲坐之前,隔着墙缝朝上望了一下邻居的窗户。

    Before sitting down he peered through a chink up at the nextdoor window.

  24. 你蹲坐在你的轿子里, 嘴里反复地祷念着神的名字。

    You sit crouched in your palanquin and repeat the names of the gods in prayer.

  25. 阿拉伯人还是蹲坐在角落里,两手环扣,抱住双腿。

    Still crouching in his corner, the Arab sits with his hands clasped around his feet.

  26. 我看到,有一天我会再次蹲坐在我的花坛里,披着满肩的阳光,迷迭香芳馨阵阵,浓烈得我如痴如醉;

    I see that I will, someday, kneel again in my flower bed with a shawl of sunshine upon my shoulders and the scent of rosemary so sharp I taste it.

  27. 他们或蹲或坐在教室里的麻布屏幕后面。

    They were crouching and sitting behind the hessian screens in the classroom.

  28. 他们或蹲或坐在教室里的麻布屏幕后面。

    They were crouching and sitting behind the hessian screens in the classroom.

  29. 蹲便器改坐便器,受排水孔限制。

    Crouch implement change sit implement, accept osculum restriction.

  30. 跪, 蹲下, 或者坐着以保持与其眼睛水平。

    Kneel, squat, or sIt'so you are at their eye level.

