


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……





汉语拼音:diào huí








调回 [diào huí]
  1. 将人、事、物自他处移转回来。




  1. Now that the bank is operating efficiently, he might be transferred back to New York in a few months.


  2. As a result of some Chinese characteristic's reason, he finally and did not have the good fortune, to recall the swallow hugely to be big.


  3. He told me how I could get the plane back up to cruising altitude after he'd parachuted out over the ocean.


  4. The Bank of England is expected to push the base rate back up to 4. 75% later this year.


  5. Petya could not be brought back except by the return of his regiment, or through being transferred to another regiment on active service.


  6. The directory stack enables you to store one or more directories into a temporary area, and then bring them back again.


  7. In turn, the recent easing means the banks may have brought the money back onshore to make it available for lending.


  8. The best answer to these problems is getting exchange rates back to where they ought to be.


  9. Unless otherwise specified by the State Council, all foreign exchange receipts for capital account transactions shall be repatriated.


  1. 调回阿富汗

    Back to Afghanistan.

  2. 调回驻外使节

    recall a diplomatic envoy

  3. 应调回资金数额

    amount that should be repatriated

  4. 调回阿富汗,这个月底

    Back to Afghanistan, end of the month.

  5. 他被调回原部门。

    He was recalled to the original department.

  6. 请把座椅调回原位。

    Please put your seat back to the upright position.

  7. 军队从前线被调回了。

    The troops have been recalled from the front lines.

  8. 军队从前线被调回了。

    The troops have been recalled from the front lines.

  9. 他要再次被调回阿富汗

    that he's going to be deployed again to Afghanistan.

  10. 才把你又调回这儿来?

    To get you back here?

  11. 为何将我从任务中调回?

    Why was I pulled from active duty?

  12. 指挥官把他得部队调回原地。

    The commander moved his men back.

  13. 指挥官把他的部队调回原地。

    The commander moved his men back.

  14. 请问我怎样才能把档案调回来?

    How can I just come to archives recall excuse me?

  15. 我把他调回华府,就这样。

    I just transferred him back to washington, that's all.

  16. 你就能早点被调回南方了。

    The soonerthey'll kick you back down south.

  17. 是的, 把时间调回好几个小时。

    Li Yes, putting the time several hours back.

  18. 是得,把时间调回好几个小时。

    Li Yes, putting the time several hours back.

  19. 下面的表格揭示了调回函数的重要性。

    The following table describes the important callback functions.

  20. 我听说了泰要调回阿富汗前线的事

    I heard about Ty's redeployment back to Afghanistan.

  21. 一特类例外也影响到资金的调回。

    A special category of exceptions also affects the repatriation of funds.

  22. 这种感觉在我被调回微软总部后更加深刻。

    This feeling I was back at the Microsoft headquarters, the more profound.

  23. 多次调节方向柱, 必要的话调回原来的安装位置。

    Adjust the steering column axially several times and then back to its original position if necessary.

  24. 芬兰和爱尔兰特遣队将分别于10月和11月调回。

    These movements would involve the repatriation of the Finnish and Irish contingents in October and November, respectively.

  25. 除非他们把他调回南极洲为古人科技作试验品。

    Unless they send him back to Antarctica to be a guinea pig for the Ancient technology.

  26. 如果我们在意大利放松施加压力, 他们又会被调回。

    If we slackened off our pressure in Italy, they would go back again.

  27. 贵国部队正在巴比伦一带出没,我请求你火速调回。

    You have troops Babylon. I request that you remove them. Immediately.

  28. 钟可以调回过去的时刻,但是时间永远回不到昨天了。

    Clock could be set back to the past moment, but time had never gone back to yesterday.

  29. 其余的飞机则被调回雅典, 因为中途没有降落地点。

    The rest were ordered back to Athens, there being no intermediate landing grounds.

  30. 经历过海湾战争的麦克战后调回本土从事文职工作。

    Experienced in the gulf war mike postwar repatriated to local engaged in clerical work of the office.


词目: 调回