




用皮、布或线等做成的长条物:~子。皮~。领~。一衣~水。像带子的长条物:~钢。~鱼。声~。车轮胎:车~。外~。区域:地~。温~。佩戴,披挂:~孝。~剑。随身拿着:携~。~挈。~着钱。捎,连着,顺便做:连~。~职。~累(lěi )(连累)。话……



汉语拼音:zǔ dài






  1. 丝织系带。

    《左传·哀公十一年》:“公使大史 固 归 国子 之元,寘之新篋,褽之以玄纁,加组带焉。” 元 李裕 《次宋编修显夫南陌诗》:“合欢连组带,解佩杂芳荃。”



  1. Eg. A circuit can be considered to have a topological (or graph) view, consisting of a labeled set of nodes and a labeled set of edges.


  2. Roy Hodgson is hoping to bring in the Eastlands pair who do not appear to have a first team future at Eastlands.


  3. In fact, wavelet transform filter equal to analysis signal by a set of band-pass filters.


  4. the grouping of musical phrases in a melodic line.


  5. Reason Analysis and Improvement on Feed-water Pump System with Insufficient Load Capacity


  6. Development of Cut Edge Joint Belt


  1. 荧光标记观察实验组骨沉积带明显宽于对照组。

    Fluorescent labeling of newly formed sutural bone demonstrated more osteogenesis on a experimental group in comparison with a control group.

  2. 带松弛项的双曲型守恒律组出现在诸多的物理系统中。

    The hyperbolic conservation laws with relaxation appear in many physical systems floodwith friction, magnetohydrodynamics, etc.

  3. 大别造山带北缘石炭系胡油坊组砾石特征及其构造意义

    Gravel features and tectonic implication in the carbonifereous huyoufang formation on the northern margin of dabie orogenic belt

  4. 有旋律的诗句中的一组带乐感的短。

    the grouping of musical phrases in a melodic line.

  5. 红王子锦带组培育苗技术研究。

    Study on the Technique of Histological Cultivation and its Seedlings Cultivation of Red Weigela Florida A. DC.

  6. 我的午餐是一份沙拉, 是组里的一个成员好心带给我的。

    Lunch was a salad at my desk , kindly brought to me by a team member.

  7. 一组男选手和一组女选手将被带南美的亚马孙森林。

    One team of women and one team of men were taken to the Amazon jungle in South America.

  8. 她为儿子穿了一身特大型的洗刷服, 带他走进重点护理组。

    She dresses him in an oversized scrub suitmarches him into ICU.

  9. 三角带成组传动

    multiple vee belt drive

  10. 我带来了一组设备

    I have a couple of units.

  11. 带游隙的轴承组的等级为

    The classes for bearing sets with clearance are

  12. 她带着一组学生去野营。

    She led a group of students on a camping expedition.

  13. 她带着一组学生去野营。

    She led a group of students on a camping expedition.

  14. 那么结论就是中间这组条带。

    And that's that middle set of bars.

  15. 带电绕组温升测试仪的设计

    The Design of the Measuring Instrument for Temperature Raise of Live Windings

  16. 高小组面带笑容给我们讲英语课。

    Mi Gao teaches us English with smiles on her face.

  17. 带入等式能使等式成立的一组值

    the set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation

  18. 带式输送机承载吊挂托辊组的设计

    Design of carrying suspension idlers of belt conveyor

  19. 前中带花, 叶的缎弓一组对比色。

    Contrast colour satin bow at base of panel on c. F.

  20. 组态混合对三轴超形变带的影响

    Influence of Configuration Admixtures on Superdeformed Triaxial Bands

  21. 板带热连轧机组活套高度模糊控制

    Fuzzy Logic Control for the Loopers Height on Hot Strip Tandem Mill

  22. 全空间中带时滞的反应扩散方程组

    DiffusionReaction Systems with Time Delays in Rn Domain

  23. 冷轧带钢机组中橡胶包覆辊轴的应用

    Application of roll axle covered by rubber in cold rolling mill

  24. 关键带的岩石可以分为两个岩组。

    The rocks of the Critical Zone can be grouped into two petrologic series.

  25. 张力使滑轮组中的传动带保持绷紧状态。

    Tension holds the belt in the pulleys.

  26. 现代藏语带助动词的谓语组块及其识别

    The predicate chunks with the auxiliary verbs and the recognition strategy in the modern Tibetan.

  27. 同步电机带散热匝磁极绕组制造设备研究。

    Study on Manufacturing Device of Pole Coil.

  28. 带可调电感的一匝绕组。可指定可调变压器。

    One winding wi adjustable inductance. Adjustable mutual inductor can be specified.

  29. 两人一组用自带的玩具练习, 教师指导。

    OK. Practise in pairs. Use your animal toys.

  30. 在起动后, 新卷附在连接带和穿过机组。

    At startup, a new coil is attached to the starter strip and threaded into the line.