







汉语拼音:yào jì







  1. 亦作“ 药齐 ”。根据药典或处方配制成的药。

    《史记·孝武本纪》:“而遣方士入海求 蓬莱 安期生 之属,而事化丹沙诸药齐为黄金矣。” 晋 左思 《魏都赋》:“膳夫有官,药剂有司,肴醳顺时,腠理则治。” 宋 文莹 《玉壶清话》卷三:“上深悯之,且将亲幸其洞,擕药剂果饵慰抚士卒。”



  1. The invention is also directed to the use of at least one of said fusion proteins for the manufacture of a medicament.


  2. The main goal of recovery of sodium hydroxide was the economies due to the high replacement cost of this chemical.


  3. Three. Bio, Chem and Pharm. What's your Bio final like, John? I got to take a paper exam and give one paper report.


  4. written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient.


  5. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine before checking with the doctor or pharmacist first.


  6. Be sure to ask the doctor or pharmacist if any of your medicines cause dry mouth.


  7. Assumes any other responsibilities as directed by the Clinic Coordinator within the scope of the Pharmacist.


  8. I'm going to give you a pain-killing injection. In a minute or two, when it takes effect, you'll feel much better.


  9. The ingredients of the drink, founded by John Pemberton, a medicinal pharmacist in 1886, have always been a mystery.


  1. 药剂师宪章

    pharmacist charter.

  2. 药剂师配药

    to fill a prescription.

  3. 无害的药剂

    innocuous drugs.

  4. 药剂检查员

    pharmacist inspector.

  5. 药剂化学师

    pharmaceutical chemist.

  6. 药剂敏感性

    insecticide susceptibility.

  7. 药剂学博士

    Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy.

  8. 而不是药剂师。

    Not pharmacists.

  9. 白蚁预防药剂

    preventive termiticide.

  10. 药剂过量死亡

    dying of an overdose of drugs

  11. 药剂师的桌子

    The One With The Apothecary Table

  12. 非极性药剂

    non polar reagent

  13. 治头皮屑药剂

    Pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff

  14. 害物防治药剂

    pest control chemical

  15. 高锰酸钾复合药剂

    potassium permanganate composite

  16. 高效复配药剂

    effective complex medicine

  17. 投放药剂的命令

    called shot

  18. 药剂学讲义

    lecture notes on pharmacy.

  19. 药剂师精心配方。

    The pharmacist dispensed the prescription with great care.

  20. 魔鬼烈火药剂

    A Vial of Demon Fire Potion

  21. 你是药剂师 是的。

    You're the pharmacist.If you think it's OK,I do.

  22. 你需要一种药剂。

    You need a reagent.

  23. 他是一个药剂师。

    He was an apothecary.

  24. 值班药剂师/ 官员/ 医生

    duty chemist/ officer/ doctor

  25. 搜寻之眼药剂

    Elixir of the Searching Eye.

  26. 药剂师给瓶子贴标签。

    The pharmaceutist labelled the bottles.

  27. 药剂师问谁病了?

    The apothecary inquired who was ill?

  28. 这药剂可减轻瘙痒。

    This lotion relieves itching.

  29. 药剂师爱是万灵药。

    Apothecary Love is catholicon.

  30. 药剂师给了我油膏。

    The chemist gives me ointment.


  1. 问:药剂拼音怎么拼?药剂的读音是什么?药剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂的读音是yàojì,药剂翻译成英文是 medicament; drug; agentia

  2. 问:药剂师拼音怎么拼?药剂师的读音是什么?药剂师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂师的读音是yàojìshī,药剂师翻译成英文是 chemist; Pharmacist; a person licensed to prepar...

  3. 问:药剂员拼音怎么拼?药剂员的读音是什么?药剂员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂员的读音是yào jì yuán,药剂员翻译成英文是 apothecary

  4. 问:药剂士拼音怎么拼?药剂士的读音是什么?药剂士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂士的读音是yào jì shì,药剂士翻译成英文是 pharmacist

  5. 问:药剂学拼音怎么拼?药剂学的读音是什么?药剂学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂学的读音是,药剂学翻译成英文是 Pharmaceutics

  6. 问:药剂相拼音怎么拼?药剂相的读音是什么?药剂相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂相的读音是yào jì xiāng,药剂相翻译成英文是 pharmaceutical phage

  7. 问:药剂队拼音怎么拼?药剂队的读音是什么?药剂队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂队的读音是yào jì duì,药剂队翻译成英文是 Pharmacy Corps

  8. 问:药剂军士拼音怎么拼?药剂军士的读音是什么?药剂军士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂军士的读音是yào jì jūn shì,药剂军士翻译成英文是 Pharmacist's Mate

  9. 问:药剂喷射拼音怎么拼?药剂喷射的读音是什么?药剂喷射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂喷射的读音是yào jì pēn shè,药剂喷射翻译成英文是 chemical injection

  10. 问:药剂师的拼音怎么拼?药剂师的的读音是什么?药剂师的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂师的的读音是,药剂师的翻译成英文是 pharmaceutical

  11. 问:药剂解附拼音怎么拼?药剂解附的读音是什么?药剂解附翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂解附的读音是yào jì jiě fù,药剂解附翻译成英文是 reagent desorption

  12. 问:药剂进口拼音怎么拼?药剂进口的读音是什么?药剂进口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂进口的读音是yào jì jìn kǒu,药剂进口翻译成英文是 chemical inlet

  13. 问:药剂师协会拼音怎么拼?药剂师协会的读音是什么?药剂师协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂师协会的读音是yào jì shī xié huì,药剂师协会翻译成英文是 Pharmaceutical Society

  14. 问:药剂标准化拼音怎么拼?药剂标准化的读音是什么?药剂标准化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂标准化的读音是yào jì biāo zhǔn huà,药剂标准化翻译成英文是 standardization of drugs

  15. 问:药剂溶解箱拼音怎么拼?药剂溶解箱的读音是什么?药剂溶解箱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂溶解箱的读音是yào jì róng jiě xiāng,药剂溶解箱翻译成英文是 chemical dissolving box

  16. 问:药剂对应名称拼音怎么拼?药剂对应名称的读音是什么?药剂对应名称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂对应名称的读音是yào jì duì yìng míng chēng,药剂对应名称翻译成英文是 pharmacy equivalent name

  17. 问:药剂师军士长拼音怎么拼?药剂师军士长的读音是什么?药剂师军士长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂师军士长的读音是yào jì shī jūn shì zhǎng,药剂师军士长翻译成英文是 Chief Pharmacist's Mate

  18. 问:药剂师责任险拼音怎么拼?药剂师责任险的读音是什么?药剂师责任险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药剂师责任险的读音是yào jì shī zé rèn xiǎn,药剂师责任险翻译成英文是 druggist's liability insurance


