




1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……




1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……



汉语拼音:mǎi kōng mài kōng









  • 【解释】:买卖双方都没有货款进出,只就进出之间的差价结算盈亏。也用来比喻政治上招摇撞骗的投机活动。
  • 【出自】:清《宣宗圣训·清道光帝上谕》:“奸商开设太和字号,邀群结伙,买空卖空。”
  • 【示例】:因为多年~的结果,文界就荒凉了,文章的形式虽然比较的整齐起来,但战斗的精神却较前有退无进。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. Funds used to offset each other means of trying to reduce risks.


  2. In business, whether you're setting up a bank or anything else, you must be realistic. You can't afford to run a business as a sweepstake.


  3. This paper company does fictitious transactions exclusively.


  4. Mr Lewis's hugely entertaining tale follows a handful of investors who shorted America's housing market.


  5. The Portfolio Selection Problem in Frictional Market Allowing Short Sale


  1. 买空的证券投机商

    long seller

  2. 唯一买空盒子的人是棺材铺的

    The only man who sells empty boxes is the undertaker.

  3. 票将在别的地方出售,因为在这里代理人把它买空了。

    The tickets will be on sale from somewhere else because the agencies have bought them up.

  4. 票将在别得地方出售, 因为在这里代理人把它买空了。

    The tickets will be on sale from somewhere else because the agencies have bought them up.

  5. 这个皮包公司专做买空卖空的生意。

    This paper company does fictitious transactions exclusively.

  6. 这类基金采用相互抵消的买空卖空手段以降低风险。

    Funds used to offset each other means of trying to reduce risks.

  7. 买回卖空出去的股票

    cover short

  8. 交保证金的买空

    margin buying

  9. 我们不搞卖空来发财。

    We won't sell short and make our fortune.

  10. 用卖空制度抑制过度投机

    Inhibiting Over Speculation by the Bull Rule

  11. 没有预先借货的卖空活动

    naked short selling

  12. 股指期货是合约, 买进卖空是概念。

    Index Futures contracts, Short selling is the concept of buying.

  13. 卖空是一种在股价下跌时赚钱的方法。

    Short selling is a way to money when a price drop.

  14. 卖空者抛售卖空的货来购买证券或商品

    the purchase of securities or commodities by a short seller to close out a short sale

  15. 他在证券交易上用卖空方式赚了大笔钱。

    He made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.

  16. 卖空是在股票价格下跌时挣钱的一种方法。

    Short selling is a way to make money when the a stock price falls.

  17. 卖空就是一种在股票价格下跌时赚钱的方法。

    Short selling is a way to money when a stock price falls.

  18. 随后,美国政府出台了针对金融类股的卖空禁令。

    Then there was the ban on short selling in financial stocks.

  19. 注意这个指标的前瞻显示卖空指标可能在近期看涨。

    Note that a lookahead at the indicator shows that the oversold indicator may flip to bullish in the nearterm.

  20. 注意这个指标得前瞻显示卖空指标可能在近期看涨。

    Note that a lookahead at the indicator shows that the oversold indicator may flip to bullish in the nearterm.

  21. 如果动力系统给出买入信号, 就不要做空。

    Hold off shorting if the Impulse System flashes a buy signal.

  22. 威尔斯先生在证券交易所通过卖空发了笔横财。

    Mr. Wells made a fortune on the stock exchange by selling short.

  23. 我的冰箱完全空了。我需要去买一些水果和蔬菜。

    My refrigerator is totally empty. I need to go buy some fruits and vegetables.

  24. 试图压低证券价格的行为, 通常以大量卖空为手段。

    An attempt to push down the price of a security, usually by short selling.

  25. 试图压低证券价格得行为,通常以大量卖空为手段。

    An attempt to push down the price of a security, usually by short selling.

  26. 更令人疑惑得是对德国金融类股票得卖空禁令。

    Even more puzzling is the ban on short selling German financial stocks.

  27. 更令人疑惑的是对德国金融类股票的卖空禁令。

    Even more puzzling is the ban on short selling German financial stocks.

  28. 今天,我没有买入白银或黄金,但我肯定不会卖空。

    I am not buying either today, but I am certainly not selling.

  29. 你可以低买高卖赚钱, 也可以在高点做空, 在低点回补赚钱。

    You can make money buying low and selling high or shorting and covering low.

  30. 在卖空交易中, 投资者借入股票, 然后卖出, 希望股价会下跌。

    In a short sale, investors borrow shares and sell them, hoping for the price to fall.


  1. 问:买空卖空拼音怎么拼?买空卖空的读音是什么?买空卖空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:买空卖空的读音是mǎikōngmàikōng,买空卖空翻译成英文是 speculate on the stock market

  2. 问:买空卖空拼音怎么拼?买空卖空的读音是什么?买空卖空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:买空卖空的读音是mǎikōngmàikōng,买空卖空翻译成英文是 bear and bull



卖空买空(mài kōng mǎi kōng),

解释:买卖双方都没有货、款进出,指到期的进出之间的差价结算盈亏。比喻投机倒把的行为。出处:清·郑观应《盛世危言·铸银》:“沪市卖空买空,昔年每元已涨过八钱。”示例:~的风险很大,得慎重考虑。用法: 作谓语、宾语、定语;指投机行为语法结构:并列