






恭敬地用手捧着:~觞(举杯祝酒)。~献。~祀。~承(恭维,讨好。“承”读轻声)。尊重,遵守:~公守法。~为圭臬(把某些言论或事物当作准则)。~行故事(按老规定办事)。敬辞,用于自己的举动涉及对方时:~告。~还(huán )。~陪。~劝。~迎……





汉语拼音:kè yǐ fèng gōng







  1. 网络
  2. xyab;tutkora sindediĉ

  3. o al publika devo

  1. 他一贯为人民做好事,克已奉公,从不计较个人得失。

    He has persistently been doing good for the people and worked selflessly for the public interest, but he never gives thought to personal gains or losses.

  2. 先生,帕特里克已露相了。

    Sir, Patrick's slip is showing.

  3. 星巴克已开成了连锁妓院。

    Starbucks has become a chain of brothels.

  4. 对于这事件,法兰克已无计可施。

    Frank was at the end of his rope over the matter.

  5. 马克已在西非工作了约6个月。

    Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months.

  6. 德里克已飞去东京查看这个问题。

    Derek flew to Tokyo to look at the problem.

  7. 杰克已推出了你那个问题得答案。

    Jack has reasoned out the answer to your question.

  8. 杰克已推出了你那个问题的答案。

    Jack has reasoned out the answer to your question.

  9. 杰克已冲动地决定举办一场宴会。

    Jack had decided on the spur of the moment to hold a party.

  10. 当我们来到酒会时,狄克已醉态百出。

    By the time we arrived at the party, Dick was well away.

  11. 杰克已通过考试, 我们要外出庆祝一下。

    Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.

  12. 迈克已上了年纪,但他仍然耳聪目明。

    Mike is getting on in years, but both his hearing and eyesight are good.

  13. 马克已告诉我他要参加一场面试。

    Mark had told me that he was down for an interview.

  14. 汤姆还没上船,杰克已把船划走了。

    Before Tom could reach the boat, Jack had pushed off.

  15. 我不知道他的侄子杰克已加入海军陆战队。

    I did not know his nephew Jack became a leatherneck.

  16. 杰克已离家出走, 丢下妻子和两个孩子。

    Jack bunked off and left his wife with two children.

  17. 杰克已预领工钱, 所以那时他虽然干活, 却再也得不到报酬了。

    Jack was then working for a dead horse for he had been paid in advance.

  18. 应克尽克, 末敌已去。

    The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

  19. 应克尽克,末敌已去。

    The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

  20. 这个想法让马克兴奋不已。

    This idea excited Mark lot.

  21. 他已精通萨克管的演奏。

    He has mastered the saxophone. a musician who plays the saxophone.

  22. 伊拉克的局势已趋恶化。

    The situation in Iraq has turned sour.

  23. 贝克汉姆否认已与皇马续约

    Beckham denies new Real deal

  24. 杰克,我已和卡尔订婚,我爱卡尔。

    Jack, Im engaged.Im marrying Cal.I love Cal.

  25. 比洛克西语比洛克西人的已消失的苏语

    The extinct Siouan language of the Biloxi.

  26. 胡克现在对取胜已不抱希望。

    Hook was fighting now without hope.

  27. 好了,杰克,我已准备好吃早饭了。

    Okay, jack. I'm ready for breakfast.

  28. 想到要去欧洲, 杰克兴奋不已。

    Jack took fire at the prospect of going to Europe.

  29. 尼克松已一蹶不振,心灰意冷了。

    Nixon was too shattered to reach out genuinely.

  30. 贝克小姐已在教育界安身立业。

    Miss Baker was established in the educational field.